Sounds like a lovrly idea!Icu4dzs said:Well, not being sure of exactly where you are, it is difficult to know where going to the "new digs" really is. However, as all so far, have noted, WINTER is on its way! We had the first frost this morning. I woke up to 36F.Damummis said:I want out!!!!
Out of this crazy town where people are rude, unemotional, automatons. I want to move to our future home. Now! I know there is no structure other than a camper and winter is coming, but I am tired of working for other people who don't appreciate it and get my SS life going full bore.
You know, it seems that the one thing none of us SS-er's have ever discussed is a "house raising". Folks used to do barn raising's all the time. Now it is important to realize that the barns were all cut and the parts prepared by an accomplished carpenter for a while before the barn was raised, but a house could be done the same way. There is the "Habitat for Humanity" thing where a bunch of folks get together and bring a house up from nothing and then there is the "extreme make-over approach" which generally gets a flock of experienced craftsmen together and builds a house in a week. Why don't we do something like that?
I know we are somewhat spread out across this nation but if properly planned, something like that could certainly be arranged and be successful.
I'm thinking that if all the materials are there and the blueprints/plans and drawings are available and you have at least one craftsman who can oversee the work and direct a good number of willing semi-skilled workers, you could certainly have the basic structure done enough to finish yourself and have a roof over your head while you do it. The camping could be limited to the cooking and bathing until those items are finished. Perhaps doing the bathroom and one bedroom first would be the most important approach and then the kitchen. Work your way to the other rooms in the house but at least you would have living space that is truly liveable in the event of inclement weather.
It really would be a hoot. Folks who do the work might even be willing to camp (either on the ground or in their own campers) to help for a few days.
As I said, planning and coordination would be paramount to ensure no one is sitting on their hands while waiting for something but if you consider the cost of any project is 60% labor, and you get your SS friends to help you with construction, you could get a lot done really quick and you'd find that you are much less frustrated in dealing with folks who are as you said " are rude, unemotional, automatons."
Just think how cool it would be if we started a movement. The "Alice's Restaurant Massacre of Movement" to help our friends become more SS "and all you have to do to join is sing along the next time it comes around on the guitar, WITH FEELIN'!" You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant!"
One bunch would work on the house, one group on barns and out buildings and another on a garden and such. That would be so cool to turn a piece of land into a well designed SS environment in a very short time.
Now, of course you are going to have to get everything delivered and on site so that things can progress as quickly as possible. Major excavation and the like would have to be ready to go when folks got there but there are so many really great technological advancements in the field of building that your place could not only go up really fast but it would be a "showplace" for other SS'er's who want to have a similar place.
My brain is racing right now with ideas for this...Send me a PM if you are interested in the idea. If you REALLY REALLY Want out, there is a way. YOU have to be really ready and make time for nothing else but it can be done. For all I know it would be a great cottage industry...The self-sufficient farm construction company ! "WE DO IT ALL...NOW!!!"
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The container idea would be GREAT for a work shed!Damummis said:I think the plan is to build a cabin/work shed first. That way we have somewhere to crash and store things. The chicken coop, duck house and our barn was built to either pick up and move whole or in pieces. The only thing holding us back is work. BUT the island water gets turned off in 4 weeks. If you don't have a well you don't have water. That means ALL of our clients go back to their winter homes down south. The excavator was hauled up north last weekend and DH will be going up this weekend to work. I have to stay here with the animals for now.
Things are rolling just not fast enough......
that is how its done in Alaska!Britesea said:I remember reading an article in Mother Earth News years ago about a family that built their cabin in parts, because they could only work on it during their summer vacations. The part I'm thinking about is that they started with one wall, with a floor on each side-- one side was the kitchen, and the wall had the basics like the cabinets and a counter, sink, etc. The other side was a small bathroom and bedroom. The roof was set up so it would swing down and cover the cabinets etc, to protect everything until the following summer. If you started with a floor plan like that- with some simple panel walls around the perimeter, and a permanent roof, you would have something that was liveable while working on the rest?
rooting for you from afar!Damummis said:I just had an epiphany. 2 of our clients are in the shipping business. I think I will have to hit them up for a container or two.
Why didn't I think of this before???
DH just came out of the bath, "I am ready to move!! Lets shift into high gear."![]()
My stomach just flipped. He said he is over this place.