Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Hey, dl!

Smoke has a very quiet meow, unless you accidently step on her (not hard to do in the camper as she likes to stretch out across the floor). On the other hand, she's very talkative with her expression! Doc's not much of a cat person but she's got him wrapped around her tail! :gig

We had some storms come through yesterday, the worst of them went around us but we got about a quarter of an inch of much needed rain. Just had another nice shower come through with chances for more! Finally!

We're still giggling about the Wren! We'll be replacing the old out house in a few days (the zipper is busted and Bubba managed to tear up one of the side walls, he's just over a year and a half old but still tons of playful puppy in the big galoot) so we'll be setting the old one off to the side in case the Wrens still wanna use it. Everything out here has us trained! :gig

The rain has quit so I'm gonna sneak out and get a few more plants in the ground!

Weather permitting, I'll continue our story later this evening!


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Stepping on a kitty always made me feel terrible. But they do make it easy to happen. Sounds like she got your hubby well trained.

You can tell lots about a guy by how he interacts with cats. I almost fell in love with a guy once, cause he stopped at a sub shop on the way home then -before he ate any of it himself- opened it up, and gave some to the kitty that had run up to him. It wasn't even his cat! Being that sweet to a neighbors cat earned major brownie points.

We got afternoon rains on the 4th and 5th. My garden is much happier now.

What kind of dog is Bubba? Was he trying to "play with" the birds? Dogs don't usually go after outhouses, so I figure there is a story in there . . .


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Hi dl,

Bubba's an Australian Shepherd. When he attempted to "eat" the outhouse we're thinking the wind got it to rippling and it seemed like fun or else it was just to let us know he wasn't happy...not really sure on that one. He's done amazingly well with the chickens and guineas. At first, there was the "I wanna chase them", told him "NO" and he's over it. He walks past them now like they're not even there.

Our rains were weird, weather radio talked winds from the SE but what rain we saw came out of the N...eh, we finally got rain!!!

OH, had a BYC funny today...got another Smoke: http://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=537118

Gonna sneak in my Monster list instead of pix for now (need to get tons more of them off Skip's computer).

