Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?

Jan 24, 2009
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enjoy the ride said:
I live in pot central here- Farmer Denise is not that far away. MY experience is that pot causes more harm the it helps- even with it being essentially legal ( anyone can find a doctor that will prescribe it for any reason ) the amount of violence and mayhem that it causes is amazing.
Stories are endless and are the rationalizations to support it- a guy drove his motorhome into oncoming traffic while intoxicated- he told the police that it was OK, he had a prescription- I personally put a blanket over the body of a little girl who died on my road because her mom was high on pot and missed a curve in the road- while I was following the person carring her away from burning car, her brains fell out of her broken skull on went plop on the ground. I have told this to my pot smoking neighbors about a dozen times but wach time its like the first time they heard the story. While they contiue to drive their kids around not sober.
Another neighbor burn down his house with his overloaded grow lights- that is a fairly common problem- lots of house fires due to pot. Was on a jury where a couple of guys shot someone and his dog who showed up at the door of the house they were breaking into to steal someone else's pot.
Any number of illegals from Mexico are brought up here to grow pot in the natuional forests- lots of diesel spills at these sites causing water pollution. And murders too.
My experience is also that people who spend a lot of time smoking pot, do little else. I have seen the spouses of two friends "medicate" themselves into stupidity- although truthfully, I'm not sure what came first- stupid or pot.
I wouldn't mind so much if these people would stay in their houses but they keep on driving and committing crimes and exhibiting such poor judgement in so many respects.
Notice that with the exception of driving under the influence, everything could be fixed by legalizing it. The violence is caused by the underground illegal sales of it. The same problems existed when liquor was illegal. If pot was legal it would be harder for children to get. The cost would be a lot lower and that would put dealers out of business. No reason to grow it in your basement, just not cost effective. Farmers have a new crop to grow. The government could tax it heavily. It's an all around win win situation.

As far as accidents go. A lot of people accuse someone of being under the influence just because they come up positive on a urinalysis. Fact is THC stays in your fat cells for up to 30 days. The effect wears off in a few hours. Smoking pot is a lot safer than drinking and is much less harmful than alcohol. Kills less brain cells and doesn't kill your liver. Saves on wife beating too. It is not physically addicting like alcohol, but is psychologically addictive.

Yes I used to smoke it. It's been years but keeping it illegal is beyond stupid. Farmerlor made a lot of very good points. It never made me a cabbage.I was a killer tomato.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Pot (hemp) is grown in Canada right above the USA. Hemp rope and other applications. But it is genetically altered to be the lowest amt. of THC imaginable. This stuff won't get ya high at all.

I inquired about growing it here for the commercial use of rope and such. Heck no, USA won't allow it. I told Tony I would love acres of it out there and everyone could wonder I was doing..HA HA

Any one being busted for cocaine and harder drugs has monster supplies of pot in their hands also.

No way to it being legal ever. Our morals are going down hill, is it just easier to say since it cost money to defend --what the heck, forget the fight. Not for me one bit! I don't want it legal ever cause I have a kid and I don't want it every being thought by her that it is legal. It needs to be illegal in her know the right from wrong. Bad enough I have to tackle the evils of alcohol with her and it is legal.

That make sense? LOL-LOL


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
It is not physically addicting like alcohol, but is psychologically addictive.
I'd have to disagree with this statement~and almost all of the rest of them! Any mood altering drug/substance can become addictive.....yes, physically addictive. Having lived with a Mary Jane addict, I know full well the "benefits" of this drug. Yes, it does have long term affects on your body and mind with chronic use.

As far as accidents go. A lot of people accuse someone of being under the influence just because they come up positive on a urinalysis. Fact is THC stays in your fat cells for up to 30 days. The effect wears off in a few hours. Smoking pot is a lot safer than drinking and is much less harmful than alcohol. Kills less brain cells and doesn't kill your liver. Saves on wife beating too.
I would have to say that this paragraph contradicts itself at least once, if not many times.

