Coronavirus Concern Up

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Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
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SW Michigan
Points all well made, Jan. I can't tell you how often I've offered to teach my farming and food preservation skills to others. I get lots of, "Oh, I'd love to do that, but I'm just too busy." One woman: I offered to help her plant a small veggie garden. I went to her home with tools, seeds, fertilizer, and seedlings. Time to dig the bed, her response: "Oh, I think you need to do that. I'm not smart enough to do that." (she was MY SUPERVISOR!!!) I persisted b/c her needy spoiled brat child was underfoot. Got the garden planted. Fast forward a month or so, and she's at work bragging about how her precious daughter was picking the little green balls off the tomato plants and throwing them.

Janet, I could only hope that the people rise up and protest. But, I don't see any of that being successful here. A recent Walmart "unmasked" demonstration resulted in those participating being held illegally by 5 policemen. Unsuccessfully charged with tresspassing in spite of the fact that at NO TIME did WM employees ask them to leave or put on masks.
This is beyond stupid, how is your supervisor a supervisor?

It depends on the communities as to where the protests are taking place and how many people are involved, IMO.
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Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
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SW Michigan
Get your Covid testing done, and be careful to not poke your brain:

Get your gene therapy, oh I mean "vaccine". Three former very trustworthy leaders are telling us to:

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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
This is beyond stupid, how is your supervisor a supervisor?

It depends on the communities as to where the protests are taking place and how many people are involved, IMO.
1. Thankfully, I'm now retired. Having a licence does not make one smart. Basically, myopic intelligence. I find that (stereotypically) those who claim great intelligence are more prone to be mentally deficient when it comes to self care.

2. Agreed. My state is (SADLY) blue. We've been under draconian lock down for more than a year, and our gov. leaders have actually stated that they will continue the lock downs, b/c to do otherwise will result in loss of federal funding. Even so, communities vary. Hubby and I were at a ammo store in an other community several days ago. Employees were "unmuzzled", even though they had a sign up at front door re: state mandates. Generally speaking: police are called when someone enters a store w/o muzzle. This, in spite of the fact that I have a medical waiver, this in spite of the fact that second page of mandate states that face coverings are to be worn "IF 6' rule can not be followed." OR "IF one has a medical condition that makes face covering detrimental to health, or if one has a medical waiver." Many instances of police arriving in mass b/c someone dared to enter a store w/o face covering... in spite of page 2 of governor's mandate.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
1. Thankfully, I'm now retired. Having a licence does not make one smart. Basically, myopic intelligence. I find that (stereotypically) those who claim great intelligence are more prone to be mentally deficient when it comes to self care.

2. Agreed. My state is (SADLY) blue. We've been under draconian lock down for more than a year, and our gov. leaders have actually stated that they will continue the lock downs, b/c to do otherwise will result in loss of federal funding. Even so, communities vary. Hubby and I were at a ammo store in an other community several days ago. Employees were "unmuzzled", even though they had a sign up at front door re: state mandates. Generally speaking: police are called when someone enters a store w/o muzzle. This, in spite of the fact that I have a medical waiver, this in spite of the fact that second page of mandate states that face coverings are to be worn "IF 6' rule can not be followed." OR "IF one has a medical condition that makes face covering detrimental to health, or if one has a medical waiver." Many instances of police arriving in mass b/c someone dared to enter a store w/o face covering... in spite of page 2 of governor's mandate.
I'm in a blue state also, however the governor was taken to court by a medical facility over not being able to perform elective surgeries, and won. The state supreme court ruled that the governor's executive orders related to Covid after April 30, 2020 were judged null and void due to the fact that she did not follow the state's constitution, and was not willing to work with the legislative branch. She also is not allowed to make any new executive orders related to covid.

The court document is no longer on the state's website, but can be found in other places.

The governor appealed to the court in order to extend her illegal executive orders another 28 days, but the court did not grant that to her. Somehow there was a rumor that her executive orders are still in effect through the Department of Health and Human Services, but they also were listed as defendants in the trial.

Since then, she has made new Covid "regulations" for restaurants, but only the ignorant restaurant owners have obeyed.

When walking into a local grocery store chain, my husband and I were confronted by a young employee about not wearing a mask and my husband asked if this was a store policy. He had to ask three times before the employee understood the question. The employee said it was an executive order from the governor. I explained in plain language about the court ruling concerning the executive orders, and his eyes were glazing over. He said okay. We continued in without our mask.
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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
What state, Janet? I went to a meeting last night: 100+ like minded folks who were meeting to learn what is going on and what we can do to take power back. It was so freeing to join these folks, and there was not a mask in sight. My feet still haven't touched back down to earth. A number of law suits are pending against our Governor. The meeting was started, and ended with prayer!