01. Name? Dawn Marie, Huckleberrysmurf, L'il bit
02. Gender? Guess!
03. Disneyworld or Disneyland? Neither
04. What is your favorite color? Red
05. What is your favorite kind of gum? Teaberry
06. How much do you weigh? Upwards of 105
07. How tall are you? 5' 2 and a half inches (10' tall and bullet proof, if need be)
08. Can you swim? Like a fish
09. Do you like to swim? Love it, miss it
10. Living arrangement? 22' camper on 17 acres with hubby, fur and feathered kids
11. What's on your mouse pad? Our cat Smoke trying to kill the mouse
12. Favorite board game? Cribbage or Backgammon
13. Favorite magazine? US Acres
14. Favorite Actor? Johnny Depp
15. Favorite Actress? Julia Roberts
16. Do you have an accent? 1/2 Yankee, 1/2 Southern
17. Favorite smells? Rain, a farm, wild roses, lilacs, honey suckle, fresh picked blueberries
18. Least favorite smells? The city
19. Favorite sound? Rain on a tin roof, whip-or-wills, hawks, our woods at any time of the day
20. Do you prefer pools or oceans? Neither, unless pools in the creek count
21. Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Nope but got addicted to Angel
22. Pencil or pen? Pencil, I like erasers for mistakes
23. Who's better - boys or girls? Both have their good points, no favoritism here
24. Would you like to own a motorcycle? Yeppers! doc_gonzo and I have a '99 Sporster
25. Do you sing in the shower? Hahahahahahaha
26. Who's the best looking Disney character? Pluto
27. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?Usually the tie-dyed curtains, sometimes the cat
28. How many rings before you answer the phone? I cheat, don't have a phone right now
29. How do you want to die? I don't but will hopefully go with a smile on my face
30. Have you ever called a 900 number? Nope
31. Gold or silver? Silver
32. Would you ever go bungee-jumping? If someone paid me enough.
33. Do you like dressing up? Barely to not at all but will if I really have to.
34. Would you rather be short or tall? I like being short-not that far to the ground when I fall, besides, I have doc for tall stuff.
35. Do you enjoy reading? Love it!
36. What book are you reading now? Steven Tyler's, Do The Voices In My Head Bother You
37. Favorite books? Too many too list
38. What was the last movie you saw? JA3 with a friend before leaving TN
39. Favorite movies? Scary ones
40. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes...if the cat and doc count
41. What is your sign? Aries with my moon in Sagittarius
42. What are your personality traits? See above, it's quite the combo.
43. What's your biggest fear? Red Wasps
44. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? NO
45. Future child's name? Hahahahahaha..no future children planned
46. Favorite foods? Anything Italian, anything fresh from the garden or anything doc has cooked on the grill or open fire or cooked period!
47. Chocolate or vanilla? Both
48. Do you like to drive fast? Nope, not me!
49. Storms - cool or scary? Awesome!
50. Do you like to dance? Love to!
51. Do you do drugs? I guess..I DRUG myself to the coop, I DRUG myself to the garden, I DRUG myself to the woods...
52. Do you smoke? Yep, roll my own
53. What do you think of people who smoke? Got no problem with them.
54. Do you drink? Yep
55. Favorite drink? Our homemade Pear Wine, subject to change with our next batch.
56. Do you think men and women could ever be just friends without wanting each other? Yep, I'm a 46 year young tomboy with more guy griends than girl friends.
57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yep
58. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Jockey
59. What's your "type"? Wishing I could type.
60. Do you bite your nails? Not any more.
61. Any siblings? Two half-sisters, two stepbrothers and one stepsister.
62. What movies have you cried in? More than I can remember.
63. Do you believe in God? I believe in a "higher power".
64. Did you ever cry over a guy/girl? Yep
65. Have you ever stolen anything? Hopefully, only hearts.
66. Do you procrastinate? On ocassion.
67. Do you believe in fate? Yep.
68. Who's your favorite Sesame Street character? Snuffaluppagus
69. Do you organize your CD's? Try to.
70. What is your favorite kind of music? Blues, R & B, Classic Rock, Metal, Jazz
71. What are your favorite bands/artists? SRV, Zepplin, Doors, Bob Dylan, CNS & Y, Tom Petty, Metallica, Judas Priest. too many to type...
72. What was the last CD you got? ZZ Top: Live in Germany *1980*
73. MTV or VH1? Neither anymore, liked MTV when it first came out in the 80's and they actually showed rock videos...so cool.
74. Who do you admire the most? People who choose their own path, no matter what others think.
75. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends? Friends
76. Are you single? Well, if you take my age and add the 4 to the 6...heck, it's still not single...nope happily married!
77. Favorite TV show? None
78. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads? Shaved heads
79. Glasses or contacts? Glasses
80. What color are your eyes? Blue, they should be brown, but I'm a half-pint low.
81. What is your natural hair color? Dirty/mousey blonde.
82. But what color is it now? See above and add some chrome.
83. Have you ever been in love? Yep
84. Any pets? Bubba J our Australian Shepherd and Smoke the cat but they think they should be listed under the children question.
85. Good, decent, or poor grades? Decent
86. Is the glass half empty or half full? Life's what ya make of it...half full!
87. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Wouldn't edit so much if I did.
88. What's under your bed? Books, magazines, food container and soon to be more homemade wine (remember...22' camper, we use under the bed for storage).
89. What is your favorite number? 7 and 13
90. Favorite sport to watch? rodeo and life at our place.

I think posting more pix would have been easier! :gig

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
But not half as entertaining! :D


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Bubba's fur looks so cushy. You could almost shear him like a sheep. Glad he's so good with the other animals.
The other Smoke pictures were great too. I miss my old girl. She passed 2 years ago :( and still not 100% over it. I was totally wrapped around her paw.

I hope you'll be cool enough up there. Weather people predicted 101 for us tomorrow and 103 for Monday. Nooooo! The heat index is supposed to be 111. :th I better water the garden early, then hurry back in and do anything indoors. Sewing is starting to look like a really good idea.

That pear wine sounds good. I'm trying to start making wine. Finding cheap corks is a pain though. I'm tempted to sterilize Arizona Iced Tea bottles instead. Hmmmmmm ... ? I know it wouldn't be something to age for years that way, but maybe up to a year, or so???


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Hiya dl!

Still almost 83 in the camper (with 2 small fans) and 75 outside here and can't sleep. It was muggy here today, did a lot of little projects and poured sweat like a good monsoon...I'm sooo ready for cooler weather. Feel like a candy *** and can't figure out how I managed last summer with no fans at all. :idunno Poor Smoke is stretched out across the linoleum floor in a very un-lady like pose but she's got the right idea! :gig

Even though we had some rain, I still had to water the raised beds today. I'll be so glad to get our chipper/shredder back so I can get more leaf mulch done. We bought a used one that was supposedly rebuilt but had trouble with it the first time we used it. Started tearing into it and realized that it hadn't actually been rebuilt/overhauled. :somad Fortunately our neighbor(adopted dad since we've moved out here) used to do small engine repair and asked us if he could tear into it. He just ordered a carborater (I know that's not spelled right) rebuild kit so I just have to be patient. Yay...my "strong" point!