Safer than drinking? High is high. One is dangerous when high and operating any heavy machinery...regardless of drug taken. Less harmful than alcohol? I'm sure many alcoholics would argue this, for the same reason a pot smoker defends their habit! It may not "kill your liver" but chronic pot smokers have many of the same side effects as cigarette smokers and it does have long term effects on brain tissue, mental status, circulatory systems, respiratory systems.

As for wife beating? I won't even bother to answer that one! :rolleyes:

I can tell you many more stories than we have time for in a year, about people who "aren't addicted" to marijauna. One comes to my mind quite clearly....a young man with whom I went to church, went all my life to school with, was voted most likely to succeed...and did! He became a doctor. Then he became a weed addict(which, of course, he maintains is impossible~because HE is a doctor and knows this!), was arrested for growing, somehow shot himself in the hand, married another weed addict and brought 3 little sad children into this world. They live in a trailer park now, lay around most of the day in a marijauna stupor, avail themselves of the welfare system's benefits, and he plays music for strippers now in the local "gentlemen's club".

He was my very first boyfriend in 6th grade. A beautiful, charming, talented, intelligent boy.....fried for life on this "not as dangerous or addicting as alcohol" drug. That's just one of the hundreds of stories I can tell you about marijauna.

As a nurse, I've heard it all, from top to bottom, about how wonderful marijauna is, how it doesn't harm anyone, and how relatively mild it is compared to other drugs.

That dog just won't hunt! :rolleyes:

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
My next door neighbor has told be about her mom smoking pot when she was a child- the end result was that my neighbor raised herself because her mother didn't leave the fog of pot at all. Her mom has sobered and is very sorry about my neighbors childhood now. After my neighbor is grown and taking care of herself.
A few years ago, the neighbors I had at the time (college kids,) burned part of their house during a pot party- at which time the majority of the took off driving to go home while they were totally stoned.
I mentioned about the little girl with her brains splattered on the roadway. I personally saw the shape the mother was in- of course she wasn't hurt herself- just the 6 year old killed and the 8 year old with a split open forehead- even the dog got hurt- all innocent except the one who did not get hurt.
And either pot does fry brain cells big time or some of the long time potheads who can't remember stuff from day to day and make some of the stupidiest choices were lucky they managed to learn to cross the street as children with the brains they show now.

And it is viturally legal here- people still kill people driving, burn houses down growing, steal mostly from each other, and spend their lives without producing anything to help anyone else. It's just the nature of a person whose primary goal in life is to make themselves feel good without working for it.

And it isn't a choice between pot smoking or drinking- those who drink to excess still do, but now the rest of us have a whole 'nother group of impaired people to take care of. Lucky us- we get both.


Power Conserver
Jul 16, 2008
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Once upon a time long ago I smoked it daily. Have not touched it in at least 8 years. My back seemed to never hurt when I smoked it. My arthritis never bothered me either. It helped slow me down enough that my ADHD eased up. I actually concentrated and stayed on task better with it because my mind was not bouncing from one thought to another. I was overweight because it greatly enhances appetite. All that being said I did not smoke it for medical benefits. I did so for the recreational aspects. I notice alot of people are strongly misinformed. It does not turn you into an evil monster who beats and kills people. Actually you are too mellow to worry about violence. It does not make everyone lazy either. I used to crank up the tunes and work harder. I never stole from anyone. It did not lead me to harder stuff. I am not saying its all peachy because its not. It is however not as horrible as some of you make it out to be.


Sustainable Newbie
Sep 27, 2008
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Only a couple of experiences with the cannibis. I am not at all familiar with it-I'm real old! We did have a neighbor who brought me tea a couple of times that sent my migraine headache away.
I have real trouble with them. (migraines not the neighbors)!! They sometimes last for days and the nausea and heaves keep the hydration to a minimum. I am in a medical study right now that seems to help, hate for it to end. The one time I took daily meds for relief was good. The expense was out of sight for us. Have tried the salvia. It worked for the pain, but could hardly get it down because of the bitter taste. The dreams with it were way too much!!!! The duration of my pain relief was only a few hours-although long enough to drink water and get some real sleep.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Anyone thinking that it is not bad is misinformed big time. It is bad. It is a drug and used for getting high. It alters your persception etc. Good for ailments, sure but the side effects are super harmful and dangerous to others.

