Britesea - Living the good life in rural Oregon


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Thank you Fem, I am feeling better now. I must have picked up a virus somewhere.

We had snow just a little higher than where I live last night... it won't be long now. Yet another instance of unusual weather this year; normally, we don't get snow until the end of October. DH is talking more and more about building a greenhouse as it looks like that may be the only way we'll get any kind of warm weather crops. No problem with growing things like favas, peas, cabbages and kale; but every once in a while I want a tomato.
A colleague of my husband came from southern Alaska and she says that we wouldn't notice any appreciable difference in the weather- just that the winters are longer. Heh. She also told him that she had a couple of Mastiff/Great Dane X's that used to hang out where she worked (a Gold Mining tourist town) and many times, a tourist would ask her what breed of cattle they were (... and what major metropolitan area are YOU from, then?)... ah well, it all works out in the end. I used to think Bluetooth was a Viking, after all.

I've been renewing all my favorite spice mixtures for the pantry-- the onion soup mix, several rice flavoring mixes, taco seasoning and cajun seasoning mix. Now I'm nearly out of paprika and crushed red peppers again. And with all the canning jars I have now, I'm thinking of canning up some of the dry beans- just water and a bit of salt- to make fast meals.

I tried giving the ducks some fermented feed yesterday and again this morning. Yesterday they finished up everything in their trough (4 cups of dry feed, with water to cover) in an hour. It normally takes them until the middle of the afternoon to clean up that much dry feed. I think they liked it? So now I think I'll break it up into 2 feedings instead. I'm also getting regular installments of lettuce trimmings from the local mini mart, which allows me to let the kale bounce back from some rather heavy harvesting lately.
One of the ducks appears to have twisted wing. I don't think it's a lack of niacin, as I give them a couple of tablespoons of nutritional yeast every day. It's more likely the result of an injury (maybe falling off the ramp or something silly like that). It doesn't appear to be bothering her, and I think I would stress her out more by trying to catch her and bind it up. Does anyone know if this will right itself when she molts, or is it going to be a permanent disfigurement? I need to post a question in BYC I guess.

I've got a lot more deer in the yard now- probably they are just smart enough to know that they are safe from hunters if they hang out close to the houses. I hope they do ok this winter- they aren't as fat-looking as usual for this time of year. The weather is affecting their forage as well as our gardens.

DH wants to get a LGD now. Our current dog is getting older and slower, he would like to get a pup that she could teach before she gets too old. I'm not sure I want her teaching a pup; she's a lab/aussie cross, so her instincts are more along the line of a LHD, not a LGD. There's an ad in the paper for some Great Pyrenees pups right now, I figure I'll call and at least find out just how much they cost; but more than likely we can't afford them. Maybe a rescue would be the way to go, although you don't know what you're getting when you go that route; not every dog from an LGD line will do well with livestock.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You could also maybe find someone that has one that's looking to downsize and needs to get rid of a dog. Good luck w/your search.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I called about the Great Pyrenees puppies, and the guy only wanted $400. That's only marginally more than the rescue Anatolian we were interested in. We don't have the money either way at this point (property taxes and snow tires are gonna clean us out), but the owner said that the interest in the pups has been good enough that he might go for a second breeding in 6 months. He's just wanting his expenses taken care of, and not looking to breed her more than a couple of times. The second batch might work out for us, if DH's teeth hold up and he doesn't end up needing another crown.

I have to pull up and throw out the tomato plants today. We had a frost that looks to have done them in; they're all wilting and sad looking. I didn't bother covering them because they didn't have but one little hard green tomato in the whole batch :( I'm thinking to work in some more compost and maybe plant some cornsalad and claytonia, and I could probably still get a crop of radishes before the ground freezes.

While re-organizing my linen closet, I found a flannel sheet that had seen better days. I cut it into little squares about 4"x6" and just waiting to zig-zag the edges. I've read about using these instead of toilet paper (for pee anyway) and I decided I'd give it a try; maybe save some money.

The other thing on my list is to go through magazines and other assorted papers that have been accumulating in the corners (they hiss and snarl when I walk by now) and clear away some of the clutter. It's my least favorite job


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hope you can get a pup next go round. I love my Pyr - even though she drives me crazy sometimes, lol. She seems to be doing her job, cuz we haven't lost a critter to a predator in quite a while....with the exception of my murderess Westie.

I can't even imagine already having a frost. We're still in the 90's today but I'm hoping and wishing and imaginating that it will cool off eventually!

Good luck with the cleaning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Last year, we got a freeze B4 we ever got a frost! If I remember correctly, it was near the beginning of October. We were expecting a really bad winter after that-but it didn't happen.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Well, I spent my day yesterday harvesting- nettles, thyme, sage, mint, tarragon, chives, comfrey, strawberries, raspberry leaves, and rose hips. The herbs and comfrey are in the dryer, although I will have to do a couple of batches on the nettles, thyme, and sage. The strawberries are going to be served on pancakes this morning.
Today, I plan to dig up my horseradish and grate some up for our meals- it's a little warmer today so I'll be able to open the windows and air the place out while I'm doing that.

While I'm picking up milk today, I need to remember to get another roll of plastic for the vacuum sealer. I got a 5 lb package of Parmesan cheese on sale at the Cash N Carry; I want to vacuum seal 1 lb packages for the freezer so it won't turn fuzzy and polychromatic before I can use it all.

DS is gone this weekend, housesitting for a friend. So I've dug out a precious package of elk heart for dinner tonight (he doesn't care for heart, the silly fool). Plus bacon and onions, and perhaps homemade butterscotch on vanilla ice cream for dessert. Does that sound decadent enough for our 28 wedding anniversary?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats on 28 years! Sorry, you're alone though...but I do understand about indulging yourself a little while your DH is gone. I do that too when my DH is outta town!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oops, my bad...and you arre right - EVEN BETTER!! Glad you and DH had a chance for some quality time together!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
We had a nice evening on our anniversary, then back to work the next day. Hubby has a week off, which is nice. We spent this afternoon at the rental house which was showing some water damage in the back porch. Pulled up the linoleum with great trepidation, but thank goodness it isn't as bad as we feared. We have to replace an area of subfloor roughly equal to 1 1/2 panels, and a few furring strips. We'll get that replaced tomorrow, and a tarp on the roof where the leak seems to be. Next spring we'll work on the roof. My girlfriend, who rents the house, invited us to dinner (chicken and dumplings!) and we had a good time just gabbing.

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