Cannabis as medicine for real, anyone?


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Driving while wasted in wrong. I don't care if it is beer, pot or prescription pills. But pot doesn't make you smash little children's heads in. The melodrama is so over the top.

And "Pot Violence"....seriously????


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I started this thread in order to connect with others who have experience with the serious medicinal aspect of cannabis and to inform others, that there is actual medicinal value to this herb.
I am not advocating the recreational use, although I don't care if people do. It is not for me.
I was quite wild when I was young and tried just about everything. But when I decided to have a baby, I straightened out my act and stopped using anything that might harm my as yet not conceived child. In the years after, I have on occasion tried pot, but found that I don't care for what it does to me. I like being in control of my mind and my actions.
I don't smoke. Period. I am experimenting with applying a salve made with cannabis directly to my skin on my hand and I use a tincture. I use a few drops of the tincture a day. It does not make me high.
I took dayquill for a cold yesterday and could barely function. I waited to take it, till after I ran all my errands, because I know over the counter cold or allergy medication makes me woozy.
How many of you, who condem the use of pot, drive after you take cold medication?
Driving while impaired for whatever reason is irresponsible.

I have been living with debilitating backpain for 38 years. I do yoga, have seen doctors, talked to specialists etc etc. Yoga helps a lot. I still have missed a lot of work, because either of lack of sleep do to the pain or because I was simply unable to move when I woke up in the morning. My employers were rarely sympathetic. Sooner or later they would find a reason to let me go. I have been unemployed for two years. I have no medical insurance. I cannot find a doctor to take me, even though I pay at the time of the visit. I've been to clinics, they prescibe a minimum of vicodin, which I cannot take in the evening, because it keeps me awake and it only takes the edge off the pain anyway. I don't care to be on morphine or any other drug that is stronger than Vicodin, I worry about becoming addicted to them!
I have researched cannabis and have found that it really doesn't have any bad side affects. Smoking it can, because you get the tar and all that. If you take to much, you run the risk of getting high. Some people get sleepy, some become energized, many can't stop eating. I don't eat much generally, so it's ok for me to get the munchies. I just make sure I have healthy snacks on hand, mostly fruit and cut up vegies from the garden.
There is a lot of mis-information put out by our government and companies that feel threatened by an herb that has so many easily available benefits. The companies would loose money. Some bad propaganda came about for other personal gain for someone.

I grew up around pot and street drugs and alcohol in the 70's. I am still around a lot of people who abuse pot, prescription drugs and alcohol. I try to avoid those people. I don't condone excessive use or irresponsible behavior. Many of those same people blame everyone else for their problems and won't accept responsibility for their own actions or inactions. I don't think it is the drugs that are to blame, but the individuals themselves for not dealing with their issues. I tell them, don't blame me "I didn't poor that beer down your throat, I didn't put that joint in your mouth and made you inhale, and I didn't force those pills on you. And don't tell me your sorry tale that you got busted once again, or your girlfriend left you or you got fired because you called in sick one monday too many."
I also don't appreciate people who brag that they never missed a day of work, because no matter how bad they felt they still came to work. Those same people dosed them selves up on over the counter medication, drove to work all drugged up on the same streets that I drive on and then spread their sick germs all around to their co-workers.

So can we get back to discussing just the medical aspect of marijuana. Let's leave the recreational use out of it. I'm sure there is a forum for that somewhere. :D;)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2009
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I've had back pain and knee pain. Doctors don't think twice about prescribing me some vicodin and I'm a serious lightweight, you do NOT want me driving around when I'm taking that drug. People who've had chemo will tell you all day long that pot helps with the nausea and pain. I wish we'd had access to some when my Dad was dying. If I'd thought about it I would have tried some for my back. Oh, and I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep on Vicodin!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I become a working maniac, when I take vicodin. My SO will ask me if I took my vicodin and suggest we clean out the garage :lol:
The aftermath is usually not very good on my back.. more pain. Ouch
Jan 24, 2009
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I never used pot for pain relief. I have a friend that does, uses it for his stomach. I just don't like seeing all the problems that having it illegal causes. If it was legal and sold in stores where ID is required it would get rid of a lot of problems. There's too many people sitting in jail for possession of a small amount in some backwards part of the country. We spend billions of dollars attempting to enforce laws that can't be enforced. Then all the money wasted prosecuting and incarcerating. It's really backwards for a country as advanced as ours.

