Bee~ Journal of then...

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
I am looking into the basic H right now. What other livestock or family pets will it work for?

I want to raise my little sheep as naturally as possible, so I am so glad to have you to help guide me. I have been putting a little ACV in her water and she is mainly eating fresh green grass with a little added timmothy hay. I am so glad you have sheep now, this will so help me.

(You have a heep of sheep! :lol:)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Congrats on your new sheep, Bee! They are certainly pretty new additions!

I wouldn't call it quitting on milking your cow, you just know what you can handle and can't right now. You have to make decisions that benefit you and your situation.

Guess I've been kicked out of the first dibs spot on Shade????? :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
keljonma said:
justusnak said:
I need to find a place to get this Basic H without haveing to use a credit card. We dont have any, and wont get one. Any suggestions??
I haven't purchased any Shaklee products in ages. However, I used to get them from a woman at work, who was a representative. You may want to contact the 800 number on Shaklee's website and see if they can tell you of a distributor/consultant in your area.
Thanks Kel! I am going to look into that now! :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Quail_Antwerp said:
Congrats on your new sheep, Bee! They are certainly pretty new additions!

I wouldn't call it quitting on milking your cow, you just know what you can handle and can't right now. You have to make decisions that benefit you and your situation.

Guess I've been kicked out of the first dibs spot on Shade????? :p
Well, we'll see how big she is come fall and what I should be asking for her. I'll be trying to keep with current market prices for this type of cross, age, wt. and such. I don't know why this guy expressed interest as he does not currently have any cattle, but I was quite surprised when he mentioned it. He may not be real serious, so don't worry....Shade will probably be here and ready for sale come Oct. or Nov. ;)

Hey, free! How did you like the after pics? So much for the doom and gloom on her health status and prognosis. She seems to be fairing quite well here on my little acreage. :)

BBH, I have used Basic H on all my animals.....and myself! :D I wouldn't exactly follow any of MY advice on sheep, as these are my very first and I am just following my instincts and those of other's before me with whom I agree about not using chemicals to insure good health.

I'm always looking for alternatives to chemical treatments, for me and my animals.

I will be saving all my pumpkin seeds this fall, as they are supposed to be a great anti-helminic. I will incorporate them into the animal's feed before winter comes and see how they work.

The sheep are growing in leaps and bounds~pun intended :lol: ~as they can certainly leap over my son's head when they feel cornered. They got turned onto their first real paddock this evening....and also learned the power of the fence! :rolleyes: Their little tummies are bulging! I don't think I'm overfeeding them....just a few handfuls of feed and part of a flake of hay morning and evening. Now, of course, I will only give a little hay to counter their first fresh graze and will eventually faze this out also.

Peeps, I have most of my upper garden in!!! Such a weight is off my shoulders about that! Tomorrow evening, weather permitting, two of my blocks of corn and pumpkins will be planted. That leaves two more blocks, some more lettuce and such, sunflowers and nasturtiums, and more onions.

Better late than never! We are having our first warm weather although the nights are still pretty cool.

Need to mulch the areas that require mulching and fine tune my beds and then its just maintenance after everything is planted......whew! I am so getting relieved!

My boys are being so very good to me and keeping everything nice....their way of softening the blow of missing the youngest son. I heard from him and he sounds so homesick. I will write to him every chance I get when I get an address. I think he will need it.

Tomorrow I can get on here and read up on everyone else's journals....I am so far behind on that!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Well, folks....I pulled a real bonehead stunt today! I went to the livestock sales to get an extra calf to put on Blossom. Came home with two and one was hardly worth getting. Heat of the moment, asked me if I wanted two, dumb sis said, "Get it!" and I nodded before I even thought about it......idiot!!! :he :he

Two Jersey bull calves, one bigger, maybe a 2 wk. old, one smaller, maybe a day or two old. The big one is vigorous and healthy, the smaller has the yellow squirts, of course. :rolleyes: Don't worry, I will take all the usual recommended restoratives in my nursing repertoire!

Blossom was tied and fed, while calves were introduced to her udder. She started to get a little restless at first and was trying to scent them, shifting a little and trying to kick a little. I dabbed a little Vicks near her nostrils and she immediately settled down to her cud. The larger calf, T-Bone, dug in and was pretty aggressive. The younger, Jerky, had to be coaxed and seemed too weak to be too aggressive. So we sort of improvised, heated some of Blossom's milk from the fridge, added a small dose of antispasmodic and syringed it down. He did well with it. Tonight will tell if he lives or not.

My sis ( the cause of the extra calf with all her urging and sorrow for his skinny little butt) was all for giving him the whole vet's medicine chest of vaccines, electrolytes, vitamin shots, selinium, etc. Of course, I will do my own thing and things will either turn out or usual! :rolleyes:

I will try to get pics tomorrow. Blossom did very well and the calves are really pretty, golden colored boys with healthy coats, bright eyes and a strong stance. Jerky is a little thin and will quickly deplete his electrolytes if the antispasmodic doesn't stop the cycle.

Why, oh, why did I take the second calf? :/ He has a 50/50 chance. The larger one will do very well and has the moxy to compete with Shade for food.

Have dabbed all calves with Vicks on bottoms and tops of heads in preparation for letting Blossom feed them in the paddock in a couple of days. Until then, I will tie her and make sure everyone has a good feed.

Will keep everyone posted if Jerky lives. I have upped Blossoms feed ration until she gets used to the extra milk production and then will gauge how she does. I am adding BOSS to her sweet feed and will also cont. to add eggs once a day while the calves are putting big demands on her. We'll see how it goes. If it doesn't pan out, I can always take one calf back to the market when its nice and fattened with a month of Jersey cream.

So...there you have it. My second out of character move in a matter of a couple of months! What in the world am I doing here??? :idunno

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
That is how I trailored my stallion (back in the day) with mares, I put two big dallops of vicks in his nostrils and he acted like a lamb the whole way!

I breast fed. If demand goes up, production does too. Dont mama cows feed other mama cow's calves in the field too? I hope it isn't too late for the little boy. Work your magic Bee. (I almost called you Moo!!! :lol: )

I can't wait to see how the boys (bovine ones) do!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Wow, bee never a dull moment around your farm. Sounds like Blossom is going to be doing just what you intended of her. Producing and supplying some major milk. T bone And Jerky should be just fine. They are in good hands. Let us know how it goes.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Aww, Bee, I always knew that you were a burnt marshmallow! (Crusty on the outside, soft and gooey on the inside! :gig)

I'm sure you will do fine. This sounds like the perfect solution to your milking problem, now nothing will go to waste. And you can still milk later when everyone gets weaned, so you will still have the option of joining me in my cheese frustrations and victories!

Can you sprout a little barley for her to increase the protein? Can cows eat sprouted grains?

If little Jerky doesn't make it, at least he will have had a few hours or days in a loving, nurturing environment......more hospice for you. I bet he will make it, though, if he has enough fight in him, you'll get him through.

I will be watching for updates with bated breath.....


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
We will see how it all goes but this little one is pretty thin. I have no idea why I nodded my head when he said, "Do you want both of them?" Crazy! :barnie My sis was the devil on my shoulder....and I never listen to her! Still shaking my head over that one.... :idunno

I don't normally let loose of a dollar that quickly! :D

I'll pray for this little one and let God handle his life. :)