Mountain Sage
We are getting a steady, drizzly rain!!!!!!
I don't think I've ever been so happy to see or feel rain! Goes to show that you really don't know what you have until its gone and I just took it for granted....never again! Rain will be forever a blessing, I don't care if we get deluged! Water is so necessary.
I am sorry you all are having too much rain...doesn't seem right, does it? We are praying for it and you all have too much....God surely has a sense of humor....
Sis, I would have to buy the whole store of Bed, Bath and Beyond to cover the rows in my garden!
I have twelve rows of 25 ft and perimeter rows that are 65 ft. on either side of the garden. Then I have a corn and pumpkin patch that is approx. 10 ft. x 65 ft.
This rain ought to give the ground a good soaking and I will continue to water some of the things like the sweet corn, pumpkins, beans, peas, popcorn...but the rest I'm no longer concerned with. Too far gone.

I don't think I've ever been so happy to see or feel rain! Goes to show that you really don't know what you have until its gone and I just took it for granted....never again! Rain will be forever a blessing, I don't care if we get deluged! Water is so necessary.
I am sorry you all are having too much rain...doesn't seem right, does it? We are praying for it and you all have too much....God surely has a sense of humor....
Sis, I would have to buy the whole store of Bed, Bath and Beyond to cover the rows in my garden!

This rain ought to give the ground a good soaking and I will continue to water some of the things like the sweet corn, pumpkins, beans, peas, popcorn...but the rest I'm no longer concerned with. Too far gone.