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- #741
Almost Self-Reliant
Why, Thank You, Deb!
I thoroughly enjoyed it and doc asked me several times if I was writing a book! 
Had a lazy day, today...but docs' week off is just around the corner and we'll more than make up for it then!
Got some awesome news this afternoon...our adopted son/little brother/best friend from TN is planning on coming out to visit next weekend!
That gives me plenty of time to get the Palace cleaned up. We don't have any big plans...I figure he'll be just as happy to get out here and chillaxin' at our place as opposed to getting out and doing anything.
Poor doc got so frustrated today...he stopped at WallyWorld and went in through the main door down near the garden center. Lo and behold...there's a pallet mostly full of the same sized bag and brand of the humus/manure mix that we bought from mom's store. The only difference was that it was a dollar cheaper! Now this may seem mean but gonna do it anyways...
Mom has been going through pictures and it getting together photo albums for all of us kids (there's 6 of us...me, 2 half sisters, 1 step sis and 2 step brothers). She had thrown some away as she didn't think any of us would want them. So, I dug them back out and brought a nice little stack of them home with me and am going to use them as blackmail pix. I'm really kidding, but I do plan on having some fun with them!
So many cool memories...being a kid at the Thoroughbred farm in Medford, NJ (got my first black eye when I was so busy with one of the mares that was mouthing my hair that I walked into the closing gate...the trip to MO when I was in the 4th grade and pointing out to my family that they were not horses but Missour Mules (at Silver Dollar City) and playing in the woods on the property out there when we saw our first Elk and was scared because "it was no normal deer like we have at home", pix of my step uncles dairy farms...loved going to visit them and hanging out with the cousins to play kick-the-can and having cow rodeos (until the cow got smart and ran through the blooming thistles to get rid of us
Well, the trip down memory lane has me rambling again but I've thoroughly enjoyed it and hope you did, too.

Had a lazy day, today...but docs' week off is just around the corner and we'll more than make up for it then!
Got some awesome news this afternoon...our adopted son/little brother/best friend from TN is planning on coming out to visit next weekend!

Poor doc got so frustrated today...he stopped at WallyWorld and went in through the main door down near the garden center. Lo and behold...there's a pallet mostly full of the same sized bag and brand of the humus/manure mix that we bought from mom's store. The only difference was that it was a dollar cheaper! Now this may seem mean but gonna do it anyways...

Mom has been going through pictures and it getting together photo albums for all of us kids (there's 6 of us...me, 2 half sisters, 1 step sis and 2 step brothers). She had thrown some away as she didn't think any of us would want them. So, I dug them back out and brought a nice little stack of them home with me and am going to use them as blackmail pix. I'm really kidding, but I do plan on having some fun with them!

So many cool memories...being a kid at the Thoroughbred farm in Medford, NJ (got my first black eye when I was so busy with one of the mares that was mouthing my hair that I walked into the closing gate...the trip to MO when I was in the 4th grade and pointing out to my family that they were not horses but Missour Mules (at Silver Dollar City) and playing in the woods on the property out there when we saw our first Elk and was scared because "it was no normal deer like we have at home", pix of my step uncles dairy farms...loved going to visit them and hanging out with the cousins to play kick-the-can and having cow rodeos (until the cow got smart and ran through the blooming thistles to get rid of us

Well, the trip down memory lane has me rambling again but I've thoroughly enjoyed it and hope you did, too.