Super Self-Sufficient
I'm such a technopeasant! My phone is Android (that's pretty much all I know) does this work for mine?
I am in the same club Britesea! I try to make sense and usually fail.
Here is what I found for the Android:

How To Disable Apple And Google’s COVID-19 Notifications On Your Phone
As the debate around Apple and Google's COVID-19 contact tracing app framework continues to grow, many people are asking how they can disable it.

Just go to the settings app, click on Google|COVID-19 exposure notifications, and you can toggle them on or off from there. From the same place, you can also delete any random IDs that have been stored by clicking on Delete random IDs|Delete.
Here is an article from Kim Komando who usually knows what she is talking about:

Facebook hoax spreading about contact tracing, don't fall for it
If you saw a viral Facebook post that claimed Google installed contact-tracing software on your Android without permission, don't worry. It's just a hoax.