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- #4,421
The Porch
Super Self-Sufficient

going in for a refill,
Animal crackersHaven’t been outside yet, still dark. Have to go to Crockett this morning for feed. I’ll take Reina out and let her graze , spend time with her and let her know she is home and safe. It will take time, she might always be hard to catch, but a treat usually fixes that. Bribery!
Been foggy here also with dense fog alerts. I walked out of the house last night I'm like man is it foggy or what? Then I noticed my wife was running the clothes drier and it was basically a fog machine contributing significantly to the fog already presentWet and foggy here also. We had clouds and rain yesterday, and again today although today is warmer. We are due to have this weather for the next couple of days. This time of year it doesn't soak in near as fast so it is muddy out there. You just take it as it comes.
You are so correct! I know she's in the right hands with BM.Reina is a doll. So happy for you!!
Looks very cold there