Coronavirus Concern Up

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Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
We dumped Fox News, like we have all the other cable news networks long ago. We now favor One America News Network.

Have you cut the cord? No worries...

it's available for FREE via web browser live stream here ---> <--- along with all the other pathetic agenda driven news networks.

A SMDI cable plugged into your computer and TV and you're good to go. -or- watch on any device with a internet connection and a web browser. It's not only news, but many other "channels" you know and love.

Easy smeazy and no cable or subscription bill.

BTW... don't expect sensationalism news from OANN. Nope just good old investigative reporting, minus the opinions and drama, just like it used to be.

Party On
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Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA

the biggest question is for how long does the immunity last if you've had it and then gotten over it?

some reports say that a select few can actively be shedding virus for a really long time past what most people experience. so far they don't know why this happens. does that mean they are still able to pass on an infection to others? perhaps.

there is still a lot of science to be done.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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It was removed, and part of the Plandemic documentary. I have read different things about it, and I think it is fair to say we can't exactly verify its complete authenticity or its fabrication. The fact that You Tube viciously removes it from their platform just validates it to me. There are thousands of other videos out there that are left up, and they are less believable than this.

But, the major themes of the clip I watched to me are indisputable. Pharmacies, and insurance companies make a lot of money off of illness. Therefore, money for discovery and research is sent to groups, universities, etc. that will continue to maximize profit. Why eradicate a disease when it makes billions of dollars? Just plain human corruption.

Oddly enough, I have several people that I know who work in medicine with doctorate and bachelor degrees that have shared this video or watch it. They seem to think there is truth to it. One nurse friend I have does not want to wear a mask at work because of decreased immunity.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i also know there are good people out there working in those fields so that if anything is being attempted to prevent cures from being learned about it will eventually come out. just because a few people are bad apples doesn't mean the entire field is. just use common sense.

in time knowledge will win out, unless there is war which takes the entire world back to nothing at all and in that case we'll have much worse to worry about than this virus.

i just read through a few interviews given by the PHD doc being popularly quoted. many of her statements are rediculous coming from the mouth of anyone who claims to know microbiology. if i were a member of the institution she claims to have gotten her PHD from i'd be cringeing and wondering how the heck she ever got through.

i've spent a large chunk of my life understanding the sciences, history of science, theories and aspects of human corruption involved and how various attempts to decieve eventually fail, how different people have tried to skew results, lie about research, etc. it may take time to figure out but they eventually do get found out and things then get corrected or at least progress is made. that is how science works. it doesn't ever say "this is the absolute truth" it says instead "this is what we know so far and these are the reasons why we think we know ..." or at least decent scientists i have known so far rarely speak in terms of absolutes for much especially in a rapidly moving field (which is where COV-19 is at now).


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
Wanted to share my plan here. I'm using immune-boosting supplements and also am fasting (to boost immune system). What I've added is trying to get low level exposure. So I'm reading it takes 1,000 viral particles to inoculate average person. So my plan is going out frequently to low-risk places, low-risk exposure, wearing a mask. A mask isn't perfect so I'm hoping to be exposed to low levels of viral particles. Not enough to make me sick - but hopefully enough to get some antibodies going in my body. IDK if it will work, IDK if I will get exposed - there's not much of it going around here. (although rumor is a Walgreens employee tested positive so there's chance of a outbreak if that person was a superspreader, we'll find out in the next 2 - 3 weeks).

If my plan is feasible, I think it's a compromise between the protect and the plandemic points of view. (I don't agree with plandemic POV it's so debunked.) I can't deal with getting sick. I am not getting a new vaccine. Ever. Nope. Not happening. Give it a couple decades of testing in the general population and then I'll consider it. So I need to get some antibodies of my own.

There was a study in NY that found 14% of healthy population had antibodies. so I believe it's possible.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
random ramblings here

"Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena. " This also means it changes as more knowledge is acquired. Sounds like there is no such thing as an absolute in science.

@tortoise I think you've got as good a plan as any others I've seen.

Interestingly, TCM (traditional chinese medicine) has been using ephedra (aka ma huang) for C-virus with good results. (this is based on reports coming out of China primarily, so...) Among other things, it is a strong diuretic, removing excess water from body tissues (including lungs) to be excreted. It is, however dangerous to use unless you know what you're doing (it is basically a plant form of adrenaline). Ephedrine, the commercial drug developed from it, is what is used in epi-pens and some bronchial dilaters (Primatine Mist is one OTC inhaler that uses ephedrine that was pulled from the shelves several years ago, but has recently been found on the shelves in WalMart)


