Mountain Sage
WOWZA!!!! That's lots of gravel, hon!
My Bat had just graveled her driveway before all the SHTF with the family....all 4/10 of a mile of it and a parking area by the house. Don't know what that translates into in feet but cost a good bit.
Yes, drooly faces over heavy equipment is what separates the women from the girls, I'm afraid.....
You can either wish you knew a fella that owns a truck that you can contract to do the job...or you can dream bigger and wish you owned your own truck and could haul all the gravel,compost, manure, firewood, etc. you ever wanted, anytime you wanted. 
Well, gals....I found the most perfect book! The book that will facilitate the writing of MY book.
A how-to on literary agents, book proposals, queries to agents, an index of agents, etc.
I'm extremely happy over this find and it happened like things usually happen in my that otherworldly, coincidences-tailored-just-for-my-situation way that my life has been going of late. You know...the ones that leave you scratching your head and thanking God at the same time!
It cost me $5 at a book fair and it extremely informative and comprehensive. Can you beat that, Captain Compost?!!

Yes, drooly faces over heavy equipment is what separates the women from the girls, I'm afraid.....

Well, gals....I found the most perfect book! The book that will facilitate the writing of MY book.

I'm extremely happy over this find and it happened like things usually happen in my that otherworldly, coincidences-tailored-just-for-my-situation way that my life has been going of late. You know...the ones that leave you scratching your head and thanking God at the same time!

It cost me $5 at a book fair and it extremely informative and comprehensive. Can you beat that, Captain Compost?!!