Sustainability Master
I have garlic, need to dig it up, has been over taken by black eyed Susan’s and weeds. I had a big beautiful rosemary bush, but the -6F got it this past winter.I know, the dust is stupid! just stupid,,, I cant keep up with it,
If you do get herbs and can only do a few, my top ones are , horseradish, rosemary, thyme and oregano, they are all anti viral---OH and lots of garlic
Industrial standards are 5-6 weeks. My standard is 8-10 weeks, these are at 13 weeks, life happens. I also ferment their feed with buttermilk as a starter. More work, but healthier bird and better meat.So, for the time you get the to the time you butcher them is???? how long
If you decide to raise some, I recommend getting 6-10 so you don’t get overwhelmed. I order 50 at a time, but I’m an idiot.