Moderator Extraordinaire
Skeps used to be used to keep bees, but they have been declared illegal, you can't remove the frames for inspection, so the bee gods have said no more. They're still pretty to put in your herb garden, though!
I go barefoot in my yard, sometimes, but am always aware of any flowers underfoot, and avoid clover at all costs (I was stung on both feet one day, years and years ago, walking barefoot across clover. Ouch!) As for taking out the trash, unless you're walking directly in front of the hives there won't be a problem, Caleb won't need the smoker!
I go barefoot in my yard, sometimes, but am always aware of any flowers underfoot, and avoid clover at all costs (I was stung on both feet one day, years and years ago, walking barefoot across clover. Ouch!) As for taking out the trash, unless you're walking directly in front of the hives there won't be a problem, Caleb won't need the smoker!