Wild Hare
I find it funny to check out what is getting sold out. Paper towels and potatoes had my smirking when I was at ALDI. Oh well, maybe people will start eating better?
I tried to buy bulk canning lids last night on Lehman's and they were on back order...
go to walmart. the zombies dont know how to can
I also noticed at Costco (a week ago) they don't buy basic staples and "ingredients"....
Pears! Can them! Plant veggies, they are so good out of the garden.I tryI have an abundance of pears right now, and herbs, but veg is hit and miss at this stage. I am prepared to plant some more soon. I've got a lovely cottage type garden with a mix of natives throughout, but still learning about growing produce. Storage is an issue for me, and I am quite unorganised at the moment! Although also very proud of being so well prepared so far too! I just dont have a"spot" for everything yet. Plenty of time for that now
Loads of sun here, I am thankful for the rain!