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
I have yet to wear a mask or get compulsive about washing my hands. I try to stay healthy, if a bit overweight. I am constantly exposed to different bacteria and viruses with the cows, and all over the farm. I am a big believer in the idea of exposure to things to get an immunity, providing there is not a good safe and Effective vaccine. And I mean killed virus vaccine. There are some things that I do believe in vaccination for. Tetanus is one, because the vaccine is safe, effective and has been proven to prevent tetanus in people who have gotten nasty cuts and punctures that bacteria and viruses have gotten into their systems.
There are alot of people who get this c-virus and don't even show symptoms. Or mild cold/flu like symptoms and then get better.
I agree with sensible ---- COMMON SENSE ---- type of measures. Always have. Don't go to work if you are sick..... before this, and especially now. I always tried to stay home if I felt sick because I knew I could give it to someone else. DO NOT expose people with compromised immune systems. I fall into the "elderly" age bracket, yet do not consider myself elderly. I am not frail, I don't have any health issues other than worn out joints, take no medications, have no problems like heart or cholesterol or anything. If I had even a cold I would stay away from elderly people who have compromising situations. I get a seasonal allergy that will be starting soon as we start orchard grass hay making. As soon as we get through first cutting, it goes away.
I had a scare last fall, with my eyes "locking to the left", when I got out of the shower after washing my hair and kinda throwing my head back after rinsing it, thinking I might be having a stroke. Lasted about an hour or so, son took me to emergency as it scared the crap out of me; had all sorts of tests, blood, x-rays, MRI, you name it. They couldn't find anything but insisted I had a seizure of some sort. Even went to see a neurologist a couple weeks later, under advice of the ER dr and the primary care.... NOTHING. I did call and go to my chiropractor the next day, after the ER visit, and he said my neck was way out of alignment, and that maybe just doing my wet hair might have just pinched the nerves that affected the eyes, and that he felt that was probably the problem. I have to agree, it made sense and I felt immediately better after he did an adjustment. Went weekly for a few weeks then twice a month to get my spine back into alignment. I since had my ankle replaced as I could barely walk, it was a 5 year search for a dr.,, and a long decision to do it; and am in the recovery/rehab status. Dr appt this next week. I will be going back to the Chiropractor after next week as things are starting to loosen up here a bit.

But I have been going to the grocery store, the feed store, and continue to test cows, with limited mobility and help in the barns. Have seen one person on one farm that was wearing a mask. We are all going about our day to day lives because we are probably more healthy than most. I hope that I have gotten some exposure, so that I develop an immunity to it also. I have not changed my day to day routine much, and with the recovery from the surgery have been more "contained" anyway.

I will not take the flu vaccine since it 's based on the previous years flu and is usually only 10-40% effective. Every single person that I know that has gotten the vaccine, has gotten a case of flu. A friend has had the shingles vaccine two years in a row, and has had shingles both years too. Nope, not taking it., I have had exposure to cows with cow pox over the years. Had a mild case of genital herpes 40 years ago..... HORRIBLE .... Hope that I have a good enough immunity from all that exposure. Not taking a pneumonia vaccine either.

My blood pressure runs a little high....145/88, plus or minus a little. But when the primary care dr started pushing BP medicine, I said NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Talked to my chiropractor about that too. He said that the "standards " are not geared to take into account "older people". He said that they learned early on in school, and it was since reiterarted to them at a seminar, that you take the "older population" .... 100 plus their age and that is the "high end"; top number, for them. I fall well below that most all the time. He worries less about the bottom number.
I was a bit worried after that "spell" I had but no more. I need to take better care of my spine and alignment. Need to get some weight off that I hope I can do once I get to walking more on this "new ankle" , and just try to eat healthier and take some supplements since I know I can't get it all from my food at this age. Raise and eat as much of my own as I can, try to stay away from too much junk. Not going the merry go round with all the drugs. Trauma medicine is great in this country, but for everyday take care of yourself health, there is too much of the pharmaceutical companies, getting into everyone's pockets and too much dependencies for people have "excuses" to not take care of themselves. There are enough with legitimate problems, that do need care, but I am not getting on that band wagon unless there is something that they find that can't be dealt with in any other way.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
I have never been a big believer in vaccinating cattle for all these different things either. But we do buy and sell some; so have gone to a fully killed virus vaccine that will help to protect us from all the different things we could bring in. Do use tetanus when we castrate, do firmly believe in Blackleg (clostridium) vaccination after we lost a couple of calves years ago as it was prevalent in that area where we were renting a pasture. Lepto is prevalent here, but it is in the killed vaccine also. I refuse to use live virus due to the possible problems with infecting bred cows and if it is "modified" to be given to the animals, what is to say they can't get a mild form and have it "modify" once in the animals. MLV is supposed to give a stronger response, and not need a booster. We seldom do a booster with the killed on the bought animals, but will use it on all of ours as they are pregnancy checked every year. I think it just helps to boost the immune system they already have in place and helps to prevent anything new from coming in on the bought cattle, to infect ours.
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