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- #2,111
Mountain Sage
What a great day.....it finally rained a little here!
We needed it pretty badly.
Ugly Betty still looks clean and fluffy....for now. She looks pretty jaunty in her little red color.
My son and I actually went to a movie theatre today, which is something we rarely do as they are pretty expensive...but this one was only $5 a ticket. We watched Ice Age 3 and Eli laughed more and louder than any kid in that theatre!
It tickled me to death!
I'm trying to upload a new pic of Shade and how she looks now. She is still pretty but not as fat and glossy as she was here at my house. When I get her and Blossom back here, I'll get them fattened and pretty before their sale this fall.
Tomorrow I hope to get out on my garden and potter around. You know that good kind of pottering where you sucker tomatoes and pull a weed here and there. Tie up a plant, hill up another. I miss getting to do that. By golly, next year I am going to be more organized and have a good tiller before garden season ever arrives!
This is little Slim Shadey right now in the breeding pastures:

Ugly Betty still looks clean and fluffy....for now. She looks pretty jaunty in her little red color.
My son and I actually went to a movie theatre today, which is something we rarely do as they are pretty expensive...but this one was only $5 a ticket. We watched Ice Age 3 and Eli laughed more and louder than any kid in that theatre!

I'm trying to upload a new pic of Shade and how she looks now. She is still pretty but not as fat and glossy as she was here at my house. When I get her and Blossom back here, I'll get them fattened and pretty before their sale this fall.
Tomorrow I hope to get out on my garden and potter around. You know that good kind of pottering where you sucker tomatoes and pull a weed here and there. Tie up a plant, hill up another. I miss getting to do that. By golly, next year I am going to be more organized and have a good tiller before garden season ever arrives!
This is little Slim Shadey right now in the breeding pastures: