Coronavirus Concern Up

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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I would say that more than half are. And among the ones that are aware of what is going on, most are not willing to fight, and the ones that are, don't have any idea how to go about fighting. I'm among the last group.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
I would say that more than half are. And among the ones that are aware of what is going on, most are not willing to fight, and the ones that are, don't have any idea how to go about fighting. I'm among the last group.
The answer is simple, and should have been started months ago. But people will not and did not do it. As you stated people are not willing to fight as you stated, but the solution is not fighting, it is simply not complying.

Have to add, that the longer the scamdemic goes on, more people are turned into sheeple. That's the plan too.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
All scary stuff. And, we. the consumers have no protection from this aside from what we grow on our own property. Then, there's this:

There is a world wide agenda for "the great reset" You may call me a conspiracy theorist. But, if you go digging, you will find it. Hang on to your hats folks, the ride has only begun.
I need to read over this article again and would like to research more thoroughly about the property rights, and exactly what is to come, but it's possible that is hidden as to what exactly "they" plan to implement.

I don't care who, if anyone thinks I'm a conspiracy theorist, because if I'm wrong, and there's no grand conspiracy against the world population, that would be great. I'll be happy and happily admit I was wrong!


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
There have been several references to different laws and regulations that some of the farmers and ranchers I have gotten to know, have talked about. This is not some off the wall, oh this will never happen here.... type of thing. Communist/socialist type governments do not want individuals to own property.... it is supposed to be "collectively owned " for the good of all..... for all to benefit.... there is no place in a socialist/communist society for personal wealth, personal growth... and then there becomes a point that there is no incentive to do anything because the ones that do HAVE to share with the ones who DON'T DO..... even the PILGRIMS realized early on that there are people who will not do their "fair share" if they can get away with not doing it.... and live off others.

It will be seen as unfair to the "downtrodden" and others, so there will be confiscation of land, property, homes.... you name it.
There is talk of NO PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP by 2035 in this country... that it will be taken from you and "SHARED" with the more underpriviledged and those that have been "deprived" .....
Only the WEALTHY "SMARTER" people will be allowed to own property... and we will all be "serf's and tenants" and pay to them like they did in England for ever..... and like it is in some other countries to this day. If you can't own it and do what you want with it, and improve on it, what reason will people have to want to because they will never be able to "GET AHEAD" or better themselves.... THAT is what caused people to come here in droves for years and years.... it wasn't for free "stuff", it was the FREEDOM to do for yourself and get ahead ... to have pride in accomplishing something for yourself that COULDN'T be taken away on a whim......

Look at Africa... some of the countries that have confiscated the land from the "wealthy white farmers and landowners" all in the name of giving it to the poor blacks that had nothing.... THEY are starving.... and there is a huge movement BEGGING the white farmers to come back and giving them back their land so that they can grow food because of the starvation there..... I'm thinking that one place might be Zimbabwe (sp?)..... I would have to go look it up again.... But the poor have neither the skills nor the willingness to LEARN to farm in a manner that will actually produce a crop..... They have tried to instill in many, the skills to do it.... many won't do it.... many do not have the mindset to learn to do it....

Contrary to what the A$$HOLE Bloomberg said, ":anyone" just can't put a corn seed in the ground and get a corn stalk to sprout and grow....
How many on here have had crop failures....???? diseases???? drought????? bugs and pests eating the crops, destroying it????? Multiply that by thousands of people that have no knowledge how to grow or harvest or then possible preserve that harvest....
Do you know of people that have no interest in preparing for the future???? Don't want to learn how to can or freeze or dehydrate or anything else?????
Are you willing to work your A$$ off to then have what you have done to be taken and given to others that are less fortunate... or TOO LAZY .... to do for themselves????? To have your "stockpile" of food and goods to get you through to next year, taken away and shared with others so then you all starve or go without?????
And no, this is not exaggerating.... this is what has happened world wide with the onset of socialist governments....


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
There have been several references to different laws and regulations that some of the farmers and ranchers I have gotten to know, have talked about. This is not some off the wall, oh this will never happen here.... type of thing. Communist/socialist type governments do not want individuals to own property.... it is supposed to be "collectively owned " for the good of all..... for all to benefit.... there is no place in a socialist/communist society for personal wealth, personal growth... and then there becomes a point that there is no incentive to do anything because the ones that do HAVE to share with the ones who DON'T DO..... even the PILGRIMS realized early on that there are people who will not do their "fair share" if they can get away with not doing it.... and live off others.

It will be seen as unfair to the "downtrodden" and others, so there will be confiscation of land, property, homes.... you name it.
There is talk of NO PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP by 2035 in this country... that it will be taken from you and "SHARED" with the more underpriviledged and those that have been "deprived" .....
Only the WEALTHY "SMARTER" people will be allowed to own property... and we will all be "serf's and tenants" and pay to them like they did in England for ever..... and like it is in some other countries to this day. If you can't own it and do what you want with it, and improve on it, what reason will people have to want to because they will never be able to "GET AHEAD" or better themselves.... THAT is what caused people to come here in droves for years and years.... it wasn't for free "stuff", it was the FREEDOM to do for yourself and get ahead ... to have pride in accomplishing something for yourself that COULDN'T be taken away on a whim......

Look at Africa... some of the countries that have confiscated the land from the "wealthy white farmers and landowners" all in the name of giving it to the poor blacks that had nothing.... THEY are starving.... and there is a huge movement BEGGING the white farmers to come back and giving them back their land so that they can grow food because of the starvation there..... I'm thinking that one place might be Zimbabwe (sp?)..... I would have to go look it up again.... But the poor have neither the skills nor the willingness to LEARN to farm in a manner that will actually produce a crop..... They have tried to instill in many, the skills to do it.... many won't do it.... many do not have the mindset to learn to do it....

Contrary to what the A$$HOLE Bloomberg said, ":anyone" just can't put a corn seed in the ground and get a corn stalk to sprout and grow....
How many on here have had crop failures....???? diseases???? drought????? bugs and pests eating the crops, destroying it????? Multiply that by thousands of people that have no knowledge how to grow or harvest or then possible preserve that harvest....
Do you know of people that have no interest in preparing for the future???? Don't want to learn how to can or freeze or dehydrate or anything else?????
Are you willing to work your A$$ off to then have what you have done to be taken and given to others that are less fortunate... or TOO LAZY .... to do for themselves????? To have your "stockpile" of food and goods to get you through to next year, taken away and shared with others so then you all starve or go without?????
And no, this is not exaggerating.... this is what has happened world/ wide with the onset of socialist governments....
That's how it was in the book of Acts and anywhere this has been implemented, it does not work. It never works in the longterm. Get off your lazy a$$ and do some work, and do something useful with your brain.
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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Points all well made, Jan. I can't tell you how often I've offered to teach my farming and food preservation skills to others. I get lots of, "Oh, I'd love to do that, but I'm just too busy." One woman: I offered to help her plant a small veggie garden. I went to her home with tools, seeds, fertilizer, and seedlings. Time to dig the bed, her response: "Oh, I think you need to do that. I'm not smart enough to do that." (she was MY SUPERVISOR!!!) I persisted b/c her needy spoiled brat child was underfoot. Got the garden planted. Fast forward a month or so, and she's at work bragging about how her precious daughter was picking the little green balls off the tomato plants and throwing them.

Janet, I could only hope that the people rise up and protest. But, I don't see any of that being successful here. A recent Walmart "unmasked" demonstration resulted in those participating being held illegally by 5 policemen. Unsuccessfully charged with tresspassing in spite of the fact that at NO TIME did WM employees ask them to leave or put on masks.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula
Points all well made, Jan. I can't tell you how often I've offered to teach my farming and food preservation skills to others. I get lots of, "Oh, I'd love to do that, but I'm just too busy." One woman: I offered to help her plant a small veggie garden. I went to her home with tools, seeds, fertilizer, and seedlings. Time to dig the bed, her response: "Oh, I think you need to do that. I'm not smart enough to do that." (she was MY SUPERVISOR!!!) I persisted b/c her needy spoiled brat child was underfoot. Got the garden planted. Fast forward a month or so, and she's at work bragging about how her precious daughter was picking the little green balls off the tomato plants and throwing them.

Janet, I could only hope that the people rise up and protest. But, I don't see any of that being successful here. A recent Walmart "unmasked" demonstration resulted in those participating being held illegally by 5 policemen. Unsuccessfully charged with tresspassing in spite of the fact that at NO TIME did WM employees ask them to leave or put on masks.

Just horrid!
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