got more chicks! This time from my lacy roundhead, and black warhammer hen, one is black with a yellow belly. beautiful little chicks. 8 hatched tis time so that makes 13! and my two roos from the previous hatching have already started facin off, wont be long till they gotta be separated. And I have cabbage and turnip sprouts. Spring has started off good this year.
I built a new chicken run. More of a grow pen really, 3' x 4' x 6' I repurposed some old hardwood and tin we had layin around. Had to buy the wire though we did not have any small enough layin around. Now it is holding all 14 chicks, and they are loving it haha, you should have seen there reaction when i first put them in it. I will try to put up pics later today, my fiance has the camera so i have no way to put them up. Im lookin to build a goat pen here in the next few weeks, anyone got any good ideas or suggestions?
I didn't read all your journal, were they incubated or set on? I am almost ready to let my broody hen have a go - just allowing time - put the roo back in with the girls two weeks ago. This will be our first try at letting her set, so we'll see how it goes!
I can't help with the goat situation (I have a cow. Any questions you have about miniature Jersey's, well, you might be better off asking somebody else too - I seem to be compiling a list of 'what NOT to do' ), but Pinkfox just built a goat shed out of pallets and talked about it in her journal There are lots of folks on here who have goats, so you should get plenty of ideas!
its literally 6 salvaged pallets, some salvaed RUSTY tin roof, a couple peices of left over OSB board, some left over 1x2's and alot screws and cable ties.
its SUPRISINGLY sturdy.
this one wound up being aprox 8x4, its plenty big enough for 2 full sized dairy does full time assuming there not going to be locked in for prolonged periods...
this one is currenlty housing 2 doelings, but the plan is since i do want more goats, im hoping to have a barn built ASAP, and this will then become the buck house for nigi buck and a wether budy for him.
i dont think it would house more than 2 full sized goats though so if your looking for a larger herd...but it would he easy to expand this by making it longer or deeper or both...size is only mimited to what pallets you have available to you.
though if your going "deeper" then 1 pallets width youll need to go higher, mine is only about 6 ft tall at the front and slopes to 2ft tall at the back, so if it were any deeper than 4 ft it would be a pain in the tuckus to clean out.
i will warn though that young goats can squeeze through small gaps so depending on your pallets you may need to add boards between the gaps. i had to put caps on the end and blcok the gaps in the pallet thats being used as a gate because they could slip through the gaps lol.
goats dont realy need "warm", like chickens they just need draft free and dry. i lined the inside of the pallets by shoving straw into perfectly and a couple coats of "kool coat" on the old tin roof not only makes it not look rusty anymore, but its water tight and keeps the inside quite cool. all in all if does the trick if you just want a couple.