Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I let the crazy quacken out this morning. For the first time this year they made a beeline straight to the pond. They appear to be enjoying their day ๐Ÿ‘ it's a beautiful day to enjoy today.

Farm babe got chicks, 4 barred rock and 4 Easter eggers. Momma Bear is happy to have baby chickennnns again ๐Ÿ˜‚

I saw this on the interweb and thought it was awesome. Not my picture, I haven't seen any box turtles around here.

Jesus is Lord and Christ ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
One small cup. Got home and everything is so peaceful. Stopped by FFH and they had sold all the chicks. Pixie was all wrapped up because it is freezing cold because of the wind but I brought her with me to see chick-chicks.

Little snow once made in back from airport but clear now. It sure feels like 14. Got so upset on my way toairport. Hub tells me that he was going to leave me his bank card so I could pay for his storage. All hell broke loose inside. But I held it and timed it right. 3 minutes to get to airport, I said, Alexa, pause the music. Then continued, I am not keeping your card because I am not paying anything. That is your responsibility and for the past years you have doing nothing but sh...t. i am not done....( because he tried to interrupt) every time you say that you are leaving and have done nothing but excuses that need time to get your sh....t together. I am not giving you a lifetime for that. I gave you my life unto your hands under a Godly commitment and you ruined it. No more. I can leave if I want to but I will let the property get taken and live on the streets but I am done waiting. (As I am parking at terminal). Alexa, resume my music.
He answered nothing. As he was closing the door, I said, have a safe trip and God be with you and I will see you around the 7th or 8th of March.
Never said any other word besides thanks. Not even happy Birthday. I feel like the chewy cat... I feel so accomplished!

Lots of work for me to do and really hoping for no heavy snow. I have no clue how to use the snow plow on the little Husqvarna ๐Ÿ˜
I was going to start today a lot of gathering and throwing stuff away but, it's my birthday, so I am gonna party like it's my birthday, lol going to just sit all dressed up with make up right here and just watch TV. Now I do wish I was in the city so I could order food and have it delivered,lol

But I made cheese stuffed manicotti yesterday and I love me some Italian food,lol

Happy Birthday!


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
So there has been many arguments about the state wanting to build a mega airport here. They selected 3 sites, 2 in Pierce County and 1 in Thurston County. The commission set up to select a site didn't consult the FAA or Military. Citizens, plus county and city officials were not consulted either. Neither were the Tribes even though 2 of the sites encroach on their land. They actively tried to keep quite about the 'open' online meetings.

The infrastructure does not exist for an airport and would take many millions of dollars just to connect the spots to I-5. These are also areas designated as wildlife corridors as the state required the counties to do so the big cities could expand. Easiest route for a highway is up Meridian through Puyallup to 512 which dumps onto I-5. Would take out a huge chunk of city. Other choice is through JBLM and Nisqually Tribal land.

All Pierce County officials are against this. No political party is trying anything other than to work together to stop it. They have stated as much and drafted legislation.

Nisqually Tribe is against it and joined the fight a while ago.

As I said, they didn't consult FAA and haven't gotten any comments.

The SEATAC approach starts down here. Thune Field is right here. JBLM flight pattern comes over here.

Well JBLM has now made the statement that they are against all three sites as they interfere with the base activities. And overlap base on 2 spots. Thurston County is thinking about bringing a lawsuit as they say locations violate state law about building anything near a military base that interferes with operation. Guarantee that Pierce County will be right behind them on it.

They are trying to not buy up a piece of property on the east side of the mountains and building there. Keep it all on the west side to keep money over to where King County, who are exempt from consideration for another airport, can justify trying to get money from it for Seattle. Plenty of large properties on the east side near enough to I-90 that building a road to it wouldn't be expensive. It's scrub desert so at most those may have a few cattle per hundred acres. Since this will be a CARGO airport it would work well.

Sorry had to rant over the frustration we've had here since last Spring. It came up again in the neighborhood chat. JBLM just recently was asked to voice an opinion by the papers, not the commission. They are not happy this this plan

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