Now...I might have missed something in my own posting. Could you please point out the part where I stated "you should do it this way". Actually, if you can point out ANY posting of mine where I've stated or implied that anyone SHOULD do anything THIS way, I'd be pleased to not only view it and review it, but I'll go back and change it. The thread was started to show a gardening method that I've tried and liked...and wondered if anyone else was trying and what they thought of it. Thus the title with the question.FarmerJamie said:You may have found a great thing for you, wonderful for you!I mean that in all seriousness.
Several of us that browse this forum are professional technical people by trade/careers and are perhaps a little wary of the "you should do it this way" advice that doesn't involve a little robust discussion of "why". Just because we question the underlying cause of why something is perceived to work or to be a better way, we shouldn't be made to feel like we are "looking for argument", we are looking to understand how to adapt things to our personal world.
None of us are omnipotent or all knowing simply because of our personal experiences, we all have something to learn (and something to contribute).
There was an ad on the local radio station not to long ago for a business consulting company in the area. They told a story about a company handing trimming the side of letters off before they mailed them out. Looking into it, they were doing it because years ago the owner got a deal on a boatload of non-standard envelopes. Those envelopes were long used up. If no one asks questions, we can't focus on what really works.
This is a wide and varied country, with many different environments in which we live. I know there are people here who choose not to post because they are afraid of the "you should do it my way" responses, regardless of whether or not the response is meant to be helpful. If people aren't encouraged to ask clarifying questions, then this isn't much of a discussion forum in which to learn new things.
Bless your heart!~gdBeekissed win!You simply do NOT have to try clover in your pathways simply because I found it a great thing.....