Sustainability Master
On second cup of coffee. Paid bills. I ran up my credit cards with all this buying the farm and getting it ready to move in for me, sheep and dogs. Gheesh! Paint and all that goes with it, 10 gates, 10 rolls of sheep and goat wire, 600 T-posts-I bought in quantity to get a discount and still have lots left. DIESEL FUEL!!!! Every fill up $$$$$$$$$ Various other things. I’ll have them paid off next month. I could pay them off now, but trying to live within my means, whatever that is. I just want the dust to settle so I can figure out what my living budget is. Gripe. Gripe. Gripe. I budgeted from selling/buying farms, knowing I’d be spending money to get this place ready to move me and animals, I just didn’t see galloping inflation coming. Prices on everything I needed was and is taking giant price hikes. Every fill up the truck has me raining curses down on the present administration. Too bad we can’t take all of them, stick ‘em in a run down rent house, beater gas guzzler car, and a job sacking groceries for 6 months and let them live in poverty and bust ‘em down to earth. I can dream, can’t I?