Coronavirus Concern Up

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El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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We live in a time not many of us ever expected. 24 hour news cycles, theories and conjectures that bounce around the world at internet speed, hyper politics, and big monied interests. I think these we can agree on. Not going to touch on conspiracy theories.

Up until the American Civil War, most Americans never traveled more than 10-20 miles from home. And now you can watch a Webcam set up an the other side of the planet.. My son just returned from Texas, and he, my wife, and I were talking about Colorado. The diversity of the USA in landscape, demographics, and experiences is what makes us unique as a nation.

Not sure of the point of this ramble. Maybe just tired of seeing complex issues reduced to memes.

This was just a random set of thoughts rolling through my head today
Totally agree. We live in a world that no on could have comprehended 100 years ago. In all of the issues that we are currently facing, I am done getting caught up in the fray with all of it. You do what you think is right, and I'll do what I think is right.

I think we can all agree that there is misinformation out there from diverse sources. I also refuse to believe that most people are so radical in their opinions that they refuse to be a neighbor to others. As usual, the loudest and squeakiest wheel gets the most attention.

I think between the pandemic, political turmoil, and issues with race that we have seen the importance of taking care of your community. Raise up your children right, build a loving home, raise a big garden, support your local businesses and community, and treat others as you wish to be treated. Almost like a call to "de-centralize".


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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It's just crazy. Some is misinformation - either overtly manipulated or communicated out of ignorance of how to interpret statistical data (remember kids, ignorance means lack of knowledge, not a pejorative on a person's ability to reason).

The CDC states the test numbers include those tested multiple times. With regards to treatment protocols, the current state of the patient rarely gets mentioned unless someone digs into the data. Some treatments work best earlier in the disease progression.

My best analogy is you don't immediately amputate a limb (ventilator) because of a cut that needs stitches (specific meds). However, if you put just a bandage on (incomplete med protocol), the wound may indeed result in amputation. People needing an amputation were given a bandage and sent home and then the hue and cry was how deadly this was.


For the record, I have an immuno-compromised wife. We try to dig in and understand the risks, particularly with travel. She has not seen her family in almost a year. We have been practicing personal safety for years. Our previous employer HR director could not understand why the office Typhoid Mary needed to stay home with a fever, she got sick like every 3 months, getting us all sick within a week.

Everyone wants a simple solution. There isn't one. This is the problem.

Love your family, respect others, and hug your animals
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks @FarmerJamie ! We all are emotionally invested in this epidemic because it affects us all. We all want to believe that we're right based on how we interpret the information that we peruse. But, truth is that nobody has all the answers. This is a constantly evolving situation and medical protocol is evolving also.

I have a metabolically challenged DH. We take all precautions and I don't care if people think we're going overboard. He was ill early on in this pandemic with a high fever, sore throat, a cough and some digestive disturbance. He tested negative but I'm not sure I believe the tests. He was given a Z-pac, steroids, and cough medicine with codeine.

This is not about who is right or wrong. It's about getting through this with dignity and grace.

As @FarmerJamie said: Love your family, respect others, and hug your animals!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I read everyone’s comments with an open mind. Some I agree, some I don’t, some are somewhere in the middle. No matter if you believe Covid 19 is no worse than the common cold or if you believe that is a deadly contagious illness, bottom line is, Covid 19 is out there. It is no respector of persons, some barely get sick, some get deathly ill and some die. Covid 19 walks the streets spreading pestilence, an invisible sneak attack.

I pray that my friends here stay safe and do not get sick. Some of you are high risk. Y’all please take care of yourselves and your families.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Ya know... FB. I've been sitting on this post for a few days now. And I just can't shake it. I try not to respond to conflict. Really, I do. But. I'm gonna try to respond to this with love. You are entitled to your opinions and your assessment of the current state of world affairs, as am I. You are entitled to your political affiliations, as am I. But... I find this post of yours to be quite condescending. I have spent HOURS upon HOURS reading all of the information I can get my hands on. The scientific evidence I am reading is NOT conspiracy. Nor is it theory. It is based on SCIENCE from well respected scientists, AND DOCTORS. The stats that SHOW that Hydroxy and Zythro protocol are highly effective can be placed alongside the stats of patients who are treated aggressively, and inappropriately with vents. Guess which stats will win? Now, I know you're gonna say that the folks that respond to the former treatment really weren't that sick to start with. I'll counter that statement: treated APPROPRIATELY, they don't get sick enough to even require hospitalization. Moving on to the next: can you give logical explanation why these covid or even PRESUMPTIVE (meaning they've had multiple NEGATIVE tests) patients are immediately placed on vents, instead of the normal standard for all other respiratory illnesses that require supportive intervention starting with non-rebreather mask, and moving to vent only as a last ditch effort. The science is there that ventilators DAMAGE lung tissue, therefore have ALWAYS been used as a last ditch effort. I've worked rehab for more than 25 years. Worked on respiratory floors. Worked with patients who required 2 oxygen tanks b/c a single tank would not provide the 8 lpm that they required to keep their sats up to 90%. I've suctioned patients who were drowning in their own gobs of sputum. Standard protocol is, and always has been: provide the least invasive treatments first, and only progress to the next level when the current level of support is not sufficient. Is this conspiracy theory, or sound medical reasoning?

Amen! Nurse here too and worked a vent unit for many years. You can call it conspiracy theory claptrap all you want but the facts hold out. Lay people in the general population, driven by fear of death, will believe anything the news will tell them and they always have. Those in the medical professions, however, have to weigh the information through years of experience with how disease is transmitted, the incubation period, and also how respiratory illnesses of ANY kind are managed.

