City Biddy

Well, I know you are holding a new, sweet smellin' baby right now, Aly, and won't get this message for awhile, but I am praying you don't feel any pain whatsoever with your CS. Give her a kiss for me!!! You are so blessed to still be having babies....I would LOVE to have one to have and hold right now.Quail_Antwerp said:omigosh, Bee! LOL My last delivery was a c-section - and I can tell you I was sore sore sore after my CS and could barely get out of bed on my own - but with my vaginal deliveries I was up and walking around within the hour, except with number 3. I had an epidural with him, and they knicked my spinal cord and I suffered from spinal headaches until I went back to the ER for a blood patch.
I'll post pics and an update eventually, but I'm not taking my lap top with me to the hospital, and E doesn't REALLY know how to work a computerSo hopefully ya'll understand that you may not get an update or pics from me until I'm home.