Bee~ Journal of then...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
MorelCabin said:
Hey Bee! Just popping in real quick to say hi!! I miss you! LOL! And Quail too! Life's been...well, life :) Not all bad, not all good...but I'm still alive and everyone is well:)
Congrats on marrying off your oldest son! One down! LOL! It'll be Nana time for you before you know it!
Oh and don't worry about the weeds. There has to be some in every pasture, they make it more colorful and amusing as you're driving by:)
Love ya!
Hey, Girl!!!! Miss you too! :hugs I love babies, so won't be too disappointed to become a grandma if it should happen...they say not for some years but we all know how that goes, don't we? Somewhere after marriage a woman naturally just gets a yearning.... :love

I never worry about weeds.... sometimes I even pick them and make lovely flower arrangements of them. :love

Good to know you are still out there running your race! How's the quilt shop?


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
You will LOVE being a Nana when it happens, I know I sure do! Sewing is put away for the summer, we spent alot of the summer on the lake, it has been way too hot this year to do anything else. The house has been an oven until last week when the cooler nights started in.LOVE the cooler nights. I think I have been in a permant hot flash since April. And I used to love the summer LOL! Hormones have a way of really making you change your likes over time!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Thought I'd update the ol' journal. The garden is almost completely done now, just waiting on the peppers, pumpkins, gourds and wildflowers to finish their swan songs. The rest of the rows have been plowed under and sown to clover except for three tomato plants that are not going gently into the night~still producing a few edibles. Still have half a row of taters to dig, the rest have been stored~check. The onions~small crop that they were~are cleaned and stored~check. Corn and chicken in the freezer~check.

Hauled two loads of firewood today, cleaned out the woodshed and made some modifications to the wood storage capabilities. Used the Jeep to drag some trees that had fallen in the hard storms we had this spring and then the Bat and I used poles to role/shove them into the wood line~check, check!

Getting bites on the ad regarding the chicken coop..hope to sell it before fall. Also hope to modify the porch of the log storage building to accommodate some hens and Toby, my old roo. If we don't sell the coop, we'll just use it instead of rigging up a hillbilly coop on the side.

Hope to have all the wood for winter in the shed and in additional stacks before the end of Sept. Getting an early start this year and found a place that is selling firewood for $30 a truckload...and it's good wood, so we are thanking the Lord and filling the sheds!

Jake killed two possums in the past week...the old dog has still got it! The new mousers are doing well and learning the rules kittens given to us from a "generous" family member. We have named them Mutt and Jeff and don't hold much hope for their survival in these woods...the foxes and 'yotes ate my last cat, Spike. He was older and savvy, so we don't expect kittens to fare much better.

Hope to process and freeze the few pumpkins we have so as to make pumpkin bread this winter. Hope to change out the wood stove to a more efficient model...didn't get to build the rocket mass heater I so wanted to build this year. The Bat decided she didn't want to try something like that. One day I will build one.

Hope to invest in a wood splitter this next year so we can cut and split our own wood when the opportunity arises here. Hope to develop a new layer flock that can subsist on the wonderful forage here and without supplemental feed, but still produce eggs. I'll feed fermented feeds in the winter but during the warmer months, the birds are going to have to forage for all their needs.

Thanking God for all blessings~good health, a snug home for the winter, for food grown and stored, for providing for our needs.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You have been busy! Good find on the $30 firewood. Wishing you luck on selling the coop. I'm about to start fermenting feed also. I am a believer in the advantages, need to jump on the bandwagon and figure out the best set-up for my needs.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I fed FF to my CX this past spring and was very satisfied with the outcome and the cost effectiveness of it. Have you visited the FF for meat birds thread on BYC? Lots of different folks with different setups on that thread...good info on there.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Fall is coming!!! :weee The leaves are changing and falling, the nights are getting cool, the garden is almost at an end and firewood is mounting in the wood shed...and I'm wearing my snuggly long nightie! All signs that fall is on its way.... :celebrate

Made a couple loaves of banana nut bread today...this recipe is fail proof! It even makes me look like a good cook... :D Excellent taste, looks and texture. :drool

I am thanking God for the cooler weather and the miracle that is the changing of the seasons. Makes me grateful for a warm, snug home, food stored, wood stored, and that the humidity and heat of summer is almost over.

I have been doing some in-depth Bible study and finding excellent things via YouTube in line with where God is leading me. Found out things I never knew and my eyes have been opened in a way they have never been....and the result is a better understanding of the Old Testament, something about which I had been praying. Even a better understanding of the world in general. So glad to have discovered these things but feeling it all is a bit waking from a good dream into a bad place and wishing you could go back to dreaming~ but glad you aren't asleep for the bad things that are about to happen.

I have been praising God all day and thanking Him for my children and their big hearts. I am proud of them for the love they show one another and to others...I never really experienced that much in my own family, so am very happy to see it happening with my children. I couldn't really ask for more! :love

Hope everyone is well out there and knowing that I think of you often and pray for you too. :hugs

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
:frow Hey Bee! I think about folks on here more than most folks in my real life. :hugs

I am so ready for cooler weather

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