Where we get our information is first, from the schools we attended to become the very people who take care of the sick day in and day out for the better part of our lives. Secondly, from the various experience of working in subacute units, vent units, etc. Then we listen to other people with the very same background who have the back bone to actually speak out about the ignorance surrounding this idiocy that is currently going on and with which they are currently working first hand. They have much to risk by speaking out~which is odd...if their information is just so much tin foil hat thinking, why is there a huge effort to suppress it?~ while those who soak up the spoon fed information from CNN have nothing at all to risk by repeating the same drivel day in and day out, all the while wringing their hands in anxiety over it all~which is the prescribed response. Success achieved.

I believe what the Holy Spirit shows me to be truth, not what any one man says. If you don't have the Holy Spirit guiding you through this world, then you have nothing real to grasp at all, except what other men tell you, people you don't even know personally and don't know if you can trust at all.

Here's a little picture of how they are getting their Covid death counts, from first hand experience. My second cousin, a 23 yr old female with no other health issues, started complaining of a pain in her leg recently. Horrible pain that increased throughout the day. She called her husband at work to come and take her to the ER to get it checked out. As she stood to walk across the floor to leave the house, she fell to the floor and was never revived again. Of course, anyone with any medical knowledge at all, hearing this line of symptoms would know immediately that she had a blood clot in her leg, which upon her standing to walk, was dislodged and moved to her lung, giving her a pulmonary embolism as cause of death.

The hospital put Covid 19 on her death certificate as the cause of death. The family, knowing better, demanded an autopsy be done, which of course came back to state she had died of a PE.

Now, that's in podunk WV....imagine how many times that's happening in bigger cities, particularly since every hospital gets more money for every Covid death they many, many doctors reporting altered death certificates to prove the same. Isn't hard to start seeing where we "get our information" from, is it? It's right in front of your faces if you only dare to take your hands off your eyes and look.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
Bee, thanks for weighing in on this, and sharing the story of your cousin. I did not feel it my right to bring up that case, so... I'm very glad that you did! I am driven, compelled to speak out about the lies being perpetrated during this unprecedented time in history. I find it amazing, amusing, actually, that complete strangers tell me I'm an idiot. They have no idea what my IQ is! Instead of stating facts to refute the science I am posting or repeating, they call me an idiot. One reader told me to take the paper bag off my head. Perhaps, that paper bag makes an acceptable face mask! They can't beat the logic, the science. So they resort to name calling.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
Ya know... FB. I've been sitting on this post for a few days now. And I just can't shake it. I try not to respond to conflict. Really, I do. But. I'm gonna try to respond to this with love. You are entitled to your opinions and your assessment of the current state of world affairs, as am I. You are entitled to your political affiliations, as am I. But... I find this post of yours to be quite condescending. I have spent HOURS upon HOURS reading all of the information I can get my hands on. The scientific evidence I am reading is NOT conspiracy. Nor is it theory. It is based on SCIENCE from well respected scientists, AND DOCTORS. The stats that SHOW that Hydroxy and Zythro protocol are highly effective can be placed alongside the stats of patients who are treated aggressively, and inappropriately with vents. Guess which stats will win? Now, I know you're gonna say that the folks that respond to the former treatment really weren't that sick to start with. I'll counter that statement: treated APPROPRIATELY, they don't get sick enough to even require hospitalization. Moving on to the next: can you give logical explanation why these covid or even PRESUMPTIVE (meaning they've had multiple NEGATIVE tests) patients are immediately placed on vents, instead of the normal standard for all other respiratory illnesses that require supportive intervention starting with non-rebreather mask, and moving to vent only as a last ditch effort. The science is there that ventilators DAMAGE lung tissue, therefore have ALWAYS been used as a last ditch effort. I've worked rehab for more than 25 years. Worked on respiratory floors. Worked with patients who required 2 oxygen tanks b/c a single tank would not provide the 8 lpm that they required to keep their sats up to 90%. I've suctioned patients who were drowning in their own gobs of sputum. Standard protocol is, and always has been: provide the least invasive treatments first, and only progress to the next level when the current level of support is not sufficient. Is this conspiracy theory, or sound medical reasoning?

at the moment i'm not reading this thread any more. so i can't reply to this note, but i do appreciate you taking the time to write it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
Thank you @Beekissed . I am truly sorry for the loss of your young cousin. There are several states that have tried to change some of the "Covid-19" death reports because like yours, there is no way in god's green earth it was a covid death. I also have a real problem with the numerous doctors and nurses and "scientists" that have said that there is a place for the hydroxy protocol for treating this, and the ones with an agenda making out like they are frauds.....and discounting the years of experience and results that this drug has behind it. And the whole thing about how it will cause heart problems.... without putting that in context, is absolutely insane. As I said in a post, maybe on another thread, EVERY SINGLE DRUG has some side effects.... and you have to weigh the benefits against the risks..... but I sure as he// want to be put on hydroxy and z-pack before they come near me with a vent...... and I will take the "risk" of the heart problems.... over 60 years of use ought to stand for a whole lot more than someone now saying " OMG that is too big a risk".... off some small study that lists one/some of the POSSIBLE side effects.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
I have told hubby that IF I am ever hospitalized for respiratory illness, he is to refuse a ventilator. I have reactive airway disease, so am automatically at risk for contracting any respiratory disease, and having it make me MUCH sicker than the average person. Given that, and my current state of affairs with histamine reactions tied to my circadian rhythm, I often have short term episodes where i have a difficult time drawing the next breath. My biggest fear would be to die in respiratory distress. But.... even with all of this. I will not go on a ventilator. Let me die first. For me, to live is Christ, for me, to die is gain.
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