BBH's campfire fun~popping in

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
I am not for sure, but I think they are iris tubers. (Someone please tell me the real term for them, I know it isn't "tuber"!!)

Anyway, I have them all gathered up and set aside to give away or sell on CL.

Quick funny, I had some uninvited guests (whom I really love and love it when they just "stop by" too) drop in when I was out there. I have a tall hedge blocking my house and front yard from the dirt road etc. I live down a long dirt road with a dead end too. Now what would y'all ladies be wearing (or not wearing) on a hot afternoon digging in the dirt when you don't think anyone can see?

They drive a hybrid too, so I didn't hear them until they honked right before turning into the driveway. (Their trademark for some reason.) Needless to say, I had to run in the house quick! :ep :lol:

Anyway, still no pipping eggs. :(


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I had ...funny incident once with a welcome drop-in guest.

I had hosted the wedding reception for friends one year. Several days later they still hadn't picked up all of their stuff. I told them when they were ready, to just come on by, since their schedule was so busy and so was mine. It was hard to co-ordinate. I told them I would leave the back gate unlocked until they got their stuff.
So I was lying in the sun one afternoon, in my very private back yard. I wasn't exactly covered up by any means. I was enjoying a magazine and a glass of wine.
All of a sudden I hear a noise coming from the side yard and in walks my friend's husband with HIS FATHER :ep. I had the tiniest of towels lying next to me and quickly threw is over myself, barely covering anything. Friend's husband excused himself real quick mumbling something about forgetting something in the car, and I ran into the house to get decent :lol:
I then let them in through the front door.
He had rung the doorbell, which I didn't hear since I was in the back yard. So he assumed I wasn't home and came in through the back gate. :lol: Oooops