Sustainability Master
I LOVE it! I've always wanted to be brave enough to shave my head, lol. But, but, but - isn't it cold with your head shaved??? (that's what hats are for, right?)
I can justify anything.Makes perfect sense when you explain it that way!
Yur hair is gorgeous @baymule ! I'm sorry you had bad haircuts. Its so hard to be a kid and try to deal with that. It would be difficult for most adults - but the adults wouldnt be facing teasing/bullying from peers. So hard.When I was a small child, my mother cut my hair. Short. Horrible haircuts. I can remember crying after her butcher jobs on my hair. Dog clippers would have been an improvement. I finally got old enough to defy her and let my hair grow long. It still is long.
You look amazing, you are pretty, hair or no hair.