Got 3 phone calls yesterday and didn't get back to anyone since the weather was crappy, we don't get cell phone signals in the camper. Just spent almost an hour and a half trying to get back to everyone and no such luck. Supposed to rain and possibly storm tomorrow so I'm sure they'll call back then!
Well, I'm really outta here for now so I can get started on supper...
Great pics Any snow that is gone by the next day is a pretty good one.
Hope the planting conditions get good soon. I'm starting to feel a bit of seed fever myself.
I've got some potting soil up in the shed and may get tomato and pepper seeds started tomorrow. I'll just pot up seeds in the shed, outta the rain, then move them to the cold frame whenever I can.
Dinner is prepped and waiting on doc to get home...speak of the devil...there's the head lights!
Cold and drizzle-sleet-snow then almost freezing rain to wash it away. Yucky day but I dressed warm and stayed inside until it went away. The consolation of not having livestock is that you can semi-hibernate if the weather is bad enough.
I "cheat" and give the birds plenty of extra feed ahead of the crappy weather so all I have to worry about is thawed water, which means half the amount of time involved. Our first winter out here taught me well! So far, this winter, weather-wise, has felt like we're back in Middle TN again. It's been a nice break!
Had a nice V-Day dinner with doc! We had sauteed shrimp, steamed asparagus and saffron rice...all fixed by me!
He was glad to be home after his night away, for safety-sake. The heater didn't work very well there so he went to bed way early. Work will reimburse him and he said he'll find a bit nicer place if/when he does it again.
Even managed to finally get 2 of the 3 phone calls taken care of, before it got to dark.
Good day here,all in all and will call it a day here shortly. I'm watching an auction for the first 6 Foxfire books and it ends in the morning. Hope I get it but if not I'll just put in my Christmas request early and we'll get the whole set from Lehmans eventually.
Well, I didn't win the bid on the books, but someone else has 1 - 9 up for auction. This is what I get for telling doc that I plan on cutting back spending money so we can start putting some back towards building materials for the cabin. I may just be good and set a few bucks back each week towards getting the complete set from Lehmans. Decisions, decisions...
It's been raining here all day so far and no break in it yet. I really want to get some seeds started today but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. Supposed to be nice tomorrow though, so I guess I'll get up early and get some of my peas in, pot some mater and pepper seeds then hit the woods with Bub and work on the ginseng seeds.
Didn't get seeds sowed yesterday, between the snow and rain it was just too wet. I did start off out into the woods but the leaves were super-slick and I decided against it as there are too many hidden large rock for me to hurt if I fall on them.
Can't find the cell-pack that I know I have for doing the mater and pepper seeds, so that was a bust, too!
Going to do our civilized visit at moms later today so I'll raid her small pots...then I'll find mine. Going to take Bubba for a "dogs-day-out" and walk her place so she can show us the deadfall/downed wood she wants us to get cut up for her.
Decided to just go ahead and order the Foxfire series from Lehman's and be done with it.
" Didn't get seeds sowed yesterday, between the snow and rain it was just too wet. I did start off out into the woods but the leaves were super-slick and I decided against it as there are too many hidden large rock for me to hurt if I fall on them. "
I don't know if that came out the way you meant it too.
I don't know if you falling would have really hurt those big rocks much. Glad you didn't test that out though.