The dog pix I've posted are of our old girl, Pepper. I'll get some up of Bubba later today. He's just as cushy as Pep was, but bigger. He all but looks me in the eyes when he gets his paws up on my shoulders. Been threatening to find a cart and harness so he can drag me into town or haul downed wood or pull stumps...:gig We got lucky and he had been around horses, cows, cats and penned chickens so it was an easy transition for all of us.

The pear wine turned out real good! We cheated and recycled plastic bourbon bottles to store it in when we finally bottled it. ;) We'd hoped to make a batch of blueberry/blackberry combination wine this fall from the wild fruits here but the lack of rain has nipped that one in the bud. Going to my mom's on Monday for our civilized visit so we'll check and see what my aunts' persimmon trees are doing and if they have fruit, maybe go that route. :fl We could always buy berries at the farmers market but it was just the whole idea of using fruit from here. This year seems to have turned into a "get over yourself" kind of year, so far. The land says...:smack

On a good note, I potted up runners from our strawberry plants today, harvested breadseed poppy seed and cilantro seed, pinched 'mater blossoms so that I can keep my Arkansas Traveler tomato seed true (they're getting tiny buds) and to even out the good...only 5 guineas came home to roost tonight, my two girls are MIA. I want to say woot! they're nesting but don't wanna get my hopes up but it does seem odd that the girls didn't come home. :hu

Well, gonna be good and get to bed so I can wear out more pix later today when it's too hot to do much else!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
We just hit 104.9 in the shade. Was gonna keep everyone cooped up since we're going to MO this evening but it's just too hot.

Spent a little bit of time looking for the missing guineas, no luck. Will get out again once it's cooled off. We have a lot of brush piles on the property so I'm checking them one at a time. Normally when I get out in the woods the guineas will folllow, of course since I want them to no such luck. Figured if I could get them to go along their noise might help flush the missing ones.

Introducing Bubba J:

Back to the journey...

November 2009

When we finally got a break from the rains of October, doc helped me get started on the cattle panel hoop run for the guineas and he worked more on the shed over the camper.

The keets enjoying the perch in the run (also have several perches inside the playhouse):

And we started digging the coldframe to ****(used wood "recycled" from the old double hoop run that we used back in TN as we decided to not even mess with that project by ourselves and to stick with smaller coops/run for the time being):

And doc got the tin on the shed...let it snow! :

Well, it's time to step into December '09 so I'll make that another post. See ya there! :cool:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Sheesh...we topped out at 105.8 in the shade today. :barnie Down the hill, in Evening Shade was 102 with a heat index of 109...DO NOT want to know our heat index up here on the hill. :hide When you walked outside it was like :he, seriously.

So, to cool myself off, I'm going into:

December 2009:

Remember me talking about getting the soft-side shed set up here on moving day? Well it took until this month for us to realize that we forgot one major item when setting it up...like setting it's anchors in the ground and attaching the frame to them. Weeeell, we sure remembered about it later.

On the 8th it got pretty windy here but all was well. We woke up on the 9th to it being even windier and found that our soft-side shed had tried to blow away. If it wasn't for the few trees around it, we're not sure where it would have ended up at.

Our wake up view from the camper:

Views from the driveway:

It was frigid outside...barely in the 20's, not counting the wind chill and we got to spend a bit of time getting everything back in place and getting those anchors set in. We made lots of trips inside to thaw out in between setting those anchors. What fun would there have been if we'd thought about this one when it was warm and the ground was saturated from all the rain, right? Woulda been waaaay too easy! :gig

Smoke helping me got through our Mother Earth mags:

Our Hamburg pullets are finally getting ready to start laying:

Progress on the coldframe to ****:

The inside of the Broke Down Palace, as we lovingly call our little home:

I chose the tie-dyed micro-fleece for the winter curtains so they'd brighten up the dreary days of winter and because they really helped knocked down the wind from blowing through the 35+ year old windows. ;)

I love the way they glow from outside, too! Doesn't take much to make me happy or entertain me! :gig

We got a dusting of snow for Christmas:

And got the lid on the coldframe to ****:

Well, gonna give all our eyes a rest and will try and start 2010 later today!


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Cool pics. It reminds me of a little camper we had before. But yours is bigger at least.
You must have been tired loading the pics. The last two are the same pic.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
:ep Nice catch dl, and I had the glasses cleaned and on for a change. It's doc's fault...yep, that it, it's doc's fault! He was still up and side-tracking me! :gig

I wish! He was up but I'd previewed that post several times and still missed it! :idunno

:smack to myself!

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