middle river hmm..my old stomping grounds!!! there is also a headerite (spelling is not correct) near Glyndon and they have a store along hwy 10,,I have not been there but I am going next time I go to Fargo as my aunt lives only a few miles from there and loves their store.Kimba said:I'm new to the forum, but when I read this thread I was shocked at some of the grain prices folks are reporting. Thought I'd chime in with info on our source. We live in the Midwest and buy from a Mennonite mill dba Natural Way Mills Trust. They are located in Middle River, MN and they have a website at:
**oops, can't post the link cause I am too new here.
Type Natural Way MIlls into your internet search engine and it will come up.
We place an order once every 2-3 years and hubby drives over to pick it up. They are 4+ hours from us but the shipping costs more than the fuel to drive there and back.
We are picking up an order this week, so I had the prices handy.
This year's order:
200# Hard Red spring wheat berries $17/50 lbs (.34 lb)
50# Soft white winter wheat berries $15/50 lbs (.30 lb)
400# Hard white spring wheat berries $15/50 (.30 lb)
100# Rye berries $13.50/50 (.27 lb)
200# whole yellow corn $14/50 (.28 lb)
50# Pearled Barley $19/50 (.38 lb)
50# Green Split Peas $10.75/25 (.43 lb)
100# Durham wheat berries $16/50 (.32 lb)
100# Lentils $57.50/50 (1.15 lb)
25# Golden Flax seed $23.75/25 (.95 lb)
50# Steel Cut Oats $32.50/50 (.65 lb)
50# Whole Amaranth $82.50/50 (1.65 lb)
This is all certified organic, btw.
Interestingly, the wheat prices are almost exactly the same as they were in Dec, 2007, and the prices of some items have actually gone down since then.
Hope someone else can use this info.