Coronavirus Concern Up

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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
We have more stay home curfews around. NC 10pm -- 5am. VA. 12 -- 5am. It's ok by me, I'm normally home then anyway! They did say exemption for those whose work caused non compliance. Both states cut numbers in gatherings, also. I'm ready for it to stop!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 24, 2020
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Flu rates were way down over winter for us too. We didn't have masks - lockdown worked and I personally loved it too! People are all going back into offices now but I truly hope there will be more remote working options open to people with disabilities as its proven to be so easily implemented now.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
My community seemed to take COVID more seriously for a couple weeks after we peaked at 24th worst county in the USA. Over 10% of the community tested positive in a few weeks' time. If it's true that actual case numbers are 8x positive tests, maybe we have some herd immunity going too?

New cases have been down in my county and state, even after Thanksgiving. If this trend holds through January, I may feel comfortable adding some outings back in.

What do you think @Hardknockshomestead ?


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
Anyone see where the AMA has retracted their previous statements about not using hydroxychloroquine for the virus; that doctors should be able to prescribe it off label if they feel it will benefit their patients......
Talk about a hypocritical bunch of sob's......when the doctors said for months that it was an essential part of their protocol for EARLY TREATMENT....
Fauci ought to be run out of town..... I wouldn't use him for a dr if he were the last one on earth..... as contradictory as he has been.....
Give me a dr that passionately believes in helping their patients.... willing to try things they have seen work in other scenarios.....
Just like the Ivermectin and the Dr Korey, that is so passionate about it. Yes there are "potential" problems with women of childbearing age..... SOOOOOOO, common sense says don't give it to them...... there are a he// of alot of us that are way past that stage......
And we use it on our cattle that have problems with worms(looking thin) or lice or even with a heavy propensity for being bothered by flies....and have not seen any problems with abortions, still borns or deformed cattle....
That said, we use it very selectively, and not alot. Prefer to weed out and cull cattle that have these type of problems.... we do use it on bought cows to get rid of any worm loads they are bringing in to the farm....most all are bred cows that we buy.....I see more Lepto caused pregnancy terminations than wormer.... and we vaccinate for lepto since it is prevalent in this area....


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Remember when we were told masks weren't necessary? That wasnt based on science. It was based on limited supply. They didnt want the general public trying to get PPE when there wasnt enough supply for medical systems to function. When the mask shortage was less bad we were told to wear non-medical masks. And now the mask production is holding up and masks are required.

When HCQ was first used, it created a run on the drug. This is a drug that the people who take it depend on it to stay alive. Using it on COVID patients was creating life-or-death drug shortages for others. It created a global shortage. HCQ is proven for the other conditions, but unproven for COVID. That doesnt mean it doesnt work, it means the evidence is inconclusive or insufficient. The adverse effects of HCQ in COVID were a concern compared to other treatments and to the risk of COVID complications [as the death rate from COVID fell]. Not using HCQ for COVID protected people who will die or suffer permanent organ damage without it. But now, the dispensing trends of HCQ have stabilized, the supply is better, and doctors have other options. So now, if there is a COVID patient who isnt responding to other treatnents or their individual risk warrants the use of HCQ, their use of it is not directing harming another person who is not able to get their prescribed drug. Now HCQ use is back to individual choice.

The data is not compiled and analyzed yet, but its believed that the global excess deaths (deaths beyond the usual death rate) from malaria in 2020 will be higher than the number of COVID deaths in 2020 - because of the HCQ shortage from recommending HCQ for treating COVID.

When you have an administration that does not use science to make decisions and is not honest, misunderstandings happen. Its not that there was corruption, but that there was not transparency about why decisions were made when they were not supported by science.
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