Bee~ Journal of then...


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
The medicine wheel thing is quite different from the one I expected.

I have heard of a Medicine Wheel Garden that is a medicinal herb garden planted within the spokes of an old wagon wheel. The wagon wheel is laid on the ground and a different medicinal herb is planted between each of the spokes. Sometimes metal edging is added to keep invasive species (like mint) at bay. There are usually 8 to 10 different herbs plants and usually pretty ones are best. A herb tea Medicine Wheel Garden would contain herbs like chamomile, echinacea, sage, a couple of mints, yarrow, bee balm (Monarda didyma) , and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis).

I have heard that pioneer women often planted gardens like this.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Beekissed said:
Went out to the coop to relocate that broody to the broody pen and got a big surprise! Those little biddies are up on the roost with their mama! :ep

Now, folks, these roosts are a little over chest high on me and I'm 5'4"....these little chicks are just 4 weeks old and don't even have all their feathers yet...but apparently had enough wing feathers to make the height requirement! :p

Every star in the sky tonight and off in the distance I can hear spring peepers singin'......heavenly! :love

Sprouts are doing well and seem strong...I've been brushing them whenever I think about it and tomorrow I will thin the ones that have a few too many extra seeds. I don't know why I didn't think of grow lights and shelves years ago.....guess I've just been doing alot of extra reading and obsessing this year! ;)

Isn't all this soooooo exciting? Growing things and watching creatures grow, building projects and trying new things...just to see what happens. I can't wait to put all these perennials around my home and all these herbs along side the house.

If they bloom this year, it will sure be a car stopper...along with the multi-colored hair sheep and a big black pig grazing in the yard. These nosey mountain folk will sure get an eyeful when they rubberneck this summer! :lol: I'm telling you folks, very few people around here have flowers in their yards and certainly not many perennials. If I can show folks how nice it looks, maybe next year they will buy some perennials from me! :D
Can I come live with you?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
By all means, Dace! :) Please do so....I'm severely outnumbered by males in this house! :lol:

It is 70 degrees today and most of my day was wasted at work, moving our offices to another building.....but I intend to get out there and get to doin' REAL work in a minute or two....just taking a breather. You know, it would be soooooo nice to have a gal around whose interested in these things, so we could plot and plan them boys just do NOT get it! :rolleyes:

Free, I read about that configuration of gardening being used by the Indians in a no-till gardening method. Tall things in the middle of the circle, next in height outside the corn and so on and so forth. It sounded like a very cute and clever way to make good use of space if you don't have much space to use.....AND if you don't need many veggies but would just like to have fresh ones to eat in season.

ETA: Got another broody, a 2 year old Black Aussie who has never been broody before. I tagged her leg because, when I checked her, she wasn't laying every day. Now I guess I know why...her hormones are off a little. I put her on some big brown eggs from my best layers last night and she is sitting well.

My red EE will be hatching hers next week if everything goes like it is now. She is sitting on 9....1 of hers and 8 of the x-large, brown shiney eggs. Can't wait to see how many hatch successfully. :) I just love this getting chicks for free! :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Red EE hen hatched out two peeps today...a little earlier than what I expected. Still has 7 more to go! The chicks look like a black star and maybe a New Hampshire Red.

Its such a treat and a surprise to go out and see those little heads poking out from under mama's wing. So sweet! :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
It has been raining for days here! I know we need it, but its a very cold rain and it also snowed and sleeted today.

Today is my birthday~Earth Day wouldn't ya know it! :p 43 big ol' years behind me....... :lol:

The new chicks are fairing well and the 1 mo. old pair are doing great with the flock. The little girl is humongous!!! Definitely out of the big, grey thunder buns that I processed and ate for Easter.

If the feather sexing thingy works, it looks like I may have 2 girls and one boy on the new chicks.

Seedlings are coming along and seem strong enough. I don't know why I haven't been doing this for years! Just never occured to me to do it, I guess....can you imagine? I wonder if that is how most folks are.....just doodling along and not really exploring the possibilities.

Case in point: I was talking to a co-worker today and, like everyone else, her husband is unemployed(since Nov.) and they are struggling to pay bills. Her solution? The more hours! No mention of cutting back on paying for new cars, cell phones, cable TV, getting rid of some of the 17 horses (yeah, I know, you horse never cut back on your horses :rolleyes: ) or canning up a big garden. Just work more hours.

And she rolled her eyes when she saw me "saving" those nice plastic jugs out of the trash....... :p

I'm anxious to grow something.....I just need to see that soil all soft and fertile, awaiting my seedlings and seeds. I live for seeing plants grow to their purpose and being able to pluck food off the vine or plant. It never gets old for me and I always thank God for the miracle of seeing it each year. This may sound funny, but I drive by my house so slowly just to see how beautiful the garden heart swells with thankfulness that its in my yard and I get to walk in it and tend it and benefit from the beauty of it each season.

This year will be even better, as I venture into sheep and pigs on pasture and utilize all that pretty green lawn. With those additions, I will feel like almost all the place is being used for a purpose~to grow food. I will even get to utilize the walnuts that fall in the front yard by feeding them to the pig!

I have no idea how folks go without growing something each pale and plain life must be without experiencing one of the most intriguing parts of life, tending the land and being a steward of the animals and plants. For a little work, one can provide food for their families that doesn't require punching a time clock and putting in 40 hours to get the money to buy it.

Tomorrow I will find out the ship date of my middle boy for basic training. The youngest will ship out in June. The oldest is still looking for a job but I'm hoping he decides to go back to college. The oldest made me a cake and decorated the house for my birthday....after he cleaned it, did all the laundry and dishes and made fresh bread! I love that kid! At least he is contributing to the household the best he can, you know?

Life is so full of possibilities and changes....I'm so blessed to have eyes to see and a heart and mind that notices all the little(and big) things that can enrich a life.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEE!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs

I know what you mean, we just found out today that my FIL is FINALLY on board with giving us some 6 or 8 acres!!! I'm trying not to get excited yet but I can't help but picture animals grazing and food growing and chickens roaming around and my kids running barefoot through it all!

Good to hear that the boys are living up to your expectations! Sounds like the tough love is really working for you!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEE!!! :celebrate

Everything you said about being stewards of the land and animals is spot on for me, too. How can someone not enjoy nurturing God's creation?

My neice and her DH are in the same boat about money and horses. Too much of one and not enough of the other. They don't realize how beneficial a garden would be for them. They have three kids. Right there is 3 little helpers.

God Bless you and your sons for their service.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Hope you had a Happy Birthday. Sorry I'm late with my Happy wishes.

You should write a book. You sure have a way with words.

I have often wondered the same thing about people who just want more hours or more money but never cut back on anything. I have even noticed that some people seem to buy more when they are suffering financially. I guess its a mental feel better thing.

I totally agree with you - its such a good feeling to watch your hard work come to fruitation.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
Look and see.
Bee is forty three.

Let's all say
Happy Birthday.

I want you to know.
You are slow.
I turned that age years ago! :old

Here's hoping that you have many more.
With you on the forum, life is never a bore.

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