Bee's Guest House


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Quail_Antwerp said:
omigosh, Bee! LOL My last delivery was a c-section - and I can tell you I was sore sore sore after my CS and could barely get out of bed on my own - but with my vaginal deliveries I was up and walking around within the hour, except with number 3. I had an epidural with him, and they knicked my spinal cord and I suffered from spinal headaches until I went back to the ER for a blood patch.

I'll post pics and an update eventually, but I'm not taking my lap top with me to the hospital, and E doesn't REALLY know how to work a computer :p So hopefully ya'll understand that you may not get an update or pics from me until I'm home.
Well, I know you are holding a new, sweet smellin' baby right now, Aly, and won't get this message for awhile, but I am praying you don't feel any pain whatsoever with your CS. Give her a kiss for me!!! You are so blessed to still be having babies....I would LOVE to have one to have and hold right now. :love

Tank, I'm not exaggerating! :D I could smell the diesel.... :hit


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Another glorious day here in the mountains....fall is coming on quite lovely,as usual. Found a hawk~looked like a juvenile broad winged hawk~ on the road today....stunned and couldn't seem to stand or move much. I tried to shoo it off the road but it didn't move, so I put a jacket over it and took it back to my office and called everyone but the President to see if they wanted this hawk. Finally one of my co-workers took it up to her place high on a mountain and was going to place it in a holding had recovered from its shock and flew out of and into the wild blue yonder! Yay!

Had a great evening with my Dad....he was so clear in his thinking this evening and we spent some good time together. Took him out for chicken fried steak, mashed taters and gravy, salad, rolls, root beer and, finally, coconut cream pie~his favorite. Right now food is one of the things he can still enjoy to the fullest, so he always eats nearly everything he is given and revels in it!

I cut his hair on my front porch while he admired the scenery, the smells of fall and enjoyed having his hair cut. We picked some apples after he sampled many of the varieties and took his favorites back to the nursing home with him. He so enjoys fresh fruits and veggies....don't know if many of you know this or not, but fresh anything is very rare in nursing homes.

By necessity the foods are over-cooked and very bland, so anyone who can still enjoy good food doesn't really get the chance to do so. I try to either bring him something in or take him out a couple of times a week while he can still enjoy eating spicey, fresh or junk food.

Took him back and helped him get ready for bed~he was really tired! Tucked him in and left him sleeping.....great day with Dad! :love

There are about a million gazillion stars out tonight and it is chilly! LOVE this time of year!!! :weee


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
One thing I can say about the nursing home Dad is currently in is that the food is great! Not seasoned of course, but very good looking and pleasant. The have fresh fruits and even snacks available on a little cart, they have a little coffee/tea/soda area for the residents to have free coffee or tea and access to the snack and soda machine. They also have an activities director that provides ice cream and chocolate parties and other snacks in addition to the fun.

My dad also LOVES his food and truly enjoys it all. The last place he was at the food was pretty much gruel. :sick Here they always give him double portions on his plates and he has some of the kitchen folk that will ask him if he wants a grilled cheese sandwich at odd times of the day as well. He has regained lost weight and added extra as well, so they are doing something right. :D

I just wish that we could afford to keep him where he is, but that is just not an option. :tongue

Glad that you were able to help that hawk. When I was a kid we had a wild animal rehabilitator's permit. Mostly we took in orphaned raccoons, but we also had a baby sparrow hawk that was blown out of the nest and jammed into a chain link fence. His name was Stormy Feather. :lol: We have several pictures of him sitting on the back of a chair beside our ring necked dove somewhere. While you are glad when a bird like that can be released it is still sad to see them go in some ways. They are fascinating animals.

It has been nice here as well. Close to 80 degrees yesterday. I wish this weather would last and last.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Bee--aren't you leaving to do some work in another country or something?
not sure, but when I read a few things I got the impression you were moving?

