cap and trade!


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
I don't know ANYthing about this particular bill so should probably just log off :D

But... I want to remind people that a targeted e-mail is unlikely to contain unbiased information. It's even possibly inaccurate.

If I understand the concept of cap and trade, the whole point is to decrease energy use. So when you talk about eventually a possible $6000+ tax bill, I assume that means if you used energy now like a typical American AND continued to use energy down the line like a typical American rather than decreasing your energy use and getting more efficient.

I think the whole point is to be an economic disincentive. Kind of like when gas shot up and folks stopped driving every tiny little trip they had to make.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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I doubt any of us can speak intelligently about a 1200 page bill. I understand that it creates a cap on energy use (how much carbon can be produced). Certain carbon credits are alotted. If the company produces less carbon, it can trade its credits. Seems to me whenever a market is limited in how much can be produced, the price goes up just because there is less of it to go around. Those costs get passed on to the consumers as the cost of doing business. Considering the current economic conditions, this seems a questionable approach to me. Frankly, I'm not sure how we (my family personally) can cut energy use any more. Somehow, we missed the decadent times everyone else enjoyed the past few years. We never did run all those little errands in a giant SUV. Our thermostat has never been set on 72. There just isn't any more room for us to cut -- oh, that's right --we didn't take out one of those subprime mortgages to buy a McMansion in the DC suburbs because we were trying to live within out means. What did that get us?

Feeling bitter today,


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Instead of economically 'disincentive'-izing us, I'd prefer they stick to fixing the economy properly, so people like my husband, of which there are millions, could go back to work. Creating an economic environment where companies are going to have to pay higher fees and taxes isn't going to fix the economy for the American worker. We already are paying through the nose - and trying to save energy any way we can. I don't want to hear about how high some people live, many more live frugally and environmentally consciously. Where is the reward for us? There isn't any. We're just expected to pay more and more. They've squeezed us to the bone, which is why we aren't spending - why can't those who think this cap and trade garbage is a wonderful thing see what they're doing to the taxpaying public? Because they don't care. Whoever they think is supposed to make money still is - hand over fist.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
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Lake Champlain Islands
Unfortunatly many of the people pushing this bill have large investments that will pay off if/when it becomes law. I FAXed, emailed, called my Rep to request that he vote NO because it would hurt many Vermonters who are on fixed incomes or who are low income. Much of our state falls into one or the other catagory.

It will not only effect energy costs, it will effect the cost of everything because energy is used to produce everything. Also the burden will be born by the middle and lower classes. The upper class will have their monies heavily invested in businesses that will benifit by Cap & Trade while the middle and lower classes will have to pay much more for the things that they buy because of Cap and Trade. Everyone in the food and manufacturing chain will pass their added costs down until it hits the consumer. Additionally, it will hurt the businesses that can't move out of this country. The ones that can, will. They will have much greater difficulties selling their products outside of this country because this puts them at a further cost disadvantage. These companies will also have dificulties selling things here in the US because of the increased costs due to Cap and Trade and the fact that we will be having inflation as well. This will cause more unemployment. Therefor the $6400 added cost each year takes into account the added cost to everything, not just your gas, electric and heat. The $150 CBO number does not take in any of the added costs that are stacked on as each product wends its way through to the consumer, this even includes food.

I found out after it passed that my Rep voted YES and in addition, WAS ONE OF THE SPONSORS! I am so mad :somad that I will activly campaign for whom ever runs against him in 2010. Now the fight will move to the Senate. The vote in the House was close, 6 votes. I pray it can be stopped in the Senate.

I have to have faith that this can be stopped because if it doesn't, I think this will be the last straw for our economy. It is hanging on by a thread now and this will push it over the edge. If it passes, I dont know how we will recover.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 26, 2009
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Tucson Arizona USA
My husband came home tonight to announce we are going to have to really tighen down our spending. If this bill passes, it will be LIFE CHANGING for most of us. How did we get to this place? And so quickly? Three engineers were laid off this week at my husband's office. They say there will be more layoffs next quarter. So.. he wants to begin to save major bucks in the next three months if his is the the next head to roll.

I do hope things do not get as bad as he thinks they will.
Jan 24, 2009
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Valium for everyone. Quit reading those right wing rags. It's bad for your health. The actual expected increase is about 250 a year. Supposedly that is just for the more well to do amongst us. Of course that figure comes from the other end from where your 6000 figure came from. One thing the obstructionist party learned during the 2004 elections was that it's very easy to scare Americans. They are experts at the be afraid routine. I'm sure cap and trade will turn in to a total GF. It will have to be fine tuned, but it is the start of something that has to be done. It will help force the power companies to make the capitol investments needed for clean power. I know " Only God can effect the world we live in". Well maybe God is using man to trash the planet. So it's up to man to correct the problem. In the meantime quit listening to the fear mongers. They are BAD people.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
Big Daddy said:
Valium for everyone. Quit reading those right wing rags. It's bad for your health. The actual expected increase is about 250 a year. Supposedly that is just for the more well to do amongst us.
I am always amazed that you liberals keep telling us what we should and should not be reading. :th

Earlier I posted:

In an interview this week, Warren Buffett, who endorsed Obama for president, described cap and trade as a huge tax and a fairly regressive tax.

Mr. Buffett is far from "right wing."

This tax will be passed on to all who use energy - not just "the more well to do amongst us."


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Always follow the dancing dollars. Who profits the most from this passing? GE?
Jan 24, 2009
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Tallman said:
Big Daddy said:
Valium for everyone. Quit reading those right wing rags. It's bad for your health. The actual expected increase is about 250 a year. Supposedly that is just for the more well to do amongst us.
I am always amazed that you liberals keep telling us what we should and should not be reading. :th
Some people need guidance. I'm concerned about your health.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
Big Daddy said:
Tallman said:
Big Daddy said:
Valium for everyone. Quit reading those right wing rags. It's bad for your health. The actual expected increase is about 250 a year. Supposedly that is just for the more well to do amongst us.
I am always amazed that you liberals keep telling us what we should and should not be reading. :th
Some people need guidance. I'm concerned about your health.
Sure you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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