Coronavirus Concern Up

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Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
I never said for people to use the cattle vaccine. I said that maybe from the constant exposure, that maybe farmers have a stronger immune system, from being around and using these products, and might have antibodies in our system that would make us more immune to the current "human strain". Also there have been several recent reports that some people may have stronger immune systems who have been exposed to SIMILAR corona viruses.... of which the common cold is a corona virus.... and if you read that article in the USATODAY... you will see that the cattle corona virus is of the same family as the human corona virus...but of different lineages I believe they said. So, you can't convince me that there aren't some possibilities that farmers might not have stronger immune systems and possibly have antibodies that would benefit the whole system.
They said there was no link between the smallpox plague and that milkmaids did not get sick.... debunked that for years.... until a milkmaid bragged that since she had gotten cowpox she would not get the smallpox...and someone was listening and developed a "vaccine" out of the cowpox...... they found that it was a form of herpes virus complex that has several "branches/families" (and it proved that they were more resistant/immune to it if they had exposure to the cowpox ....)
So it may not be the same virus... but there are similarities in the families of viruses..... and you can't tell me that a healthy robust immune system with exposure to a similar corona virus, is of no value in this.
I am not saying there aren't any farmers that have gotten this virus.... but I can tell you that NOT ONE of my dairies have had any worker test positive yet and we have been kinda keeping track... because many feel this is way overblown for the average person in the more rural communities..... and no one wears a mask on any dairy I test on and they don't feel like I need to wear one either. Plus, you would suffocate in these barns even with the fans going when it is 90 and 100 in the barns milking, wearing a mask.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
This is looking like we're hitting a solid second wave (technically it's first wave because no return to baseline, but whatever, it feels like a second wave to me).

So I'm curious. What do you think will be the in-demand items as seasons change?

At the beginning, it was cleaning supplies, TP, fabric, elastic, masks, puzzles, chocolate, and groceries in general. and garden seed.

Right now, it's home fitness equipment especially weights, bikes/bike tires, pools and pool supplies, RVs and rentals, camping supplies, canning supplies, sewing machines and related supplies and services.

As season changes over to fall, what do you think will be the in-demand items. Supply greater than typical demand and possible temporary shortage.

I'm thinking homeschool curriculum, ipads and chromebooks (school districts buying them in mass quantities for virtual learning), and still canning supplies.

  • I need to top off my homeschool supplies. Still don't know for sure what DS5 will do for school. DH wants public school but heck, who knows what public school is going to do
  • I will check my stashes for sewing (garment fabric and mask fabric, thread cones), another box of mask filter material. Yarn for knitting. I think hobby stuff might be in increased demand through fall and winter.
  • Puzzles and board games might be increased demand again, but I don't need any. Goodwill is open now if I change my mind.
  • I should replenish cleaning supplies to maintain 4 - 6 weeks worth for increased sick-cleaning. Unscented products have been more affected by shortages so it has been unreliable when I can restock.
  • Also need to replenish electrolyte drink mixes and SALT.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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We shop big about every 2 weeks, trying to build up cleaning supplies and paper products.

The huge food shortages predicted did not materialize here, necessarily. The maker of Ballpark brand hotdogs shifted production of regional brands (Kahns) to the core brand, so Kahns were impossible to find . Last trip to the store, Ballpark dogs were half price.

Still, making sure the freezer is full. Local produce is just ramping up now, so looking to do some canning.

In August, school supplies usually go on sale. We buy a bunch to donate later in the fall. Will be interesting, definitely.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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What do you think will be the in-demand items as seasons change?
Geeze - I never thought of it in relation to the seasons. Maybe because we don't have seasons, lol! I'm still doing pretty much what I've been doing. Keeping a good supply of things on hand so we don't have to run out every other day to pick up something. Doing the big shopping about every other week. DH shops for his mom once a week because she doesn't have any freezer storage space. So, if I'm out of something he can pick it up then.

I've made sure I've got basic meds on hand. Bandage materials and even bought a 'stapler' to put big cuts back together. I keep plenty of peroxide and Motrin just because. I also have animal meds like wormers, antibiotics, injectable vitamins and probiotics. I can't "hoard" feed, but I keep well-stocked. Need to get my winter hay soon. Feel like I'm running a little late on that.

I like safe food storage. I've been buying canning jars and large glass storage jars for things like rice. We live in the country and we will get an occasional mouse so I'd rather be safe than sorry. Not much food shortage here anymore either after the first big scare. However, our local Krogers had briskets on for 1.99 for the was supposed to go through today. We got two last week and I wanted two more today but they were out. I got a raincheck, so I'll get more. I've been grinding them into ground beef since ground beef is ridiculously expensive right now. And this tastes better anyway!

I generally don't let myself run out of anything. I've pretty much got a spare of everything like laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo...hygiene essentials.

Certain things I just buy when I see 'em. I've got plenty of Clorox and Lysol now. We'll be taking an overnight trip at the end of this month and I want to be sure I have enough to take with me. I don't really want to stay in a hotel - but I especially don't want to sleep in my truck - so I'll take supplies and clean the room when we get there. We got a room with a fridge and microwave so we'll probably just take groceries and eat in the room. Not going to any restaurants unless it's a fast food drive through (which we don't do very often anyway).

The other thing is to keep gas on hand for the generator - but that's more for hurricanes than Covid. I keep saying that as long as we've got electricity and internet service we can survive anything!


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
@TexasLisa THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. NOW, I am not savvy when it comes to like posting something like this on the internet and my service here just plain sucks lately. Could you PLEASE post it on BackYardHerds.... a sister site of SS? Either post it on my journal.... farmerjan's journal - weather or on the coronavirus thread on BYH? I have read too many other snippets that say the same thing this man is saying.... and his references to passive immunity is what I have been trying to get across to so many others that think that mask wearing and social distancing and all that is the answer. There is a lady dr there in TX that put out a similar video and it got taken down and moved and I managed to see it also.... maybe she is the one that he is referring to.... THIS COUNTRY has been taken for a ride and hoodwinked on this whole covid-19 mess.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 18, 2012
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I posted it in the BYH under your forum. I hope the video will still be up. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
@TexasLisa Thank you very much for doing that. I went on and told everyone that it was there and posted in the corona virus thread to go to my thread and watch it. I really appreciate you doing that.... it is so important that people start seeing things like this and realize they have been screwed over big time with the mass media and hysteria.
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