Set me straight :p I am just wondering where your path is taking you?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
FC, you missed all that? I was and then.... I didn't. Dad came to my vicinity~local nursing home~ and I felt it more important to advocate for his care, spend time with him before he is all gone inside his head and keep my house so that Mom can stay with me in order to visit Dad.

All in God's time and not mine...and I'm content with that. I'm still packed and ready to go, have passport in hand and am ready to go where He wills me to with only a few minor adjustments here(place Dog at Mom's), move home canned goods to Mom's, kiss everyone good-bye and just jet!

You all don't know how good it really feels to have very little earthly possessions or ties holding me down....I feel light as a feather! I love living solely on God's will for me....go? stay? Anything He wants, I'm ready and willing.

Right now it seems I'm to care for my Dad and I know this because it feels so right and I feel the Holy Spirit near and dear each time I spend time with Dad. You know that warm, tingly feeling that you get that makes you feel full of light and joy? That's the one! :) :love

It almost breaks my heart in two when he hugs me, tells me he loves me and that he's so happy that I'm there....I never had that from my dad since I was a wee little girl and it's simply great. We laugh and cut up all the time and this is about the coolest Dad he's ever been. I wouldn't have missed this for the world! :D

FF, that hawk was turned loose that evening and flew away without any signs of injury...he is now living on a beautiful mountain with spectacular views, good food supply and plenty of hawk habitat.

I wish my dad could have the quality of food your dad gets to enjoy...I don't know why more nursing homes can't provide fresh fruit and such. I know it's a choking hazard but, then, so isn't any kind of eating when you are elderly.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
It is so nice that you get to have that experience with your dad.

It almost seems that the story of the injured hawk that you saved so it could go fly off in freedom and the story of your day with your dad have a common thread.....

I wish I could see bazillion stars. Too many lights here :/ I can imagine them though.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
well, that is kinda what made me wonder, cause you speak about your Dad and I thought, but I think she is leaving?


it had me confused. I missed the part of "I am hanging til it is time' part I guess :lol:


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Funny story from the nursing home: Dad got into a fight. Now ordinarily this wouldn't be a bit funny and would be kind of sad. They had placed him in a room with another dementia patient that was combative and verbally abusive to staff and other roommates~not their brightest move and I had voiced concerns over the arrangement but I guess things just had to play out before the powers that be got the picture.

This fellow had been kind of mean to Dad but it didn't really come to a head until early one morning when he tried to get into Dad's bed and sat down on top of Dad....admittedly, I can see where this is not the man's fault, after all , he is confused. A little later, Dad was in the bathroom and came out to find this man beating and kicking two of the aides~I guess it was pretty bad and they were having some difficulty getting away from him.

That was, until Dad walked out of the bathroom and hit the guy in the face, knocking him down and allowing the aides to get away. The fellow wasn't hurt and was in bed sleeping it off when I arrived and Dad was still a little jazzed by the experience but couldn't remember hitting anyone. He was quite surprised to find out he had hit someone and stated, "Well, if I hit someone, they probably deserved it!" :lol: Dad's such a sweetheart that no one blamed him at all for breaking bad on this roommate...I get the feeling they didn't feel too badly about this guy getting a little of what he dishes out each day. Sad what age and dementia can do to a person.

The nursing home staff were displeased with Dad, though they couldn't come right out and say it...but Dad now has a private room and is getting treated like a KING by those aides who, formerly, were giving me the stink eye when I expected Dad to be clean, dry, appropriately dressed and shaven every day. I went in this evening and found him to be glowing with cleanliness, well dressed, well rested and sitting in his quiet room watching birds at the feeder.

The other fellow's family were deeply sorry that this happened and were not the least bit mad at Dad for the tussle, so all's well that ends well. :)


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Ahhhh, he made himself King...good for him! LOL! That is a cute story Bee, even if it is unfortunate for the other poor man. Have you ever looked into pure coconut il for your dad's dementia? I have heard it works wonders at reversing dementia but don't now anyone personally who has tried it.
Nice to see you on the board every once in a while:)

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