BeccaOH: Update of just STUFF


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
Yes, all posted ideas are here to share, so feel free to use. :D

Typo, grrr


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
My weekend went pretty well. I got most of my garden in over Saturday and Sunday. Still have some tomato plants to set. I was surprised, though, that it got down to 44 last night!

Had this sign up for the second weekend in a row, but have only had one neighbor stop so far.

So, I mentioned about the free guinea adults I had given to me. Sunday morning I woke to one of the hens sitting on top of my enclosed chicken run, terrorizing the chickens with her buckwheat call. She pushed a window screen out the coop to make her escape.

So I figured I'd go ahead and let the other 2 out. I was excited to get the tick patrol going.

I came home from church to a voice message from my neighbor, who upon returning from church found 3 guinea roaming his yard. I guess it is about 1/4 mile from my place. His yard is a lovely shaded area and his barn has lots of corrals and such.

I checked on the guinea and tried to tempt them with chicken scratch, but their was no cornering or capturing them. I tried again last night around 9:00 and actually "herded" them a bit of the way down the road toward my place until they ran off into field and appeared to loop back toward the neighbor's place. I talked to the neighbor and gave him free eggs. He really seemed okay with the guineas hanging out there. His dog was leaving them alone.

So I resigned myself to lost guinea. Glad they were free! I think I'll start with keets and raise them up to know where home is.

But this morning I get up, and Hermione is back up on the chicken run squawking and her buddies are in with the geese. Guess we'll see how long they stay this time. If I ever do corner them, I think they'll go to auction to make room for keets hatching the week of the 15th.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
Guineas are Evil:(

My mother called me and the guineas have adopted the pen where my geese are. They keep chasing the geese and pulling at their feathers. The geese tried to hide under a rose of sharon bush. Mom is going to attempt to move the geese. I just hope the guinea don't go after the ducks. But so far the guinea seem to think they are trapped in the geese pen even through the fence is only 5 feet tall.

I ran to Wal-Mart at lunch to pick up a fish net. I'm going to attempt to catch those guinea. :rant Too bad I have to wait a whole week now until auction day rolls around. Maybe I'll put them on Craigslist. Any takers?


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Becca, did you have them in a coop without a run?

We usually keep our guineas in a run, and every so often rotate them to a different pen, to get an idea of the place that is their home. We do this for a couple months before we let them free-range.
We learned from expirience though. When we first got guineas we got twenty keets, and we kept them in our shed. When they got old enough we let them all out. Eventually we were down to three after a day, which were ones we managed to herd back to our house, a couple others were purposely hit on the road by idiots, and the rest ran away.

Its the same with peafowl in breeding season.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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BeccaOH said:
Guineas are Evil:(

My mother called me and the guineas have adopted the pen where my geese are. They keep chasing the geese and pulling at their feathers. The geese tried to hide under a rose of sharon bush. Mom is going to attempt to move the geese. I just hope the guinea don't go after the ducks. But so far the guinea seem to think they are trapped in the geese pen even through the fence is only 5 feet tall.

I ran to Wal-Mart at lunch to pick up a fish net. I'm going to attempt to catch those guinea. :rant Too bad I have to wait a whole week now until auction day rolls around. Maybe I'll put them on Craigslist. Any takers?
:gig :gig :gig :gig :gig :gig

MY guineas went to the Auction today!

I almost feel sorry for whom ever purchases them....................almost. :hide

:lol: :gig :gig


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
The yard attached to that coop is a duck yard with only 4-foot fencing. I do have space I can put a run off the back of the coop, but I hadn't gotten anything fenced in yet.

If I decide to go the keet route, I'm going to have to get a book and study up more on them. Right now I'm just mad at the beasts.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
Quail_Antwerp said:
BeccaOH said:
Guineas are Evil:(

My mother called me and the guineas have adopted the pen where my geese are. They keep chasing the geese and pulling at their feathers. The geese tried to hide under a rose of sharon bush. Mom is going to attempt to move the geese. I just hope the guinea don't go after the ducks. But so far the guinea seem to think they are trapped in the geese pen even through the fence is only 5 feet tall.

I ran to Wal-Mart at lunch to pick up a fish net. I'm going to attempt to catch those guinea. :rant Too bad I have to wait a whole week now until auction day rolls around. Maybe I'll put them on Craigslist. Any takers?
:gig :gig :gig :gig :gig :gig

MY guineas went to the Auction today!

I almost feel sorry for whom ever purchases them....................almost. :hide

:lol: :gig :gig
:plbb Let me know how much they bring.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
So, when I got home last night a guinea was flogging on my poor gray tipped goose. I immediately let the geese into the yard. Lucy, grayish goose, let me hold and cuddle her while her heart pounded. Mom took them around to a dog yard (their first outside pen) while I went for the fish net.

It is so cute how geese follow you like puppies. :)

Those guinea didn't leave the goose yard all day, but when I went in they started to fly. Two got out and headed to the creek. One girl misjudged her leap and landed in the goose bathtub, so I was able to net her. Guinea helmets get caught in fishnet. She was cut, but she'll be okay.

I decided to work in my garden and let things settle down. The guineas were calling to each other LOUDLY and very soon the boy was back and sitting on the roof of the coop where his mate was now locked. (Love is the downfall of every young man. ;)) He soon wandered into the open doors of the coop to see her. I quietly followed him and shut the double doors behind me. Then it was easy to shoo him into the guinea cage. The other female did the same thing as she came looking for her buddies, and I just had to shoo her into the cage.

The windows in their section are now closed so they can't push out the screens. The cage door is a screen door that I'll need to watch and possibly reinforce.

If I have to keep these guys in complete lock down and their only use is for eggs/breeding, then I don't want them. And I don't want to risk them getting loose again.

So, what's a good price to ask for a trio of guinea?

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