A sobering thought, and if you folks have not yet dealt with it, you can rest assured that you will in the future. Talking with a friend today, she informed me that her dtr. will not allow her to see her grandkids unless she submits to the covid shot. Basically, dtr is using grandkids as black mail. I told her, "You've got to do what you feel is right. But, as much as I love my family, I would not cave in to those demands. I would be saying good by." I have already been shunned by all of hubby's family except for his mother b/c of my outspoken honesty about what is going on in our world right now. The line is being drawn in the sand. If it's not drawn by your own family and friends, it will be drawn by government. And, that line is gonna keep moving until we are backed into our closets.

If the scientific information to date regarding the recombinant RNA technology is not sobering enough, here's an other science/medical article that will blow your socks off. FYI, prions are the most minute particles, much smaller than any virus. They can not be killed by heat. Mad cow disease, Crutzfeldt-Jacob's disease, and many of the "wasting" diseases of deer and other cloven foot animals are examples of prion disease. Now, add to this article, the knowledge that the world wide pool of available human tissue (including blood and blood products, transplants, and other donor products will be contaminated with the recombinant RNA of the covid shots. RNA based vaccines and the risk of Prion disease


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
I have to agree to not cave in to the dtrs blackmail. I will not take the vaccine. But there are other vaccines in the development pipeline, and even I think the latest 1 shot one that I believe that J&J put out, that are not the mRNA type....
We deal with the "mad cow disease" thing with cattle... and the "Johnes" disease.... so I am well aware of what this dr is referring to in his reasearch article in the above reference. Have had Johne's in a purchased bull.... and some sheep years ago. All cattle killed after 30 months of age you cannot get back the backbones or anything that has been in direct contact with the spinal cord so as to not be able to possibly get infected with that prion. As stated in the article, it is believed that heat will not kill the prion... I am not sure exactly why the 30 months line is drawn.... perhaps it cannot pass into the spinal cord from the brain before the 30 month age....

The thought of getting a blood transfusion from someone that has had one of the Pfizer or other mRNA vaccines is scary too....

Thanks @Lazy Gardener for this article/information.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
What state, Janet? I went to a meeting last night: 100+ like minded folks who were meeting to learn what is going on and what we can do to take power back. It was so freeing to join these folks, and there was not a mask in sight. My feet still haven't touched back down to earth. A number of law suits are pending against our Governor. The meeting was started, and ended with prayer!

A sobering thought, and if you folks have not yet dealt with it, you can rest assured that you will in the future. Talking with a friend today, she informed me that her dtr. will not allow her to see her grandkids unless she submits to the covid shot. Basically, dtr is using grandkids as black mail. I told her, "You've got to do what you feel is right. But, as much as I love my family, I would not cave in to those demands. I would be saying good by." I have already been shunned by all of hubby's family except for his mother b/c of my outspoken honesty about what is going on in our world right now. The line is being drawn in the sand. If it's not drawn by your own family and friends, it will be drawn by government. And, that line is gonna keep moving until we are backed into our closets.

If the scientific information to date regarding the recombinant RNA technology is not sobering enough, here's an other science/medical article that will blow your socks off. FYI, prions are the most minute particles, much smaller than any virus. They can not be killed by heat. Mad cow disease, Crutzfeldt-Jacob's disease, and many of the "wasting" diseases of deer and other cloven foot animals are examples of prion disease. Now, add to this article, the knowledge that the world wide pool of available human tissue (including blood and blood products, transplants, and other donor products will be contaminated with the recombinant RNA of the covid shots. RNA based vaccines and the risk of Prion disease
I'm in Michigan.

Did the group have any good suggestions? I thinks it's good to meet with a like minded group.

I have read elsewhere on threads also about children using grandskids as blackmail against their elderly parents. Shows the true heart.
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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Basically, they suggested that we get busy writing letters to our senators urging them to vote no on SB1. This has passed the house (HR1) and we need it to be knocked down by the senate. If this bill passes, we can kiss our republic good by. There are so very many things in this bill that are slanted in favor of the current regime. If it passes, all illegals will get an automatic free pass to automatic voter registration. That's just the tip of the iceberg.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 24, 2020
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We get fined for not voting here. I expect my fine in the mail any day now. The state election was just recently and labour won in an absolute landslide. The way our Premier handled the pandemic is to be applauded, regardless of my disinterest in politics. The closed boarders and short but strict lockdowns worked extremely well here.

I get frustrated with having to sign in every where I go though. There is no virus spread in the entire state and we still have to sign in at every single place we visit. I dont have a phone connected so I have to use the sign in sheets and hate that my info is so easily available to anyone who wants it. There are huge fines for not complying and fines can lead to jail time. I dont go out much anyway but having to check in does discourage me from bothering to go in store or in cafe or food venues. I hope this tracking does not become the norm, but I am sure this pandemic will be used as justification to continue tracking (especially on pension recipients).
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