We go out to the edge of the property to cut and drag a Christmas tree back about the 15th of December. This has ended up being at dusk after work and usually in snow, which helps slide the 12 footer along. I plant assorted pine, fir and spruce seedlings each year to assure we have stock.
I celebrate the Solstice so that date allows us both to enjoy it on our respective holidays.
The tree comes down after January 6th.
One mid March I was on a art auction committee where we met at a lady's English Tudor mansion to address invitations. Her tree was still up! That tree ended up being more of the conversation than the rare Juan Miro painting on the wall.
Outside I decorate entirely different each year. This year I have been buying small chandeliers at yard sales to hang up along my steeply peaked roof line.
I make over sized wreaths to hang, always different.
I love driving by homes that have gone corny mad with exterior decorations. We've got a family close by that has a moving merry go round, music, characters in orchestrated movement and more in a wooded setting; it is amazing!

I celebrate the Solstice so that date allows us both to enjoy it on our respective holidays.
The tree comes down after January 6th.
One mid March I was on a art auction committee where we met at a lady's English Tudor mansion to address invitations. Her tree was still up! That tree ended up being more of the conversation than the rare Juan Miro painting on the wall.
Outside I decorate entirely different each year. This year I have been buying small chandeliers at yard sales to hang up along my steeply peaked roof line.
I make over sized wreaths to hang, always different.
I love driving by homes that have gone corny mad with exterior decorations. We've got a family close by that has a moving merry go round, music, characters in orchestrated movement and more in a wooded setting; it is amazing!