Coronavirus Concern Up

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Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
@tortoise , I have seen the video and also a few others by a couple of other nurses and it is pretty chilling.

My Chiropractor has been treating my spine/neck situation since after the car wreck I had in 1989. Had a C-2 fracture that luckily never moved or I could have been in an iron lung for the rest of my life. So I have total faith in him. He gave me back the use of my right arm motion when they said at the hospital, and continued PT, and more than a year after that wreck, that I would have to live with it. I was in the hosp for 17 days, out of work for 6 months, multiple surgeries to put my scalp back on my head, and fix the damage to my right hand; severed tendon to the pinky, laid hand open to bone, skin graft and subsequent repair after.
As far as I am concerned that man walks on water. He also treated my son after one of his car wrecks that the hospital failed to pick up on the fact that he has an EXTRA vertebrae in his back (he is 6'6 and has a long back) as well as a fractured vertebrae that they also failed to see and said if he picked up anything over 10 lbs he could damage it and possibly cripple him for life. This is a BIG WELL KNOWN TEACHING HOSPITAL .

I have had very low blood sugar.... low by most standards from what I have been told most all my life. Yet I underwent some major testing and my insulin has been considered normal..... Done "fasting" testing, and all other sorts of testing with regards to different foods. The doctors have decided that I am not "normal" and I laugh at it. I am not going to obsess over it as I can feel if I am needing a boost most all the time. They attribute it to my family history since there have been a few cases of a very high metabolism that has required more frequent eating to keep blood sugar and insulin at a balance.
That is one thing the dr ordered again after the "spell".... being sure it was a "pre-diabetic" condition.... and was quite surprised that the insulin levels came back in a very good range after a fasting test.
So I do not attribute the slightly higher blood pressure to that. Weight, yes.... But another thing, when I get upset, it will go through the roof and as soon as I get myself "talked down" it will revert to normal. I am also a "white coat reactor", meaning that it goes up just knowing I am going into the dr office. It ran anywhere from 117/68 to 175/90 during the stay at the rehab after the surgery.
I will not discredit what my chiropractor said about the age relationship. Plus, 120/80 used to be considered the norm forever..... then 110/70 was considered normal.
Just like eating eggs raised your cholesterol, especially the yolks, and butter was bad for you and you should eat margarine.......YEAH, right..... So I will take his advice and thoughts over many others I have been to. I would like to get it down to where I was pretty steady at 110/72 for a long time. And it has gone up directly, to the amount of weight I have gained in the past 3-4 years with the joint issues and inability to walk and do the physical exercise I did before I got to the point where walking and weight bearing was very stressful on the ankle and knees.

I have little faith in conventional medicine, for "health maintenance and natural healing" ; and more so again after the "spell" that they wanted to treat with drugs but couldn't even come up with a diagnosis that made any sense..... I am not going to take anti-seizure medicine when they couldn't really find evidence of a seizure..... but they were sure that was it. Even the report from the neurologist said he did not believe it was a seizure after seeing me, against reviewing my symptoms and charts from the hosp. I didn't even like him much, yet he admitted that it "seemed" that the chiropractor had been able to mitigate the problem...
I told them all, show me some "evidence" to tell me different and I will be open minded.... but until then, I am not going to be taking pills for something they cannot say is wrong with me.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Doctors are not trained in health maintenance. They are taught to cure disease by addressing the symptoms, not to search for an underlying cause. Most doctors are very fond of what I call "cookie cutter medicine" They also by-and-large seem to be the most conservative about new theories of any group of people I've ever run across. Never mind that science is all about challenging old knowledge with new findings.

I did not tell my doctor about going on the keto diet until she asked me what I was doing to bring my weight down so much-- this was after 1 1/2 years and 75 pounds. When I told her, she had to admit that it seemed to be working for me-- not only was the weight down, but so was A1C, cholesterol (good up, bad down), and blood pressure. Since then however, she has been much more willing to listen to me, and answer my questions to the best of her ability (even admitting when she didn't know the answer!) I think she considers me one of her "successes", lol.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Called my mom to wish her a happy mother's day. Of course the topic turned to "the virus" and the "stay at home orders". They live in rual southern Virginia and are on "lock down" until June 1st.

She said it's so weird this virus thing. She said their enclosed front porch has become their junk room, masks, gloves coats to go out. Mail, sits out there 3 days, same with groceries unless it has to immediately go into the refrigerator then her and dad clean it off with alochol and put it in the refrigerator. They bought a fogger and run some blend of alcohol and a couple of other things and fog the front porch with it every day.

My mom said yeah staying at home ain't so bad... We eat 10 times a day and take 5 naps all before so supper. She said her and dad each have gained 20 plus lbs and had to buy new clothes. And are perhaps in the worst shape physically that they've even been in.

Both are in the high risk catagroy for complications of the Chinese virus group. I'm glad they are taking extra precautions perhaps a little overboard... But they have to deal with it the way they think is bestm

She like me, feels embarrassed about this who virus thing and also like, me doesn't understand how this virus, unlike others, has caused so much damage to the world... we both have a lot of same unanswered questions. We also agree there needs to be accountability and compensation. It's was a really nice conversation I had with her, best I can recall for a long time. Glad they both are healthy, overweight but healthy...
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El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I went to the Dollar General yesterday. For us, that's the equivalent of Wal-Mart. The shelves were bare, and they were low on non-perishable food items. It was really scary in that regard. I had to buy some supplies to kill our broilers tomorrow. I managed to pick up a few extra bags of beans and egg noodles, and some brownie mixes for the pantry.

I'm glad I ordered the broilers when this started.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
the risk factors for COV-19 complications are somewhat known, but obviously some younger people without those complications are still managing to die from this viral infection. anyone seeking to get infected on purpose is taking some risk. you may feel young and healthy so that you are a "no risk" person, still you can get sick and die from this but also you can be putting anyone else around you at risk. you can be infected and spreading the virus and not showing symptoms.

an infection from the virus in the wild is not the same as being innoculated through a vaccine. attempting to find "the right level" of challenge to your immune system and not get sick afterwards without doing it in a controlled environment is like playing with matches in a fireworks factory - you might get away with it, but if it goes wrong don't expect to have anyone around you very happy with the results - if you survive.

a number of us may have already been exposed but we don't know it because they haven't been testing for antibodies. when that happens then people will have more information to work with.

i have no problem accepting a vaccine for this disease if i have not already been infected. people who worry about vaccines don't seem to understand how their own immune systems work and they don't seem to understand how vaccines work.

the above video is heartbreaking, but in the early stages of this outbreak in a crowded city they're going to be all sorts of nasty things happening. now people know more and know to avoid ventilators if possible, they also know that there are other ways of helping people, but still there are "NO CERTAIN TREATMENTS" which will spare everyone no matter what is attempted.

all of this is sad and not necessary to living a good life on this planet, but getting others to give up their vacation travels without quarantining them all the time and out of practice is going to be a tough thing to do, but at the cost of trillions it seems that it should not only be standard practice it should have been already...


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I really like DH's new doctor (actually, he's a nurse practitioner). He is fully on board about keto, and intermittent fasting. He advised DH to take at least a pinch of celtic sea salt every day for the trace minerals. He believes that as DH continues to lose weight and keep it off his thyroid function will improve and he will be able to get off of the thyroid medication, and has already taken him off the gout medication and reduced the statin drug by half. This man understands that good nutrition and exercise will do more for your overall health than any drug; he only uses them as a "stop gap"
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