Coronavirus Concern Up

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Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
@farmerjan my BIL was a heart patient and had just had his pacemaker repaired. He also had an anyerism (sp?) that was growing at the back of his heart. It was going to require open heart surgery and he told my sister that he didn’t want that again. He was 79.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
We probably won't know the truth, one way or another, for a couple of years at least. I am not willing to put my life on hold that long. I practice social distancing when possible (there's a lot of people that will just shoulder right by you in the stores) and I avoid running up and hugging people, especially those I know are "frail", but if they offer to hug me, I certainly won't turn them down. The human touch is one of the most powerful healers in the world, and I suspect that those who are avoiding it are starting to feel the difference.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
Agreed with you @Britesea . We've been doing parking lot or tail gate church for a couple weeks now, and it was so powerful to be there that first week and see so many of my "brothers and sisters". Last week, there was one family who had come up from Florida to spend the summer. Husband will be telecomuting. She gave me my first non-relative hug. I am SO NOT a hugger. But, when she put her arms out to me, I just melted. Yes, there is healing in a hug! For that moment, all of this stupid was gone!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 24, 2020
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conspiracy theories and click bait news sites, yeah those are the things i'd base my life's decisions upon! *SMH*

The article I linked to was an in-depth investigation about the source of the Hydroxychloroquines trials, from The Guardian (left-leaning and hardly a fan of Trump). Yet it was able to recognise that the collective hatred of him is having far reaching impacts never before seen. The source of the Hydroxychloroquine data is called into serious question, by an Australian news team who have little need for the drug at all.

It has since sparked further reviews into medical journals and peer reviewed science journals. Many who understand the science, also understand that science is bought and paid for and can be corrupted. I base my life decisions on real world experience, and thought that this article may back up what others are asking and noticing about this situation.

@flowerbug It seems I have been on the receiving end of your snarkiness quite often and has made my visits to this site in the mornings pretty un-fun. I am unsure why, perhaps you are unaware that there is a world outside of the US. It might be best to put each other on "Ignore" as this is an ongoing issue across a few threads and I do not want to escalate it further.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
@flowerbug It seems I have been on the receiving end of your snarkiness quite often and has made my visits to this site in the mornings pretty un-fun. I am unsure why, perhaps you are unaware that there is a world outside of the US. It might be best to put each other on "Ignore" as this is an ongoing issue across a few threads and I do not want to escalate it further.

i don't usually ignore people upon request but obviously you can do what keeps you happy.

if you have authoritative information from other studies showing a clear benefit then that would be useful. with the attention so far i think if there was a clear benefit to these compounds it would have shown up. i don't think it a good idea to keep pouring money into negative results when there are so many other things to look at and other things that need funding (like basic protection equipment for heathcare workers).

i don't trust that particular news site or several others. i have no interest in the politics of it. people who want to drag that stuff down their rabbit holes can do so but i won't follow.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
My county opened up and COVID19 cases have been on the rise since.

I was indirectly exposed to confirmed case 13 days ago. My exposure was so little though. The person I was exposed to have been with a confirmed positive COVID19 case for about 30 minutes in a home. She was at the cabin, but we were all mostly outside. There was a shared meal (and she cooked part), but I don't recall ever being indoors with her or her husband... or her kids. I wasn't particularly worried about getting sick because the exposure was so little / so remote. But definitely keeps us on our toes. I missed a week of meetings and my kids missed a week with grandparents/cousins. We're symptom-free today and assumed free-clear at this time tomorrow.

Let's not forget that COVID19 is just getting started now that everything opened up. 150,000 new confirmed cases, just yesterday. in one day. 😷

I'm noticing better supplies of hand soap and alcohol products. I was finally able to get some more for the first time since February. I haven't seen much out-of-stock.

I'm enjoying having fewer obligations and things-to-do on my schedule. I don't think DH and I will have DS5 in public bricks-and-mortar school in fall. Hoping virtual school because the Kindergarten teacher is so good. I w


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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We live in a time not many of us ever expected. 24 hour news cycles, theories and conjectures that bounce around the world at internet speed, hyper politics, and big monied interests. I think these we can agree on. Not going to touch on conspiracy theories.

Up until the American Civil War, most Americans never traveled more than 10-20 miles from home. And now you can watch a Webcam set up an the other side of the planet.. My son just returned from Texas, and he, my wife, and I were talking about Colorado. The diversity of the USA in landscape, demographics, and experiences is what makes us unique as a nation.

Not sure of the point of this ramble. Maybe just tired of seeing complex issues reduced to memes.

This was just a random set of thoughts rolling through my head today


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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We live in a time not many of us ever expected. 24 hour news cycles, theories and conjectures that bounce around the world at internet speed, hyper politics, and big monied interests. I think these we can agree on. Not going to touch on conspiracy theories.

Even though this is a self-sufficient forum and even though most of us here have been preparing for certain scenarios - I'm not sure how many of us expected "this" to happen. I prepare for things that I really expect - like hurricanes and loss of income. Where we are in the world right now is … just...not ok (for lack of a better explanation)

The fact that this pandemic has become political is absolutely sad and shouldn't have happened. I have enough to deal with without worrying about conspiracies or 'he said - she said's.' All I want is for my family to be safe and I want to see my grandbabies! Nothing is more important than that.
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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
conspiracy theories and click bait news sites, yeah those are the things i'd base my life's decisions upon! *SMH*

Ya know... FB. I've been sitting on this post for a few days now. And I just can't shake it. I try not to respond to conflict. Really, I do. But. I'm gonna try to respond to this with love. You are entitled to your opinions and your assessment of the current state of world affairs, as am I. You are entitled to your political affiliations, as am I. But... I find this post of yours to be quite condescending. I have spent HOURS upon HOURS reading all of the information I can get my hands on. The scientific evidence I am reading is NOT conspiracy. Nor is it theory. It is based on SCIENCE from well respected scientists, AND DOCTORS. The stats that SHOW that Hydroxy and Zythro protocol are highly effective can be placed alongside the stats of patients who are treated aggressively, and inappropriately with vents. Guess which stats will win? Now, I know you're gonna say that the folks that respond to the former treatment really weren't that sick to start with. I'll counter that statement: treated APPROPRIATELY, they don't get sick enough to even require hospitalization. Moving on to the next: can you give logical explanation why these covid or even PRESUMPTIVE (meaning they've had multiple NEGATIVE tests) patients are immediately placed on vents, instead of the normal standard for all other respiratory illnesses that require supportive intervention starting with non-rebreather mask, and moving to vent only as a last ditch effort. The science is there that ventilators DAMAGE lung tissue, therefore have ALWAYS been used as a last ditch effort. I've worked rehab for more than 25 years. Worked on respiratory floors. Worked with patients who required 2 oxygen tanks b/c a single tank would not provide the 8 lpm that they required to keep their sats up to 90%. I've suctioned patients who were drowning in their own gobs of sputum. Standard protocol is, and always has been: provide the least invasive treatments first, and only progress to the next level when the current level of support is not sufficient. Is this conspiracy theory, or sound medical reasoning?
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