I don't think it will make it through the Senate. It passed the House on a pretty narrow margin.sylvie said:It hasn't passed the Senate. The Senate will create it's own bill which will be the version that will pass.
I love people that are willing to put their money where there mouth is, as the saying goes. I'm expecting an increase if this bill goes through. Certainly not 6400. That's strictly fear mongering. I applaud the fact that you do so much to minimize your footprint and would be willing to pay more to make things better. Bravo.me&thegals said:Another disclaimer--I haven't read the bill. But, from a purely practical standpoint, no party proposing a bill that ACTUALLY raised people's energy taxes $6400/year during a recession would EVER get reelected. Makes it hard for me to believe this is what they are actually proposing.
For the record, I live in a home heated exclusively by wood, own a 13-yo car that gets 40 mpg, line dry my clothing year round, use my AC about 4 days per year, bike anywhere less than 6 miles away, and in general use a very small amount of electricity and fuel. I don't think I would personally be affected much by increased taxes since I use so little to begin with. I also personally have no problem with my gas prices going up or electric costs. I am willing to pay double on both (please do NOT jump down my throat--I am speaking for myself here) if increased taxes help our country get WAY more reasonable on energy usage.
I happen to really love this chunk of earth I live on![]()
You got it all figured out. Unfortunately you are probably right.Including the part about the big corporations who actually run the whole show. Until they reform campaign finances our system will always suck. Since none of the politicians want to lose all those campaign contributions they get from big oil, pharm and med nothing will ever change.inchworm said:Oh, Puh-lease!!
This will go the way EVERYthing in DC goes. The House passes one bill. The Senate passes a different bill. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon and attaches their own million dollar pork project until everyone compromises on the real bill that finally gets passed. This final bill will fund special interest projects across the board that have nothing to do with the environment, there will be a massive increase in red tape and regulations which will put small businesses out of business and encourage larger businesses to look elsewhere, and there will be massive tax increases that will be most detrimental to people who live in rural areas and working class people. As people and businesses become more strapped for cash, they will look to the feds to give them "free" health care. And the amount of pollutants will actually increase because the bill didn't really do anything put pad the pockets of lawyers, lobbyists, and politicians. At this point, the politicians say what a success it was, because pollutants didn't go up as much as they would have if they hadn't passed the legislation. And the American people will once again vote for the same congress person that they have been for the past 30 years because they think the problem is everyone else's senator. And Big Daddy will say it was all the evil corporations' fault.
Now that I know how DC works, time for me to run for office so I can have an affair with my intern....
I don't believe that the 6400 dollar amount represents the amount a families home energy bill would increase. I believe that the home energy is included, but that it is also takes in the increased cost of everything purchased. Every producer of raw materials, manufacturer, wholesaler, transporter, retailer, etc., will have their costs go up. Each business that touches any goods, before you purchase them, will have to pass on the increased costs. 6400 dollars is the total of the added costs over the year, and from what I have read, it may be conservative.Big Daddy said:I love people that are willing to put their money where there mouth is, as the saying goes. I'm expecting an increase if this bill goes through. Certainly not 6400. That's strictly fear mongering. I applaud the fact that you do so much to minimize your footprint and would be willing to pay more to make things better. Bravo.
k0xxx, I believe you are correct, or at least that is how I understood the 6400 figure was derived. I don't think most people think about how many hands each item we buy goes through. There are very few things that are not made up of subparts from all over the globe. Even food, with the exception of "locally grown items" goes through many hands before we get it home. Each company that handles all or any part of an item will pass on a little bit more cost to cover their increased cost due to cap and trade. It all adds up. I believe the $6400 was for a family of 4. If you stop to think of how a company detirmines the cost of an item, which is usually the cost to manufacture/sell (including all over head) plus a profit that is based on a percentage of the total cost per item. The increase will not be just the cost of the cap and trade tax but he cost of the tax plus the percent profit on that added cost as well. I hope this makes sense.k0xxx said: I don't believe that the 6400 dollar amount represents the amount a families home energy bill would increase. I believe that the home energy is included, but that it is also takes in the increased cost of everything purchased. Every producer of raw materials, manufacturer, wholesaler, transporter, retailer, etc., will have their costs go up. Each business that touches any goods, before you purchase them, will have to pass on the increased costs. 6400 dollars is the total of the added costs over the year, and from what I have read, it may be conservative.