I weeded my overgrown garden this morning. It wasnt tended all year. Now that the annual weeds are dying back, the grass is thriving. I have less than 1/4 off it roughly weeded in the last month. Garden is 9,000 sq ft, parts of it look like uncut lawn. I'm still hoping to get it all cleared up before snow.
You've motivated me to at least start thinking about some garden maintenance. At some point I need to do a clean out of both barns, spread it on the garden and put it all to bed by covering it with cardboard that I've been hoarding. Still waiting on seriously cooler weather.
I need to start hoarding cardboard! We burn so much cardboard every week! Peeling tape and labels off is a pain! I hoarded cardboard one year but never broke down the boxes or took the tape/label off so they ended up as a huge mess and were burned.
I'm having a frustrating day. DS6 stayed up late and has been tired/cranky/uncooperative. He has been chilling in time out for a half hour. (Time out is until he has calmed down, or is ready to do school, I don't time/enforce staying in time out because kids know when they are feeling better.) Our trip to library storytime is cancelled for today. Better luck next week! DS6 hasn't gotten enough social time with other kids. Playdates keep falling through, 4-H club hasn't started meetings yet, etc. One thing after another - frustrating!
Seasons are changing so that it's dark in the morning when we wake (6:30 a.m.). It's getting hard to wake up in the morning and even harder to wake kids up in the morning. I'm not looking forward to ending daylight savings time, it makes everything worse.
The school district's virtual charter school declined to enroll DS6 because him being out of elementary school is temporary (until COVID vaccines are available for age 5 - 11). But, they did print and bind the math curriculum the elementary school uses (several hundred pages!) for us to use, and sent a few other curriculum options home. DS6's classroom teacher let me know his classroom pace so I can keep DS6 on pace and ready to go back to his classroom after he is vaccinated.
DS14 was a close contact of someone with COVID at school (again). We've gotten emails, but this time public health traced it and the school nurse called me. Since he is vaccinated he doesn't have to quarantine. He had some minor cold symptoms so I tested him (in the recommended range) and his test was negative. The home test negatives are 91.7% accurate. He is symptom free now. I'm so thankful DH was able to find some home COVID test online! They are a high-demand item right now. I need to restock. We have to test every time DS14 gets any respiratory symptoms and every time we are contacted by the school that he was exposed.
I need an attitude adjustment too. I tried coffee.
I am feeling overwhelmed. I'm noticing a trend, I get overwhelmed on days I'm not cooking/cleaning. I gotta get to work and write a few pages first. Violin lesson, dentist appointments, grocery shopping - pretty sure the overwhelmed feeling is going to fester today.
I weeded in my garden for a couple hours. I'm getting gorgeous soil in the compost-in-place areas, but the crabgrass takes over on the edges of them.
I'm planning to move the decomposing wood chips from my path and make a raised/mound bed for carrots. Its so light and fluffy. Might be low nitrogen still from the wood chips, but it will get better every year.