Bee~ Journal of then...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Yeah.....enough ranting about foolish people! Time to be thankful that I'm not that way! :p

I'm going to kill my big, blue rooster, folks! :( I hate to have to do it but he is creating more problems than he is worth. Since he took over power, he has bullied my old rooster horribly and has damaged several hens with his increased breeding status. One of my favorites has permanent wing damage because he is too big to breed normally....he stands on their wings and takes forever to balance his enormous bulk on their backs~so he has scraped the feathers off of 3 of my best hens!

Big is not always better when it comes to chickens, I have found.

I am going to cull this weekend....all nonlayers and big, bully roosters. Will freeze this batch to use for my yearly redneck BBQ next weekend~provided the weather isn't too bad! Last spring, if you remember, we put the hog trough up on the old laundry tub's legs and used fencing for a grill. It did wonderfully and the chicken was superb!

I was going to turn Sweet Lou into some great stew, but instead he will be yummy BBQ!!! Take that sweet rhyme, Tallman! :plbb


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Bee! You made me feel guilty over my 7 ferrets! :hide

We have the ferrets and the yorkie, they have no purpose. Ok, well the yorkie earned her keep because she killed a mouse that we were having issues with. Since then, she hasn't done anything to contribute to the household. :rolleyes:

The ferrets contribute nothing, nor do I run them to the vet.

Hmm now that I think about it, no one goes to the vet unless it's life or death. Then they might still not go, just be helped into death...hmm...

:hu Maybe I'm heartless?


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Speaking of DD was saying she wanted some little dog. I told her no more useless animals! Any animal in our household must serve a purpose..... after all, all of the critter care falls on me!

We do have a small worthless dog. He is a sheltie and really just a giant hairball. This really is a learn as you go life huh?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I think dogs and cats, and other affectionate pets can serve a purpose of companionship for lonely people...its good for one's health to pet them and care for them.

Pets are a touchy subject...people have come to depend on them like family. Whereas families used to be close and support one another, provide love and affection, now they are not as available. Now pets are the stand-ins for the give and take of affection and caring.

Aly, only you can decide if the ferrets are taking money away from your family, you know? I know its a good thing to feel like you are helping some needy animal and I'm sure God will provide if this is what He means for you to do with your life. But when the chips are down and its feed pets or pay bills or feed the family....its a decision we may all be making pretty soon. Fortunately for you, a ferret is good for getting rid of other rodents and pests...they could conceivably fend for themselves if they needed to do so. Just like my cats.

I think its probably like anything else in life....balance is everything. When things get out of balance, that's when things go haywire. I try to look ahead and watch for things that may create an imbalance in my life, so I won't be emotionally or financially torn apart trying to maintain everything.

The difference between a pet and a food animal? If I get in a bind, I can sell the food animal to someone and it will bring a fair price. If not, I can eat it...end of problem.

If I am desparate enough to sell the dogs because I can no longer afford to feed them? I doubt anyone will pay me money for one! :rolleyes: When the older dog dies, I will not be replacing her. Jake will just have to use the cats and us for companionship! :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Oh Quail...dont feel guilty about haveing pet ferrets! I am sure they have a purpose. Like....when you are sad..or they make you laugh? When you are lonely, can you cuddle with one or more? Pets have a purpose...Like Bee said..when family isnt there for one another we rely on our pets. I am sure if it came between feeding your ferrets, or your family, the ferrets would be a little skinnier or sold. We all have to have SOME creature comforts. Mine are the poms. pretty useless, other than letting me know when every little thing outside moves. This would include leaves! :rolleyes: BUT...if it came down to me or them...they would have to go. I just dont see it getting that bad here. We will always have lots of chickens....or wild game.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Pets are a big part of my life. I don't need to justify any of them to anyone outside my dh! (which can be a challenge at times.....:p) I agree, though, that the balance in general is to put more emphasis on "animal rights" then on human value, especially children.

As I tell my dh, they are much cheaper than psychotherapy! :lol: But we each make our own decisions as to how our household money is spent. I won't give discounts on my services, though, to people who choose to smoke, can afford to go to restaurants, movies, vacations, etc, or keep more than one small pet. Older people should have easy to care for pets, they will live longer, healthier lives.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Exactly! I don't have to justify my use of animals for food, just like I don't question those folks I work with about all the animals they are working a job to support.

The balance I look for is a way to have some animals~which bring pleasure to my life~and still be able to justify having myself. If I can sell the offspring or use them for food, I don't have to feel bad about having something beautiful and soft and fun in my yard. :D

Growing things, tending things, nurturing the plants and animals makes me feel like I'm a part of things. Like I'm doing the work that God intended for me. I nurture humans all day long on my job and I have very little control over interventions or outcomes.

With my little farmette, I can control the way they are tended, the way they grow and what quality of life they may derive from that. It has a certain level of satisfaction for me to see healthy, thriving, active animals dancing over the green grass of spring.

I know this sounds awful, but my job can be depressing when I think of what these people have done to their bodies and minds that contributed to their own misery.

When I think about the ones who have reached the end of their lives and still have no self-actualization...they've had a lifetime to resolve these issues and are still not content, are bitter, petty, self-absorbed. Not all of them, but a large portion. Its sad and it takes alot out of me to watch it and say nothing, because there is nothing I can say. Each person has to find it on their own. I feel so helpless to help when folks are like that...but I so want to.

Coming home to my good kids, beautiful scenery, pretty and happy animals is like therapy to me. So, I can understand in some part, about people and their pets. I just don't make an obsession out of my love of animals. They have their place on this earth and its not above the lives of humans and their suffering.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 16, 2008
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Bee--you are going to laugh at me! I have been trying experiments, raising chickens, vegetables, shaving the fat off the budget and everything SS. But I can't for the life of me cull my mean a$$ rooster. He beats me up almost every day. My lovely husband warned me when the roo was small to get him out of there but nooooo I just couldn't. Now it's like the wild wild west when I feed the hens. And I don't think I can eat him either. But I would if I could and I want to get a deer too. Maybe there is hope for me yet? :hide I do admire you and your boys, I had three kids who loved to work as a family but they grew up and moved away. Now I have a step son who is ghetto fabulous and thinks I'm off my rocker. He's a "joy sucker" :barnie But that's another story.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
shareneh said:
Bee--you are going to laugh at me! I have been trying experiments, raising chickens, vegetables, shaving the fat off the budget and everything SS. But I can't for the life of me cull my mean a$$ rooster. He beats me up almost every day. My lovely husband warned me when the roo was small to get him out of there but nooooo I just couldn't. Now it's like the wild wild west when I feed the hens. And I don't think I can eat him either. But I would if I could and I want to get a deer too. Maybe there is hope for me yet? :hide I do admire you and your boys, I had three kids who loved to work as a family but they grew up and moved away. Now I have a step son who is ghetto fabulous and thinks I'm off my rocker. He's a "joy sucker" :barnie But that's another story.
I wouldn't laugh at you! I'm too busy laughing at my sis who has the same problem~except its with 3 roos, a tom turkey, and countless ganders! They ALL attack her everytime she goes out in the yard! Talk about the eternal victim! :lol: I would let the hubby take out the roo for you, since he's the one giving the warnings! :lol: :lol:

I wish we all lived locally....I would perform a valuable service for all the BYCers and SSers by dispatching their mean roos and canning them up....they could each pay $5 for their jar of canned roo and for the "service" of my being their hit! :gig


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Morning, Bee!

I haven't dispatched any of my own roos, either and I'm just in awe that you could a Blue Orp! :gig

Let us know how he tastes!!!!!!!

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