Bee's Guest House


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Hey Bee, congrats on the new chicks! VERY Cute! Isnt it the most wonderfull thing, to see a hen with her brood? It really captivates me, and I can watch them for hours. The love that is there, is unmeasurable. Glad to hear she accepted them without a hitch!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Hey, Dace! :D How are the cooking classes going? Still experiencing a return on your investment in doing God's will? :) I haven't been on here much and haven't got to read up on everyone lately.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Things are moving along. It is funny, because even though I felt Gods hand in pushing me towards something, I still resisted. Telling myself all sorts of little stories and playing head games with myself....what if I fail? what if I succeed and end up away from my family too much? what if people don't like what I have to offer? what if......well, you name it.

Then the other day I sent out an email to about 100 people FINALLY putting it out there into the world that I was looking for a family who needed diet help. I got a great response, now have a list of 12 families who want help.

Shortly (with in 30 mins of the first responses) I spoke with my video guy who had some other great suggestions and a third party who is a writer...we all met the next day and things are not only taking shape, but also taking a new direction.

Two other additional options which make some money have also begun to bud.

And here I was dragging my feet doubting........all that wasted time, God was just patiently waiting for me to wake up and stop being silly. Amazing.

I am shocked at how quickly things can turn and opportunities open up when we just do as God has directed us! Why do we question Him? I don't understand my own actions sometimes!

How are things going with your food ministry idea?

Hugs to you and the family :hugs


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I know exactly what you are saying!!! I do the very same thing, though I have seen over and over what obeying God's nudges can do in my life.

I think its a daily walk to keep yourself growing in faith...every day I try or not try, get up and try again. It becomes easier but I haven't mastered it yet.

My food ministry is on pause? Gardens are growing and I haven't gotten a chance to make up some fliers about my project and post them around town. My article was published in the paper but I've not gotten one response on it....but the food pantry did and they gained a new volunteer, so it wasn't all for naught.

I'm waiting on direction from God right now...I just don't know where to turn. I've been giving away my eggs but folks don't seem to SEE why....I'm thinking of taping a small card in each dozen that has a little message about paying it forward to someone in need.

There was one lady that asked me why I was giving her the eggs now instead of selling them (now, I must add that this lady has a very bitter outlook on life and doesn't have much good to say about anyone). I explained that I wanted to start a giving chain and that the price I required was that she do one nice thing for someone the following week.

She again asked me why, so I explained that I wanted it to go outward like ripples on a pond until more and more people are doing it. She replied, "Good luck with that! How are you going to manage THAT?"

I told her, " starts right now...with YOU."

She didn't laugh at me anymore after I said that. She just changed the subject.

I've been talking the Grow a Row up to folks that garden and can afford to give away food and these seem to be the very ones that don't want to "work to produce food for those who won't even come down to my garden and pick it if I offer it".

For some reason, I'm just not getting through to people....I'm still struggling on with it but I feel pretty lonely. I've not gotten one single person to agree to give away their extras or grow extra. :(


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Bee, I understand your frustration. I was talking to a lady about the same thing....grow a row ... she looked at me like I had 3 heads!! She said, why would you put that work into a garden, then GIVE it away!? I just gave her a blank stare for a process her blindness....and said..since GOD gives me enough, and more...I feel I can share with someone who may not be able to do it. Maybe a working single mother..or father...maybe an elderly couple.whoever it may be, God will send them to me. She shook her head and said I was crazy, and that she would be selling any extra she has. ( I bet she doesnt have any extras) The Lord works in mysterious ways.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I agree, Just! I have gotten that very same reaction! How is it that people are so desensitized to other people's problems now days?

I know its hard work to put in and grow a garden. This is one thing I do know....but God gave you the health, the time, the land, the intelligence, the will to grow food. Doesn't it stand to reason that He would also want you to bless others through your blessings?

If you were in a wheel chair or bed bound and someone was kind enough to bring you a sun-warmed tomato fresh out of their much would that warm you heart?

If you were having a real hard time making enough money to buy healthy foods for your kids (and I've been there!), how important would a bag of fresh apples be?

Several people warned me that I would be taken advantage of and the food would go to people who "don't really need it and are just too lazy to grow it". I told them that God will put that food into the right hands...regardless of what I may see, God has a purpose for everything. It is not my job to judge other's intentions...God just told me to grow it and give it. What happens after that is in God's hands!

I don't know, Just....most of the time I feel like I'm a stranger in a strange land. :idunno


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Hey Bee....I am sorry that you are feeling lonely in your efforts. I think the card about paying it forward is an excellent idea...hopefully it will make folks really stop and think about the kindness that you have shown them for the eggs and think about what little thing they can do to brighten someones day.

You are a better woman than I because when that woman said How are you going to manage THAT?" I think I would have snatched the eggs right out of her hand and said never mind!

I have to assume that folks who can't be bothered growing a little extra for others have not had the opportunity to lay in bed at night worrying about how they were going to put food on the table tomorrow. As dreadful and frightening as that is, I think it makes us better people.

God will show you the way....keep on keepin on because you make the world a better place for those around you. I wish you were in my *real* world :hugs


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
That sourpuss lady may had been a pain for you- but you never know when or where the seed will sprout. Maybe she went home muttering about the weird lady she just saw and the message got to somebody else that needed it.
Don't worry, doing good is highly contagious. :thumbsup
I finally got a chance to join a community garden. This apartment building has lots of elderly or disabled people and most of them are poor. Any excess harvest, wont go to waste around here.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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The thing that kills me is that people don't understand why it's a good thing to eat fresh food, especilly for kids. I am having that issue right now and I am fighting to still get my goats. I want good raw milk for me and my family and so many people are so out of touch now with where their food comes from that they just don't understand why anyone would go to all the trouble to produce their own food when they could just go get it at the store.

I think Grow a Row is a great idea and I would love to do that here. I have wanted to do some sort of community project, especially with my kids and I am thinking of using this winter to brainstorm and figure out what I want to do. We just have to get moved first. :p

Keep on trying....people will get it eventually.....PREACH ON SISTA!!!!

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