Almost Self-Reliant
That is what the California greys look like as chicks. It's not related to their sex.
They breed true.terri9630 said:If you breed them you may get all kinds of off spring since they are cross breeds. I have some California whites that just hatched some chicks. The CW's are a cross between the California grays and leghorns. I got some chicks that are all white, some that are black with a white spot on their heads and some with white and black feathers. I don't know what color egg they will lay or how they will lay yet as they are still babies.Wannabefree said:I know they are some fancy shmancy birdsBut, they are autosexing, meaning you are able to visibly sex them as day olds, without running two flocks to breed sex links. That a HUGE difference. They are smaller birds, not very meaty, but even at that, they are very interesting, and being they have Leghorn in their blood are terrific layers of BLUE eggs. I'm thinking of maybe getting some when prices go down a bit as a decent homestead bird. What does everyone else think about the breed? The eggs would sell well because everyone likes the blue eggs. The birds would sell decent because of the autosexing. I could give up a little meat to know ahead of time which ones were keepers and which were for meat
I'll know in about 4 monthsso lucky said:It would be interesting to see if the ones with the white spot on their head are males. I think I read that it is a sex-link trait in some crosses.
8-10 weeks, fully feathered. I hope shipping is easy on themBarredBuff said:How old are they?