Mountain Sage
He didn't learn anything from the experience.....I had him out shoveling manure until after dark. He does everything under heavy protest...fortunately I am getting a bit deaf in my old age!
He will be shoveling manure each day until the manure is done or he learns a lesson.....I'm willing to bet I will run out of manure before he learns. He is, after all, a male...
UTC....soooooooo funny!!!! Let me know if you find out???
Gals, I'm slipping into the rocking chair on the porch of the guest house to tell you a tale. Today a light went on! Yeah, I know....the porch light's on but nobody's home.....
No, I finally read The Purpose Driven Life...actually, I'm still reading it. If you haven't gotten a chance to read it, do it. If you've read it and it didn't affect your life, read it again!
WOW! NOW I know why I've been obsessed with this lifestyle for the past several years. I had begun to think I was just experiencing the family curse of being mentally...well...let's just say that obsession runs in the family...
I think God has given me a desire in this direction for a reason...I think it is supposed to be my ministry. Not my security or a way to make some extra money or even to save money....I think I'm supposed to grow food for others and to teach others to grow food, save money, learn to live simply.
Does that make sense? It finally does to me and what a weight off my shoulders!!!! I didn't know why I had become so obsessed with this lifestyle...sure it's fun, sure it saves me money. But I'm usually a very laid back kind of person who enjoys lazy days, good books and good company. I still enjoy these things but now my reading material is usually something to do with learning more about this kind of living...go figure!
I'm excited to know that I can do something I love and I can do it to glorify God and to help others. I never thought of it that way but I am so glad that it's not just for my own amusement!

He will be shoveling manure each day until the manure is done or he learns a lesson.....I'm willing to bet I will run out of manure before he learns. He is, after all, a male...
UTC....soooooooo funny!!!! Let me know if you find out???
Gals, I'm slipping into the rocking chair on the porch of the guest house to tell you a tale. Today a light went on! Yeah, I know....the porch light's on but nobody's home.....

No, I finally read The Purpose Driven Life...actually, I'm still reading it. If you haven't gotten a chance to read it, do it. If you've read it and it didn't affect your life, read it again!
WOW! NOW I know why I've been obsessed with this lifestyle for the past several years. I had begun to think I was just experiencing the family curse of being mentally...well...let's just say that obsession runs in the family...
I think God has given me a desire in this direction for a reason...I think it is supposed to be my ministry. Not my security or a way to make some extra money or even to save money....I think I'm supposed to grow food for others and to teach others to grow food, save money, learn to live simply.
Does that make sense? It finally does to me and what a weight off my shoulders!!!! I didn't know why I had become so obsessed with this lifestyle...sure it's fun, sure it saves me money. But I'm usually a very laid back kind of person who enjoys lazy days, good books and good company. I still enjoy these things but now my reading material is usually something to do with learning more about this kind of living...go figure!
I'm excited to know that I can do something I love and I can do it to glorify God and to help others. I never thought of it that way but I am so glad that it's not just for my own amusement!