But if its so medicinally effective and the problem is legality, then surely this is a way to get what people want~this med that is so very effective for pain control~and be legal in the process? As you have already stated, marijuana has no side effects like other pain meds(my drug handbook states differently!)~supposedly it is nothing less than a miracle cure for pain, nausea, etc.~surely this would be just as effective compressed into a pill form, like any other herbal med?Why should you mess with something in its near perfect state and heavily process it into a pill? Too many people take a pill for this and a pill for that. Many pills have loads of side effects. I can't stand putting anything unnatural in my body. As for Insurance paying for it many don't have the luxury of insurance. As for coke and meth you cannot compare them to cannabis. A total different class.
And from my nursing drug handbook:MARIJUANA
Names: Cannabis sativa, hashish, hashish oil, marijuana, Mary Jane, Acapulco Gold, ace, bhang, Colombian, ganja, grass, hemp, Indian, Jamaican, jive, joint, Mexican, Maui wowie, Panama red, Panama Gold, pot, reefer, ragweed, sativa, sinse, tea, Thai sticks, weed, roach, hash, hash oil, honey oil, weed oil.
Type: Hallucinogen.
Forms: Grey-green to green-brown dry leaf, resin oil, leaf oil.
Combinations: With PCP, "supergrass," "killer weed"; with opium, "OJ.'; with heroin, 'atom bomb," "A-bomb."
Usage: Inhaling by smoking a 'joint," bong or pipe. May be cooked or baked in foods and eaten.
Legal Status: Illegal.
Other Forms: The prime psychoactive element of cannabis, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is administered in gelatin capsules for medical research testing of nausea treatment related to cancer chemotherapy, glaucoma, epilepsy and muscle spasm due to multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury.
Feelings of contentment and relaxation may be accompanied by loss of inhibition, bouts of laughter, continuous talking, increased sensitivity to audio and visual effects, increased sensitivity of touch, smell, taste and movement. Confusion, disorientation, recent memory loss, reduced attention span, lack of balance and stability, loss of muscle strength, shaking, anxiety, and paranoia may occur with higher dosages.
To Your Mind: Distorts perception of reality.
To Your Body: Increases heart rate, lowers blood pressure, limits control of movement.
Heart related effects. Asthma, bronchitis, damage to respiratory system and tissue. Reddening of eyes, change in sex drive, infertility. Changes in body temperature, hallucinations, slowed reaction time. Delusions, panic, toxic psychosis, activation of latent schizophrenia which may continue indefinitely. Arnotivational syndrome, memory loss with possible permanent brain damage. Death of self and others due to driving under the influence, especially when combined with alcohol. Dependence can develop as a psychological craving. Unborn children of mothers who use cannabis may develop congenital defects or experience delayed development after birth.
As for "reefer madness", I believe this refers to the mood swings and behaviors associated with the withdrawal of cannibis. I have lived with a cannibis addict and I can tell you that the "madness" to which they refer is entirely derived from not being able to have "a fix" to "calm them down". As with just about any mood altering drug, the opposite of calm and relaxed is agitated, angry, short-tempered.Dronabinaol is the principle active substance in Cannibis sativa(marijuana), which can produce both physiological and psychological dependance and has a high risk of abuse.
Drug effects may persist for days after treatment ends.
Alcohol is very bad for you.FarmerChick said:I want a strawberry daquiri if you please....![]()
The coca leaf in its natural form is chewed by natives to combat altitude sickness. In its refined form, we get cocaine.surely this would be just as effective compressed into a pill form, like any other herbal med?
If everyone can smoke pot to relief an ache and pain, I sure can have a legal drink!1acrefarm said:Alcohol is very bad for you.FarmerChick said:I want a strawberry daquiri if you please....![]()
Actually, Marinol is a derivative of marijuana and not entirely artificial. It is not thought to be as affective in this form, as I had already pointed out. But, if marijuana can be made into a tincture, as described, and rubbed on joints for topical delivery, or even baked into a brownie and deliver some effects, then surely unrefined marijuana leaves, ground and placed in a capsule, could be just as effective.Herbal pills are just compressed herbs. Marinol is not compressed mj, itcontains an artificial version of THC and doesn't work for many people...much like cheap generic drugs can work for some, but others have reactions to the different formulation.
Corn in its natural state that is ground fine is something we call cornmeal and we eat it just fine. No one suggested refining marijuana, just grinding it and compressing it into a pill, or even capsule, form. One could even express the leaves and obtain a topical med to be delivered in a patch form for extended release.Corn in its natural state is a handy food. Refined it becomes high fructose corn syrup.