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- #151
Sustainability Master
In an effort to reduce the overcrowding for the ducks, I made a temporary enclosure in the yard- kind of a playpen- out of about 20 feet of 2' tall aviary wire I had sitting around. Sat down with a piece of wire and "sewed' the ends together to make an enclosed circle. Saturday, Sunday, and again today they have spent about 4 hours in there each day- as long as there was someone not doing too much that could keep a close eye on them. DS reported that yesterday, because we were gone and he couldn't spare that much time to put them outside, they spent the day in their little box in the utility room. They were NOT happy campers. Every time he came into the room, they all started peeping madly at him; we are pretty sure they were trying to get him to take them outside. This morning they were louder than ever and would not shut up until I took them outside.
Today 3 of them got brave enough to try out the ramp to the little "pond" we had- actually just a largish pan that we use for the dog's water outside. There happened to be some wrigglers in it -mosquito larvae- we usually dump the water when we see them, but I left them in hoping the ducks would go after them. And they did, with gusto! Maybe tomorrow the more timid ones will join them.
I managed to get one wall of the duck coop painted with marine varnish- if I do the same each day I'll have all 4 walls done by the weekend. DS is supposed to be hammering in the metal T-stakes for the fence, but I don't hear much action coming from there now that I'm inside
I'm trying to think what I can put in the duck's yard to protect them from hawks etc. I can't afford anymore purchases right now, so poultry netting or tarps across the top are out. The yard is 20x20 and both of those ideas would be too expensive. I do have an old 10x10 canopy from when I used to go to art fairs- it's partly broken but I may be able to rig up something that they can run under, at least.
Friday, we had a thunderstorm come through the area, and we now have 26 fires, started by lightning strikes. Luckily for us- they are all downwind of us, and so far no houses are threatened; but the smoky air is causing all sorts of misery among those with allergies or asthma; even people without that are suffering from itching burning eyes because of all the smoke. Last night the moon was deep orange.
Today 3 of them got brave enough to try out the ramp to the little "pond" we had- actually just a largish pan that we use for the dog's water outside. There happened to be some wrigglers in it -mosquito larvae- we usually dump the water when we see them, but I left them in hoping the ducks would go after them. And they did, with gusto! Maybe tomorrow the more timid ones will join them.
I managed to get one wall of the duck coop painted with marine varnish- if I do the same each day I'll have all 4 walls done by the weekend. DS is supposed to be hammering in the metal T-stakes for the fence, but I don't hear much action coming from there now that I'm inside

Friday, we had a thunderstorm come through the area, and we now have 26 fires, started by lightning strikes. Luckily for us- they are all downwind of us, and so far no houses are threatened; but the smoky air is causing all sorts of misery among those with allergies or asthma; even people without that are suffering from itching burning eyes because of all the smoke. Last night the moon was deep orange.