Blossom & Flower, a sporatic goat journal _ I think Billy has CL

bibliophile birds

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 18, 2009
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Great Smoky Mtns, Tennessee
i'm so sorry your having a rough time with you little ones. it's hard when you feel like you can't do anything. hopefully she'll take a good turn soon. definitely keeping you in my thoughts.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
FD it sounds like your babies are on the mend. Flower will perk up just like Blossom did. You are doing a great job. Tucking them in with you at night sounds like what I did with mine, real babies that is. It's the only way for both of you to feel content. I hope you got a bit of rest. Take care!! :hugs



Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
What a sweet goat mama you are! Hope Flower starts eating for you today. I'd take a turn giving shots for you too. I learned to do it when I worked at a vet clinic and got to a point I could draw blood on my own pets as well as give them shots. It took a long time though. :hugs


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
It seems the yogurt did the trick!! I gave her some more this morning with some sugar added. About 1/2 hour later she was stepping up on the xpen and baaing loudly. So I took her outside. I offered her little tidbits that I knew she liked. She would smell them and shake her head. So I got a california poppy petal and shoved it into the back of her mouth. This time she didn't spit it out. So I fed her bits of other stuff she liked. She also ate some dirt, so I brougth out a handfull of mineral salts and she licked it out of my hand. Finally I started giving her bits of oat hay until I could put a nice bunch in her mouth and she chewed it down. Then I gave her alfalfa too. She got about a cup of food stuff in her. Then I heard her stomach gurgling and she made complaining noises. She sat on my lap for a while.

Then I got up and did some other things that needed doing.
about 1/2 hour later I heated up 3 oz of milk added a touch of kefir and with SO's help forced it into her mouth. After the second try she figured it out and started sucking. She drank all of it!!! and would have had more.
We don't want to overwhelm her tummy, so we are taking it slow.
A couple of hours later I brought out grains and salts for Blossom. Flower heard the grains hit the bowl, found it and gobbled it up on her own. :weee

No I am off to replenish some of our feed, pay the balance of the vet bill and get more diapers for Blossom.

I am thinking of leaving Blossom outside in the dog pen tonight, with the dog to keep her company.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I went to the feed store near the vets and told them my sorry baby goat tale. They took pitty on me and gave me a small bag of goat pellets, I had already helped myself to all the free cat and dogfood samples :p
Then I paid the vet the balance of my bill. I got to talk to the vet and asked him a ton more questions. He really wants me to give both goats lots of alfalfa and keep up with the yogurt and or kefir. He also told me to use karo corn syrup for homemade electrolyte solution. he said they absorb it better than honey. So I went to the grocery store and bought the corn syrup, diapers and milk. all of it for the goats.

When I came home I first fixed some electrolyte solution. I used the stuff I always use for the chickens. It has vitamins too. Flower sucked down 1 cup of it from the bottle. An hour later we decided to feed the goats their milk bottles. Flower drank down 1 cup. She is eating by herself. Not much, but heck, I am happy!!! Both goats also like the kibbles I got for free. It is not something I wouldnormally buy, but it looked like it had a lot of good stuff in it and it is easy for Flower to eat.

What an ordeal this has been.
I had to let go and let the Devinities take over several times. This morning I totally gave up any control. I said, "whatever you Gods decide, I'll go with it. You know best. I'll just do my best to take care of this little goat. If she lives or dies, it's your judgement call and I know it'll be the right one"

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