Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Western Canada
Dawn, we have Pileated woodpeckers up here, too (BC, Canada - north and over the border from Spokane, Washington). We see the Pileated on our place about every five years, though may happen to catch a glimpse of one at a neighbor's or in the woods somewhere in-between times. They're pretty big birds and kinda comical to look at. :p

Oh, and Dawn, please continue to post pics now and then of Doc's projects (particularly those he's done in metal)... it'll help me to feel less lonely on the SS board here. ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Well, the leading edge of the storm has reached southern Sharp County and it's been cloudy and windy all day.

Think I have anything that can blow away taken care of at this point in time. :fl Just finished doubling up all the critters' food and water so I won't have to worry about it while it's raining. Also have put extra feed rations in cans so that I can feed in the rain, if need be. The NWS is predicting rain from this afternoon until sometime Sunday, so I'd rather be prepared, just in case we actually see that many rainy days in a row. :fl

I'm about half way through putting up potable water for us, so I don't have to stand out in the rain and fight the skeeters. ;) I'm not really worried that we'll lose power, but you never know, so all the rechargeable batteries are fully charged and the oil lamps are all filled. The kitchen stove is propane so I don't have to worry about that.

When I get off of here, I'll be hunting for something to stand on ( step ladder is at moms' :rolleyes: ) so I can close in the front of the bun barn. Think I'll use the whell barrow since it has 2 front wheels and is rather sturdy (I hope/think). And i want to clean their poop trays so I don't have to haul wet shredded leaves after this weather system is over.

After proof-reading this, I realize that I'm just taking all the fun out of it and hopefully won't scare the rain away! :gig

Well, outta here for now and getting my rear back in gear... will check back in when I can! :hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope you do get all that rain! I know you really need it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Sounds like you are super prepared for anything that may happen, and I hope that includes just the right amount of rain and everyone staying safe :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Wondering if you've lost power? Although I'm sure you're snug as a bug with all your preparation before it all hit. Hope to hear from you soon :hugs


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Hi Dawn- You didn't blow away up there, did ya? I was just checking in and caught up on your journal. I'm guessing the internet connection went wonky.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Well, I figure I'd best let yas know that I'm still alive and wasting oxygen! :D

Survived Isaac without incident and got just over 2" of much needed rain. We had plenty of wind, too, but no damage to the clearing that we call home and I only had to pick up a small handful of twigs from out of the driveway. Our woods, however, are littered with new downed trees (both live and snags). Have spent the past few days out walking the place and I hardly recognize where I'm at, sometimes.

Docs' week off (only 5 days as he had to work 2 of them) was very productive. He has 2 new tires on the Buicktruck, the Dakota is now insured and has new tags (but still needs tires and electrical work done) and he got the Chick-n-Barn moved to it's new location and the chicks are now in their new home! :celebrate He also bought 15 small bags of good potting soil for me to add to the raised beds since several of the places we usually get gardening supplies from are no longer carrying stuff like peat moss and manure "since gardening season is over". :rolleyes:

Moving the barn was fun ( :rolleyes: ) since we added the extra run to one end, but doc pulled it off using the metal pole from an electric loop we'd bought off the neighbor (was too short for us to use for our temporary electric) and a cap block. ;)


We did our "civilized" visit to moms on the 6th and woke up on the 7th and barely made it out of the bed due to my lower left back. I have no clue as to what I did to it and suspect I must have slept wrong. :idunno Get over that and I end up with a toothache that didn't want to quit. Valerian tea is a very dear friend! ;)

Took 2 small bottles of the Fire Cider tonic with us to moms and suprisingly enough they're all loving the stuff! Guess what they're getting for Christmas this year! :lol:

Mom let me know that the store she works at still has soil and some ammendments out so we gave her some money and today she dropped off 6 bags of humus/manure mix! Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow! :cool:

Had another inch of rain thanks to the storm that came through on Friday evening and our area is now in Extreme Drought (down from Exceptional). This last one was the icing on the cake for bringing more stuff down in the woods and once again our clearing came away unscathed. There is a positive side to this and that is mushrooms ! I haven't had a chance to get any of them IDed yet but I've been taking pix like crazy and all the walking has been wonderful exercise for both Cheyenne and me.

Took Chey to the vets while doc was off for her 16 week shot...she's 25 pounds and they couldn't get over how big she's gotten. She'll be going back in 2 months to get fixed.



I was in the garden earlier and found some of the garlic that I missed has sprouted. Will get that dug tomorrow before I add the potting soil/humus/manure mix to that bed.

Two of the trees that we lost at the edge of the wood line. The one in the back came down sometime while Isaac was visiting and the smapped off one came down sometime Friday evening.


Well, I think I've rambled on long enough and caught up on everything thats been going on here. Gonna play catch-up for a bit with everyone else! :D