Frugal Homesteader
Ok, now this is a touchy subject around here. For -like- ever my dd has wanted to do something with animals for her career when she grows up. She kinda had her mind set on being an equine vet. then one day, a bunch of us were sitting aorund and she was asked if she wanted to be a stay at home mom like me. She has been a big supporter of all I do around here, and does want to be a SAHM when the time comes. So, then the conversation turned around to why would she go through all the schooling and money of becoming a vet, if she wants to stay home with the kids.
So now she is in turmoil, because she wants to have the best of both worlds. she will obviously work until she has kids, then stay home to raise them. She says ideally, she would like to find something tht she could do while still being home even after the kids are in school. but it has to do with animals. She is already in training to become a barefoot trimmer for horses, and she would like to do something holistic like that regarding animals. Ideas were thrown around like equine massage, to go along with the barefoot trimming. What else could she do, on her own, and with horses, that could be tailored around being home with the kids.
Of course this is all hypothetical, since she is only 13, but still, -- she is focused like that.
Hubby and I have said, that if she wants to become a vet we will support her 100% (financially too), but it is a choice that is totally up to her.
but just to get ideas on what she could do without the $100, 000 university bill, what could a girl wh wants to spend her life working with horses do, and where could we find more info on it to see if it would be a good fit.
And please don't think that we are discouraging her from going to university. We are not. She wants to be a sahm, and still make money working with horses, so that she still has independence.
Any ideas?
So now she is in turmoil, because she wants to have the best of both worlds. she will obviously work until she has kids, then stay home to raise them. She says ideally, she would like to find something tht she could do while still being home even after the kids are in school. but it has to do with animals. She is already in training to become a barefoot trimmer for horses, and she would like to do something holistic like that regarding animals. Ideas were thrown around like equine massage, to go along with the barefoot trimming. What else could she do, on her own, and with horses, that could be tailored around being home with the kids.
Of course this is all hypothetical, since she is only 13, but still, -- she is focused like that.
Hubby and I have said, that if she wants to become a vet we will support her 100% (financially too), but it is a choice that is totally up to her.
but just to get ideas on what she could do without the $100, 000 university bill, what could a girl wh wants to spend her life working with horses do, and where could we find more info on it to see if it would be a good fit.
And please don't think that we are discouraging her from going to university. We are not. She wants to be a sahm, and still make money working with horses, so that she still has independence.
Any ideas?