At the very least they could make it available as a prescription drug. I don't know why the drug companies fight it. I'm sure they could charge the insurance companies some ridiculous amount. Of course that would leave the underground issue still open. There would be a market for people that couldn't afford the prescription stuff.

I don't know why we bother to discuss it. It seems that it's a real tall fence that divides the 2 sides. I'm out of here.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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not to be hard core here but alot of posts make me laugh....yes up-standing families where the parents smoke pot and drive to work etc. etc.

please ya'll---don't be telling me if you are home, late at night, smoke a joint and are high as a kite, and your kid needs attention like medical to the ER and you get on the road...Hmm....real good judgement.

There are a million reasons just after smoking pot people get on the road........yea real value the parents are teaching. Give me a break!!!!!!

Any drug can cause trouble while driving. Hmm....many on pain pills have them and know the responsibility that go with them, any many don't. Don't tell me that pot smokers are all good and smart users......not even close to me.

I have to bow out of this thread. Anyone wanting to justify parents using pot is over the top to me. I can't go there. And I wonder about the people who say it is OK....Hmmm.....we jump on people who are down and out and smoke pot and say that is the blame, but it is OK to be a parent with a job and provides and smoke. Double standards big time.

Out I go....I have to cause this subject makes my skin crawl big time.

just rambling...... and all is cool but I see this thread getting bad for me...HA HA HA


Power Conserver
Jul 16, 2008
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I maintain in moderate amounts it is great for you. Would I mess with it, no. Too many legal repercussions involved in it.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I have administered the synthetic marijauna drug, Marinol, to patients for an appetite enhancer, but have never seen it work. People who advocate for the legalization of the drug maintain that the synthetic is inaffective and thus the herb itself should be manufactured for legal medical usage.

BUT, they say that this would be too expensive and that the drug companies shouldn't capitalize on the sale of this medicinal marijauna. They want to grow their own.

I would venture to say, if it was approved by the FDA, insurance would pay for it just like most any drug. Let a pharm company produce it, let it be with prescription only, just like any other therapeutic drug. Let the folks who claim its for medicinal purposes buy it and administer it just like any other medicine~in a pill form. All other growth and usage should remain illegal~just like manufacturing meth or cocaine is illegal.

That way, everyone wins~don't you think? ;)


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I took dayquill for a cold yesterday and could barely function. I waited to take it, till after I ran all my errands, because I know over the counter cold or allergy medication makes me woozy.
How many of you, who condem the use of pot, drive after you take cold medication?
I can't function on benedryl AT ALL....and vicodin makes me sick...and near suicidal. If I need allergy medicine, I have to take a children's dose of chlor tabs. If I have dental work, I just use advil. Everything else makes me feel worse than the dental work that started the pain in the first place.


Power Conserver
Jul 16, 2008
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Beekissed said:
I have administered the synthetic marijauna drug, Marinol, to patients for an appetite enhancer, but have never seen it work. People who advocate for the legalization of the drug maintain that the synthetic is inaffective and thus the herb itself should be manufactured for legal medical usage.

BUT, they say that this would be too expensive and that the drug companies shouldn't capitalize on the sale of this medicinal marijauna. They want to grow their own.

I would venture to say, if it was approved by the FDA, insurance would pay for it just like most any drug. Let a pharm company produce it, let it be with prescription only, just like any other therapeutic drug. Let the folks who claim its for medicinal purposes buy it and administer it just like any other medicine~in a pill form. All other growth and usage should remain illegal~just like manufacturing meth or cocaine is illegal.

That way, everyone wins~don't you think? ;)
Why should you mess with something in its near perfect state and heavily process it into a pill? Too many people take a pill for this and a pill for that. Many pills have loads of side effects. I can't stand putting anything unnatural in my body. As for Insurance paying for it many don't have the luxury of insurance. As for coke and meth you cannot compare them to cannabis. A total different class.

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