Lovin' The Homestead
I've read Bubblingbrooks thread on plain dressing with interest. It has got me thinking (well, I've been pondering this) about cosmetic surgery. Some of my friends are going knife crazy - mainly upper chest improvement.
These are ladies in their 40's and 50's - plenty old enough to be comfortable with what they were endowed with. And now I'm getting comments asking why I don't do it. Puleeze! I've very happy with what I have. So it's going a little south year to year. That's how it's supposed to be.
So what do you all think about this? I'm especially interested in comments from the men here. My husband would kill me if I had boob surgery!
So what do you all think about this? I'm especially interested in comments from the men here. My husband would kill me if I had boob surgery!