Do what you want in your own home.....don't make it legal to allow a bunch of loonies to smoke and hurt people.

Medical problems...alot can be handled by just being healthy ya know.

Overweight---lose weight and it helps arthritis
Problems sleeping etc.....research other natural cures.

There are tons of nature help out there.....why does everyone want to pick the one that is illegal...LOL

Nope, it is not a good thing at all. It causes trouble pure and simple.

Gay Renee

Enjoys Recycling
Feb 5, 2009
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I also agree with some of the people here that if you smoke dope, you don't do much else . . .but I have never heard of anyone having an accident here in my area because they smoked a joint, but prescription pain pills and alcohol yes . . .I have a family member who is a chronic smoker, but she is a good mother, house is immaculate, and she cooks like a chef ...I have another family member who is also a smoker, goes to work every day and takes care of his family in a good manner . . .but then, I know other people who do the same thing and they aren't worth the gun powder it would take to blow them away. . .I think these people may be lacing their weed with something else, that is a very common practice around here . . .in the 80's in Illinois, where I live, farmers kept their heads above water by planting a few rows of corn, and then two of Mary Jane . . .so there are a LOT of different ways to look at this. Of course, the gov. isn't going to allow any research, its too easy and there is no money in it. . .lots more money in the arrest and confinscating of the plants. I saw a truckload of over 800 plants one time that the sheriff had, it had a value (each one) of $1200 . . .I told him he sure had ruined someone's Xmas. He agreed.:)
Jan 24, 2009
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There is lot's of misinformation out there, mostly from people who have never used it. Most just speculation and listening to others opinions. Pot will never be a benefit to society in general. It would help a lot of people with physical ailments. Having smoked it for 30 years I can assure you it is not physically addicting. Physical addiction includes physical withdrawal symptoms. That doesn't happen with pot. It does give you a very deep longing and puts you in a bad mood for 2 or 3 days. The story about the doctor. Sounds like his problems were caused by the fact that pot is illegal. He got in trouble with the law because of it. He could be a useless alcoholic wife beater and still be a doctor. But since he enjoyed getting high and mellowing out in his free time he now lives in a trailer. Shows how screwed up society is. Go to you tube under quart of Jack Daniels. See how college kids like to get high. You have never heard of ANYBODY dying from pot poisoning or an overdose of pot. If you have it's an urban legend. Every year colleges lose kids to alcohol. Look at all the highway deaths from alcohol. The argument should be WHY is alcohol legal.

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
This is not a useful post anymore so I will leave it after this.
With any chemical way of changing mood or really any physical attibute- a certain percentage of people with find themselves unable to leave it even when it clearly causes a deterioration in their lives. A lot of drugs make things seem better temporarily but really have never fixed anything.
1) Anything that impairs judgement will cause injury and death - if people who liked being intoxicated only killed themselves, I probably wouldn't object. But no matter what anyone says, I picture that adorable child with a split open forehead standing near the car where her mother had plowed into the tree and mashed open her sister head so that her brains fell out. She was at frist screaming then sort of went blank. So for her mother's taking of something to make herself feel good, the one child is dead, the other child is scarred both physically and emotionally and, I can only hope, the mother doesn't seek to eliminate her guilt by more of the same.
2) If even one in a hundred people are so close to being unable to cope with life. that smoking pot ends any chance they have of making a good life, then it is wrong to spread it's use without the strictest controls. If any drug manufactured cause this rate of damage, it would be pulled among endless lawsuits.
3)The only people who I've heard say pot doesn't cause harm are those who smoke it. The people who have to clean up the messes it makes in a lot people lives do not say it. That people who do smoke pot do not see that they are harming anyone is an indication of the harm done by this rather than an indication it does no harm. The idea that driving is what killed someone rather than smoking the pot that imp-aired the driving is self-delusion at best.

People will always find reasons to justify what they do- and people who have it done to them will object. No argument will reslove this. So I will not allow myself to get anymore involved with this.

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