Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good morning. I've been running the past couple of days. Son and I went to Commerce Saturday morning, to pick up small animal huts and took them to Groveton. It SNOWED on us practically all the way. We unloaded them, dropped that trailer, then went and borrowed a longer trailer, went back to Lindale, got there at 9:30 PM. Tired. Sunday morning neighbor Russell came over with his cab tractor and loaded hay bales and telephone poles on the borrowed trailer. It naturally had a flat, had to go to town to get a plug kit, son fixed the tire. Loaded the fuel tank and stand on my trailer and we went to Groveton to unload. I came back to Lindale, got here at 7 PM last night.

Ridgetop from BYH and her DH are coming today to join me in camping out in the house. She said they would get an air mattress to sleep on, furniture is kinda scarce around here, LOL Plans are to pack up the @LStewart86 's cargo trailer and my stock trailer. I want to get EVERYTHING out of the house, all this annoying little stuff and the stupid BIG pictures that wont go in a box, wall mirrors and the like. All the hard work I've done to empty the house and there are STILL things in here. :barnie

Ok, back to plans......... I close on the farm Wednesday afternoon. Ridgetop and her DH have to be in Sulphur Springs to take care business for their farm on Wednesday. So plans are to pack all the rest of the inside stuff up, today and Tuesday, as much of the stuff in the portable building as we can, outside stuff, may even pack up the flatbed trailer. Anybody want to come pull it to Groveton? :yesss:

Thursday morning we'll load the refrigerator in the cargo trailer, recliner, end table and whatever else we have left. Couple of folding chairs-can't expect old people with crapped out knees to sit on the FLOOR! We'd roll around like bowling balls trying to get up!

Somewhere in there, work the sheep for the last time here. Give shots, wormer, ear tag a few lambs, in preparation for moving them.

Hopefully I can hand the key to the house to the new farm owners, and my new friends, when we close. It sure won't be for lack of trying. They are so nice, telling me, no hurry, take my time and I appreciate that. But at the same time they are like cute little speckled puppies that just had a bowl of warm milk and soft puppy food set down in front of them, in a wire cage and they have to wait for it. They can SEE it, but they can't HAVE it! :gig
I can't stand the thought of hungry little puppies, so I gotta get out of here! hahaha!

Thursday we trailer down to Groveton, unpack. With Ridgetop's organizational skills, it should go smoothly. With my lack of organizational skills, it should be a crap shoot. Then we start build pens, fence, etc for the sheep and dogs. Neighbor Robert is going to feed sheep and dogs Thursday-Sunday. Hopefully on Monday we can come back for the sheep and dogs, then keep building fence for them.

Tuesday my daughter is coming to help. She will have to stay at a friend's house for her sleeping comfort. LOL Plenty of beds in Groveton! But not here anymore. I may put her to work unpacking boxes and organizing the kitchen-at least enough for us to be able to cook and eat. The crock pot is important! She will stay through the weekend and go back to Corpus Christi, her help is greatly appreciated. She will set me up with a phone linked internet while she is here and maybe I can get her to connect all those confounded TV wires that hang out like long skinny spaghetti. Eh.

I may be out for awhile. I'll check in on my phone when I can.

Sending out a search party for @Grandmas Porch !!!!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Exhausted. Why are there still this mountain of boxes? Got flatbed unloaded yesterday and finished unloading cargo trailer. Actually cooked a meal, my canned green beans and frozen cream corn were so good. Got a small pen built for Trip and Carson, we’ll work on sheep pens today. Got to get my animals!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
This evening my DD and I were having a phcon in which she made a comment that I WISH I had known was coming, to have recorded it! It was....

"I guess I need to learn to milk a goat!" WHAT?:epshe really said that!!??!!

It was even stranger than if she'd announced she'd become a vegetarian -- 90% of which she won't eat! She buys organic milk, won't even taste this milk because it's from a "goat", as if it's a bad thing.🙄. I can only guess that it was because I had stated I get $6 a gal to sell. So, a $ thing. :idunno:old. Well, I'll take it anyway because I have no one to milk, should there ever be a need for a sub. So I'll offer a lesson once kidding starts.:lol:. Bet that'll be interesting. She'll feed, water, etc....never this. 🙃

We had been discussing things to do on farm for income. Gardening, flowers(her thing), eggs, milk, soaps, etc. Mainly tossing things out there as my own thoughts to consider more home time for in one day I'd quit my "job" maybe, staying home. Plus the local markets we have around us. She used to garden more, when married and her DH ate veggies. They raised exotic birds, too. Fun, not business.

Some days are a surprise. :hu


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Psalm 27:14

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